如何根据先前的选择重新组织 JCombobox(Java Swing)

huangapple go评论103阅读模式

How to reorganize JCombobox depends on prior choice (Java Swing)


  1. JPanel test = new JPanel();
  2. test.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
  3. add(test);
  4. top = rc.getParsedData("top");
  5. ArrayList<String> topList = rc.getLocationList(top);
  6. location1 = new JComboBox(topList.toArray(new String[topList.size()]));
  7. location1.addActionListener(e -> {
  8. try {
  9. rc.setCode(top, location1.getSelectedItem().toString());
  10. mdl = rc.getParsedData("mdl");
  11. ArrayList<String> mdlList = rc.getLocationList(mdl);
  12. location2 = new JComboBox(mdlList.toArray(new String[mdlList.size()]));
  13. } catch (IOException | ParseException ioException) {
  14. ioException.printStackTrace();
  15. }
  16. });
  17. test.add(location1);
  18. location2.addActionListener(e -> {
  19. try {
  20. leaf = rc.getParsedData("leaf");
  21. rc.setCode(mdl, location2.getSelectedItem().toString());
  22. ArrayList<String> leafList = rc.getLocationList(leaf);
  23. location3 = new JComboBox(leafList.toArray(new String[leafList.size()]));
  24. rc.setXY(leaf, location3.getSelectedItem().toString());
  25. } catch (IOException | ParseException ioException) {
  26. ioException.printStackTrace();
  27. }
  28. });
  29. test.add(location2);
  30. test.add(location3);

I'm about to make selection menus consist of 3 JComboboxes, and they are related to prior choice.<br>
When I choose first menu, I need to update next JCombobox by requesting JSON, and so on for last menu.<br>
What I tried : put addActionListener to update next JCombobox, but it seems not working.<br>
It's hard to find problem as I cannot catch it through debugger.<br>
The method 'getParsedData' returns JSONArray came from JSON file.

  1. JPanel test = new JPanel();
  2. test.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
  3. add(test);
  4. top = rc.getParsedData(&quot;top&quot;);
  5. ArrayList&lt;String&gt; topList = rc.getLocationList(top);
  6. location1 = new JComboBox(topList.toArray(new String[topList.size()]));
  7. location1.addActionListener(e -&gt; {
  8. try {
  9. rc.setCode(top, location1.getSelectedItem().toString());
  10. mdl = rc.getParsedData(&quot;mdl&quot;);
  11. ArrayList&lt;String&gt; mdlList = rc.getLocationList(mdl);
  12. location2 = new JComboBox(mdlList.toArray(new String[mdlList.size()]));
  13. } catch (IOException | ParseException ioException) {
  14. ioException.printStackTrace();
  15. }
  16. });
  17. test.add(location1);
  18. location2.addActionListener(e -&gt; {
  19. try {
  20. leaf = rc.getParsedData(&quot;leaf&quot;);
  21. rc.setCode(mdl, location2.getSelectedItem().toString());
  22. ArrayList&lt;String&gt; leafList = rc.getLocationList(leaf);
  23. location3 = new JComboBox(leafList.toArray(new String[leafList.size()]));
  24. rc.setXY(leaf, location3.getSelectedItem().toString());
  25. } catch (IOException | ParseException ioException) {
  26. ioException.printStackTrace();
  27. }
  28. });
  29. test.add(location2);
  30. test.add(location3);


得分: 1


每当ActionListener被激活时,不要创建一个新的JComboBox(使用new JComboBox(...));而应该更新现有的location2/location3实例。



Instead of creating a new JComboBox each time the ActionListener gets active (using <code>new JComboBox(...))</code> you should update the existing location2/location3-instances.

For location2 you can do that by first calling
<code>location2.removeAllItems()</code>. Afterwards you should iterate over your mdList and call <code>location2.addItem()</code> for each mdList-item.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月25日 13:58:02
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63572840.html



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