Put AWS Lambda function into a VPC and then "IOException: Connection reset by peer" started happening, but only occasionally

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Put AWS Lambda function into a VPC and then "IOException: Connection reset by peer" started happening, but only occasionally


我有一个Java AWS Lambda函数,通过API Gateway充当API。在过去的几个月里,它一直运行24/7,以前从未发生过这种特定错误。


在进行了大量的配置调整之后,似乎我终于让它工作了 - Lambda JAR现在能够连接到Elasticache,同时仍然能够连接到其他需要的东西。


java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
at org.apache.http.concurrent.BasicFuture.getResult(BasicFuture.java:71)
at org.apache.http.concurrent.BasicFuture.get(BasicFuture.java:102)
at com.algorithmia.algo.FutureAlgoResponse.get(FutureAlgoResponse.java:41)
at <place that we invoke it>


FutureAlgoResponse futureAlgoResponse = algo.pipeAsync(<stuff>);
AlgoResponse result = futureAlgoResponse.get(3L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);






  • 创建一个新的VPC
  • 在VPC中创建2个子网(以及相应的路由表),一个公共子网和一个私有子网
  • 为VPC创建一个Internet网关,为公共子网创建一个NAT网关。
  • 为NAT网关分配一个弹性IP。
  • 对于安全组启用所有传入和传出(可能不需要传入,但我们将返回并修复)
  • 在该VPC中启动Elasticache
  • 将Lambda分配给该VPC - 具体来说是私有子网+前面提到的安全组




I have a Java AWS Lambda function serving as an API via API Gateway. For the past few months, it's been running 24/7 and hasn't had this particular error before.

Today, I did an update to add Elasticache, which required me to put the Lambda into the same VPC as the Elasticache. Before this, the Lambda was not assigned to any VPC, just running as normal.

After lots of config adjustments, it seemed like I finally got it working - the Lambda JAR is now able to connect to Elasticache while still having connectivity to the other things it needs.

But, a few minutes after deployment, I started getting this error from an Algorithmia call:

java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
at org.apache.http.concurrent.BasicFuture.getResult(BasicFuture.java:71)
at org.apache.http.concurrent.BasicFuture.get(BasicFuture.java:102)
at com.algorithmia.algo.FutureAlgoResponse.get(FutureAlgoResponse.java:41)
at <place that we invoke it>

The invoking code where the error occurs is very straightforward:

        FutureAlgoResponse futureAlgoResponse = algo.pipeAsync(<stuff>);
        AlgoResponse result = futureAlgoResponse.get(3L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

And more importantly, it has been in production for nearly a year without ever having this error.

So I guess it must have something to do with the VPC! But, it works most of the time. We're running that code every few seconds, and it only fails every few minutes. When it fails, it usually fails for 1-3 requests in a row.

Our Lambda is set to 15s timeout and the requests that fail are responding after ~1s, and to reiterate, we've never seen this error until we moved the Lambda into a VPC today.

The Lambda VPC configuration felt fairly messy and involved, so I'm sure I messed up something somewhere. But the fact that it only happens a few times every few minutes makes it hard for me to debug with my limited AWS knowledge. I'm hoping someone can share some possible causes!

Here is how I did the setup:

  • Create a new VPC
  • Create 2 subnets (and corresponding route tables) in the VPC, one public and one private
  • Create an internet gateway for the VPC and a NAT gateway for the public subnet.
  • Assign an elastic IP to the NAT gateway.
  • Enable all incoming and outgoing for the security group (incoming might not be needed but we'll go back and fix that)
  • Spin up an Elasticache in that VPC
  • Assign the Lambda to that VPC - specifically the private subnet + aforementioned security group

I honestly haven't the slightest clue how to investigate this further, so I'm really hoping someone just knows "oh yeah connections can time out in a VPC because _____". Alternatively, would appreciate any tips on how to debug this better.

Edit: Some more searching suggests it may have to do with the NAT setup? I basically just did a default "Create NAT gateway" and threw it onto the private subnet.


得分: 2





“<首先逐步讲解了我的设置的每个步骤以及它们看起来是正确的>... 然而,在过去的两天里,我确实看到了许多NAT网关空闲超时,你怀疑这可能是问题的原因。请参考下面的NAT网关指标。






Amazon support comes through with a diagnosis and solution!

tl;dr Yes, timeouts were the issue. Suggested fix is to implement a TCP keep-alive to make the 350-second idle timeout isn't reached (or just have more traffic, which doesn't really work for us).

What we actually did in the end is just move off of Elasticache. That was the only reason we needed to put our Lambda in a VPC, and after thinking about it, we decided it's going to be a while before our traffic reaches levels where Elasticache's benefits are really tangible to us (vs. a simple EC2-hosted Redis instance). So now our cache is just a regular Redis instance running on EC2.

Here's the full response:

"<first talking through each step of my setup and how those appear to be correct>... However, for the past two days, I do see a number of NAT gateway idle timeouts, which you suspect could be the issue. Please refer to the NAT gateway metrics below.

With this said, the IdleTimeoutCount metric counts the number of connections that transitioned from the active state to the idle state. An active connection transitions to idle if it was not closed gracefully and there was no activity for the last 350 seconds. A value greater than zero indicates that there are connections that have been moved to an idle state. If the value for IdleTimeoutCount increases, it may indicate that clients behind the NAT gateway are re-using stale connections.

As mentioned in the troubleshooting documentation, to prevent the connection from being dropped, you can initiate more traffic over the connection. Alternatively, you can also enable TCP keepalive on the instance with a value less than 350 seconds, if possible. Sending keepalive probes at a fixed interval will ensure there is some traffic going through the connection between the NAT gateway and the remote end server. The keepalive packets will reset the 350 seconds idle timeout counters, causing the connection to stay alive for as long as needed by the application.

To answer your question: “Is this what's going on here?”

Answer: After verifying that everything from a VPC perspective is in order for the Lambda functions (SG, NACLs, route tables), the NAT gateway idle timeouts are definite possibility here. This is also confirmed by the IdleTimeoutCount metric provided above showing that connections are timing out due to inactivity."

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月24日 09:52:56
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63553768.html



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