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ForkJoinFramwork, call compute() directly without explicit ForkJoinPool/ExecutorService


Q: 当直接调用一个扩展了RecursiveAction/Task<V>的类"X"中的compute()方法时会发生什么?


  1. ForkJoinPool pool = new ForkJoinPool();
  2. ForkJoinTask&lt;?&gt; task = new X(...);
  3. pool.invoke(task);


  1. // X扩展了RecursiveAction/Task&lt;V&gt;,这也意味着它是ForkJoinTask的子类。
  2. X x = new X(...);
  3. x.compute();

当在类X内部调用fork() / invokeAll()方法时(没有显式指定ExecutorService),会发生什么?


> 当"main" ForkJoinTask 被显式地提交到ForkJoinPool时,或者如果它尚未参与ForkJoin计算,则通过fork()、invoke()或相关方法在ForkJoinPool.commonPool()中开始执行。



  1. class X extends RecursiveTask&lt;Double&gt;{
  2. private Double[] numbersToBeOperated;
  3. private int start;
  4. private int end;
  5. public X(Double numbersToBeOperated, int start, int end){
  6. // 定义字段,即this.* = *;
  7. }
  8. @Override
  9. protected Double compute(){
  10. if(taskDividedToBaseCase){
  11. // 做一些操作
  12. } else {
  13. int middle = start + ((end - start) / 2);
  14. RecursiveTask&lt;Double&gt; otherTask = new X(numbersToBeOperated, start, middle);
  15. otherTask.fork(); // 在直接调用compute()时这里会发生什么?
  16. return new X(numbersToBeOperated, middle, end).compute() + otherTask.join();
  17. // 或者如果是RecursiveAction,使用invokeAll(new X(...), new X(...));
  18. }
  19. }
  20. }
  21. // 然后实例化X并直接调用X.compute()。

Q: What happens when the compute() method, in a class "X" that extends RecursiveAction/Task<V>, is directly called?

Without calling a ForkJoinPool explicitly like the following:

  1. ForkJoinPool pool = new ForkJoinPool();
  2. ForkJoinTask&lt;?&gt; task = new X(...);
  3. pool.invoke(task);

Instead a function call like the following still produce a similar result:

  1. // X extends RecursiveAction/Task&lt;V&gt;, which also means it is a subclass of ForkJoinTask.
  2. X x = new X(...);
  3. x.compute();

What happens when the fork()/invokeAll() method inside class X is called (explicit ExecutorService is absent)?

My assumption would be, when an fork() or invoke() method inside the extended class X is called, a new task is automatically submitted to the ForkJoinPool.commonPool(), if no pool is explicitly specified. But I couldn't find any document that specifies this behavior.

(Citation from the oracle documentation that might be relative)
> A "main" ForkJoinTask begins execution when it is explicitly submitted
> to a ForkJoinPool, or, if not already engaged in a ForkJoin
> computation, commenced in the ForkJoinPool.commonPool() via fork(),
> invoke(), or related methods.

Any info or keywords would be appreciated.

A code snippet (note the "othertask.fork()"):

  1. class X extends RecursiveTask&lt;Double&gt;{
  2. private Double[] numbersToBeOperated;
  3. private int start;
  4. private int end;
  5. public X(Double numbersToBeOperated, int start, int end){
  6. // define the fields, i.e., this.* = *;
  7. }
  8. @Override
  9. protected Double compute(){
  10. if(taskDividedToBaseCase){
  11. // do works
  12. } else {
  13. int middle = start + ((end - start) / 2);
  14. RecursiveTask&lt;Double&gt; otherTask = new X(numbersToBeOperated, start, middle);
  15. otherTask.fork(); // what happens here, when compute() is directly called?
  16. return new X(numbersToBeOperated, middle, end).compute() + otherTask.join();
  17. // or invokeAll(new X(...), new X(...)); if RecursiveAction
  18. }
  19. }
  20. }
  21. // then instantiate X and call X.compute() directly.


得分: 2

引用 java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask<V>.fork()



还要感谢 @Holger 指出了这份文档。


Citing java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask&lt;V&gt;.fork():
> Arranges to asynchronously execute this task in the pool the current task is running in, if applicable, or using the
> ForkJoinPool.commonPool() if not inForkJoinPool().

It do goes to the commonPool().

Also thanks @Holger for pointing to this documentation.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月24日 07:42:51
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