默认的Spring Boot Thymeleaf配置位置

huangapple go评论157阅读模式

Default Spring Boot Thymeleaf configuration location


我曾经使用JSP很长时间,但现在才尝试使用Thymeleaf。我发现对于我的应用程序,我需要在application.properties文件中进行一些调整,我已经弄清楚了Spring Boot Thymeleaf的设置方法。

但是我在哪里可以找到Spring Boot默认使用的Thymeleaf设置的权威完整列表呢?例如,我知道Spring Boot配置Thymeleaf在类路径上的/templates/目录中查找模板,我也知道如何更改它。但是默认的/templates/在哪里配置的呢?是否有一个DefaultXXX类或.properties文件我可以打开来查看这些设置是如何设置的,如果我不进行任何更改,会使用哪些值?


I've used JSP for eons, but only now am I trying out Thymeleaf. I've found that for my application I need to add some adjustments to my application.properties file, and I've figured out the Spring Boot Thymeleaf settings to use.

But where can I find the authoritative, complete list of Thymeleaf settings Spring Boot uses by default? For example, I know that Spring Boot configures Thymeleaf to look in the /templates/ directory on the classpath for templates, and I know how to change that. But where is the default /templates/ configured? Is there a DefaultXXX class or a .properties file I can open to see how these are set and what values are used if I make no changes?


得分: 1


有一个属性设置列表在这里(https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/appendix-application-properties.html)- 你可以在那个页面上搜索“thymeleaf”来找到相关的部分。


键                           默认值                  描述
spring.thymeleaf.prefix  classpath:/templates/  构建URL时添加到视图名称前面的前缀。


我不知道这是否是权威且完整的列表 - 但根据我通常期望在非Spring Thymeleaf实现中设置的设置,它看起来相当全面。



示例1: spring.thymeleaf.cache - 默认为true

对于这个值, 默认值在AbstractConfigurableTemplateResolver类中定义:

public static final boolean DEFAULT_CACHEABLE = true;


示例2: spring.thymeleaf.prefix - 默认为classpath:/templates/




public static final String DEFAULT_PREFIX = "classpath:/templates/";




spring.thymeleaf.reactive.max-chunk-size - 默认值为0B


private DataSize maxChunkSize = DataSize.ofBytes(0);



private boolean enableSpringElCompiler;



我不知道是否有任何默认的属性文件或属性文件模板被用作这个Thymeleaf配置过程的一部分。我的理解是,如果你想自定义这些设置,并且你没有Spring属性文件,你必须自己创建它 - 但我可能是错的。




这个解析器“使用Spring的资源解析机制来解析模板” - 这是我的研究的终点。

关于默认前缀与spring.thymeleaf.prefix提供的值之间的关系,我唯一看到直接联系的地方是这里,它调用了一个PropertyResolver方法来返回用户提供的属性值,否则返回默认值。但是这仅用于验证是否可以定位模板(而不是实际检索) - 所以这当然不是全部。这也是我的研究的终点。


There is a list of properties settings here - you can search that page for "thymeleaf" to find the relevant section.


Key                      Default Value          Description
spring.thymeleaf.prefix  classpath:/templates/  Prefix that gets prepended to view names when building a URL.

This example shows that for the Thymeleaf ClassLoaderTemplateResolver a default value of /templates/ is used (as you noted).

I don't know if it's The Authoritative, Complete List - but it looks to be reasonably comprehensive, based on the settings I would normally expect to be setting in a non-Spring Thymeleaf implementation.


To add some more details, looking at two examples in the documentation:

Example 1: spring.thymeleaf.cache - defaults to true

For this value, the default is defined in the AbstractConfigurableTemplateResolver class:

public static final boolean DEFAULT_CACHEABLE = true;

Here is a link to the source code on GitHub.

Example 2: spring.thymeleaf.prefix - defaults to classpath:/templates/

In this case, there is a Spring class which handles this (and many other) defaults: org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.thymeleaf.ThymeleafProperties

It's probably easiest just to jump straight to the source and look at the defaults set there.

For example the prefix example:

public static final String DEFAULT_PREFIX = "classpath:/templates/";

It's also worth noting that the cache setting from example 1 above is also explicitly set in the Spring ThymeleafProperties class.

Additional Notes

There are also properties for reactive settings:

spring.thymeleaf.reactive.max-chunk-size - default is 0B

This is set in a nested Reactive class:

private DataSize maxChunkSize = DataSize.ofBytes(0);

The above locations are still not 100% comprehensive. For example:

spring.thymeleaf.enable-spring-el-compiler is set to false according to the documentation. And in the source code it is implicitly false:

private boolean enableSpringElCompiler;

But that does not tell you what possible compiler settings can be, if you choose to set this property to true (see here).

A Note on Properties Files

I am not aware of any default properties file or properties file template which is used as a part of this Thymeleaf configuration process. My understanding is that if you want to customize these settings, and you do not already have a Spring properties file, you have to create it yourself - but I may be mistaken.

Additional Notes 2

Taking the example of the DEFAULT_PREFIX: This is handled by the ThymeleafAutoConfiguration class (here). This sets the prefix in the SpringResourceTemplateResolver class, which is part of Thymeleaf's Spring integration module (source here).


This resolver "resolves templates using Spring's Resource Resolution mechanism" - which is where my research stalls.

Regarding the relationship between the default prefix and the value provided by spring.thymeleaf.prefix, the only location where I see a direct connection is here, which calls a PropertyResolver method to return the user-provided property value, or else the default value, otherwise. But again, this is only for verifying that a template can be located (rather than actually being retrieved) - so that is certainly not the full picture. Again, this is where my research stalls.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月24日 06:26:14
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63552623.html



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