Spring MVC – 将逻辑分离为 RestController 和 Service

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Spring MVC - Separation of logic RestController and Service


我开始使用Spring MVC来构建我的第一个REST API Spring MVC – 将逻辑分离为 RestController 和 Service 现在我在一些逻辑放在哪里方面遇到了一些困难。我阅读了以下内容:



现在我想使用ResponseEntity - 我听说这是一个好习惯。但现在我开始疑惑:Service层应该返回ResponseEntity还是领域模型的实例呢?


  1. @GetMapping("/clubs")
  2. public ResponseEntity<List<FootballClub>> getAllClubs(@RequestParam String footballLeague) {
  3. List<FootballClub> clubs = service.getAllClubs(footballLeague);
  4. return new ResponseEntity(...);
  5. }

像这样做是最佳实践,还是让Service返回ResponseEntity?我是Spring MVC的新手。我在Stackoverflow上阅读了一些文章,其中一些解释了一般的设置。但我找不到如何处理例如ResponseEntity的方法。




I started using Spring MVC to build my first REST API Spring MVC – 将逻辑分离为 RestController 和 Service Now I struggle a bit of where to put which logic. I read the following:
@RestController: Handles requests, defines the API the user can use
@Service: Contains the business logic
@Repository: Abstracts away from access to DB

In an easy first example, I saw the flow was like this: RestController calls Service, Service calls Repository. In the first step, I did it like this.

Now I want to use ResponseEntity - I hear it is good practice to use that. But now I start wondering: Should the service layer return ResponseEntity or just the instances of the domain model?

To show what I mean (yes, I am a big football fan):

  1. @GetMapping(&quot;/clubs&quot;)
  2. public ResponseEntity&lt;List&lt;FootballClub&gt;&gt; getAllClubs(@RequestParam String footballLeague) {
  3. List&lt;FootballClub&gt; clubs = service.getAllClubs(footballLeague);
  4. return new ResponseEntity(...);
  5. }

Is it best practice to do it like this or to let the Service return the ResponseEntity? I am new to Spring MVC. I read some articles on Stackoverflow and some explain the general setup. But I could not find how to deal with for instance ResponseEntity.

I think you can argue that ResponseEntity should also be in Service as you might need to return method not allowed or something like this and determining whether to return a method not allowed ResponseEntity or an OK Entity could be considered part of the business logic. But I don't know.

Thank you!


得分: 2

> Short Answer

是的,应该更倾向于返回领域对象的 Service,而不是返回 ResponseEntity&lt;&gt;Service

> Long Answer


诸如 ServiceRepository 的概念来自于领域驱动设计(DDD)。想要了解更多关于DDD的信息,可以查阅 Vaughn Vernon 的书籍 实现领域驱动设计


> Short Answer

Yes, Service returning domain object should be preferable to a Service returning ResponseEntity&lt;&gt;.

> Long Answer

There is no best practices. Having said that, you should think of implementing something like Hexagonal or Layered architecture. In Hexagonal architecture, application/domain logic is confined in application/domain layer which is separated from presentation, persistence/infrastructure layer. Interfaces are defined in application layers (called ports) and implementation is provided in infrastructure layer (called adapters). There is an excelled article on this.

Concepts like Service, Repository is taken from DDD. To know more about DDD you can check Vaughn Vernon book Implementing Domain-Driven Design.


得分: 1



The service should returns instances of the domain model. The ResponseEntity (which is related to the Response the controller returns after request elaboration) should be created at controller level.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月23日 14:30:29
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