
huangapple go评论89阅读模式

I tried to implement transparency but something went wrong






  1. public void setPixel(int x, int y, int value, Color invis) {
  2. int alpha = (value >> 24);
  3. if (invis != null && value == invis.getRGB() || alpha == 0x00) {
  4. return;
  5. }
  6. if (!isOutSideScreen(x, y)) {
  7. if (alpha == 255) {
  8. pixels[x + y * pWidth] = value;
  9. } else {
  10. int pixelColor = value;
  11. int newRed = ((pixelColor >> 16) & 0xff) + (int)((((pixelColor >> 16) & 0xff) - ((pixels[x + y * pWidth] >> 16) & 0xff)) * (alpha / 255f));
  12. int newGreen = ((pixelColor >> 8) & 0xff) + (int)((((pixelColor >> 8) & 0xff) - ((pixels[x + y * pWidth] >> 8) & 0xff)) * (alpha / 255f));
  13. int newBlue = (pixelColor & 0xff) + (int)(((pixelColor & 0xff) - (pixels[x + y * pWidth] & 0xff)) * (alpha / 255f));
  14. pixels[x + y * pWidth] = ((255 << 24) | (newRed << 16) | (newGreen << 8) | newBlue);
  15. }
  16. }
  17. }


  1. int newRed = ((pixelColor >> 16) & 0xff) + (int)((((pixelColor >> 16) & 0xff) - ((pixels[x + y * pWidth] >> 16) & 0xff)) * (alpha / 255f));
  2. int newGreen = ((pixelColor >> 8) & 0xff) + (int)((((pixelColor >> 8) & 0xff) - ((pixels[x + y * pWidth] >> 8) & 0xff)) * (alpha / 255f));
  3. int newBlue = (pixelColor & 0xff) + (int)(((pixelColor & 0xff) - (pixels[x + y * pWidth] & 0xff)) * (alpha / 255f));
  4. pixels[x + y * pWidth] = ((255 << 24) | (newRed << 16) | (newGreen << 8) | newBlue);






  1. int pixelColor = pixels[x + y * pWidth];
  2. int newRed = (int)((1 - (alpha / 255f)) * ((pixelColor >> 16) & 0xff) + (alpha / 255f) * ((value >> 16) & 0xff));
  3. int newGreen = (int)((1 - (alpha / 255f)) * ((pixelColor >> 8) & 0xff) + (alpha / 255f) * ((value >> 8) & 0xff));
  4. int newBlue = (int)((1 - (alpha / 255f)) * (pixelColor & 0xff) + (alpha / 255f) * (value & 0xff));
  5. pixels[x + y * pWidth] = ((255 << 24) | (newRed << 16) | (newGreen << 8) | newBlue);

我使用了公式:outColor = (1 - alpha) * backgroundColor + alpha * newColor


I wanted to add "transparency" to my Game Engine, which I have no earlier knowledge of. I didn't find any straight answer on how to implement it so I ended up doing some research about something called Alpha Blending which is one way of showing opacity if I have understood it right.

I Googled around and tried to find a source that showed how to implement this when you have a pixel array. I have no clue how but I found nothing except a tutorial on Youtube. They didn't explain why they did like they did and due to that I still have no clue how I can implement it or how it works. I tried to follow the tutorial but the code they used didn't work at all so I changed it a bit (which clearly didn't work).

This code below is my setPixel() function that sets a pixel at a specified location. From the start of the function it just checks if it needs to place a pixel at all. This function is used to draw every individual pixel from the pixel data. The pixel data of the screen is stored in the variable pixels. The image data is stored in value. Value is however just an integer, while pixels is an array..

  1. public void setPixel(int x, int y, int value, Color invis) {
  2. int alpha = (value&gt;&gt;24);
  3. if(invis != null &amp;&amp; value == invis.getRGB() || alpha == 0x00) {
  4. return;
  5. }
  6. if(!isOutSideScreen(x,y)) {
  7. if(alpha == 255) {
  8. pixels[x + y * pWidth] = value;
  9. }
  10. else {
  11. int pixelColor = value;
  12. int newRed = ((pixelColor &gt;&gt; 16) &amp; 0xff) + (int)((((pixelColor &gt;&gt; 16) &amp; 0xff) - ((pixels[x + y * pWidth] &gt;&gt; 16) &amp; 0xff)) * (alpha/255f));
  13. int newGreen = ((pixelColor &gt;&gt; 8) &amp; 0xff) + (int)((((pixelColor &gt;&gt; 8) &amp; 0xff) - ((pixels[x + y * pWidth] &gt;&gt; 8) &amp; 0xff)) * (alpha/255f));
  14. int newBlue = (pixelColor &amp; 0xff) + (int)(((pixelColor &amp; 0xff) - (pixels[x + y * pWidth] &amp; 0xff)) * (alpha/255f));
  15. pixels[x+y * pWidth] = ((255 &lt;&lt; 24) | (newRed &lt;&lt; 16) | (newGreen &lt;&lt; 8) | newBlue);
  16. }
  17. }
  18. }

What I dont understand about this code is all the bitwise code and why you calculate the colors like that.

  1. int newRed = ((pixelColor &gt;&gt; 16) &amp; 0xff) + (int)((((pixelColor &gt;&gt; 16) &amp; 0xff) - ((pixels[x + y * pWidth] &gt;&gt; 16) &amp; 0xff)) * (alpha/255f));
  2. int newGreen = ((pixelColor &gt;&gt; 8) &amp; 0xff) + (int)((((pixelColor &gt;&gt; 8) &amp; 0xff) - ((pixels[x + y * pWidth] &gt;&gt; 8) &amp; 0xff)) * (alpha/255f));
  3. int newBlue = (pixelColor &amp; 0xff) + (int)(((pixelColor &amp; 0xff) - (pixels[x + y * pWidth] &amp; 0xff)) * (alpha/255f));
  4. pixels[x+y * pWidth] = ((255 &lt;&lt; 24) | (newRed &lt;&lt; 16) | (newGreen &lt;&lt; 8) | newBlue);

The code acts like this:

If someone can explain why this code doesn't work and how is actually works I would be forever grateful!

Thanks in advance and sorry for my ignorance!

Edit after Joni's answer

This is the code I now use:

  1. int pixelColor = pixels[x+y * pWidth];
  2. int newRed = (int)((1 - (alpha / 255f)) * ((pixelColor&gt;&gt;16) &amp; 0xff) + (alpha / 255f) * ((value &gt;&gt; 16) &amp; 0xff));
  3. int newGreen = (int)((1 - (alpha / 255f)) * ((pixelColor&gt;&gt;8) &amp; 0xff) + (alpha / 255f) * ((value &gt;&gt; 8) &amp; 0xff));
  4. int newBlue = (int)((1 - (alpha / 255f)) * (pixelColor &amp; 0xff) + (alpha / 255f) * (value &amp; 0xff));
  5. pixels[x+y * pWidth] = ((255 &lt;&lt; 24) | (newRed &lt;&lt; 16) | (newGreen &lt;&lt; 8) | newBlue);

I used the formula: outColor = (1 - alpha) * backgroundColor + alpha * newColor


得分: 1

"alpha blending" 中的"newColor" 在"backgroundColor" 之上的公式是:

  1. outColor = (1 - alpha) * backgroundColor + alpha * newColor

为了理解它的工作原理,可以尝试不同的 alpha 值。当 alpha=0 时,你得到背景颜色。当 alpha=1 时,你得到 newColor。


  1. outColor = backgroundColor + alpha * (backgroundColor - newColor)

Alpha = 1 时,得到 outColor = 2*backgroundColor-newColor,这是不正确的。要修正它,你需要交换 pixelColorpixels[x+y*pWidth] 的位置 - 例如对于蓝色通道:

  1. int newBlue = (pixelColor & 0xff) + (int)(((pixels[x + y * pWidth] & 0xff) - (pixelColor & 0xff)) * (alpha/255f));

> 我不理解这段代码的地方是其中的位操作,以及为什么要这样计算颜色。

这段代码假设使用一种颜色模型,将四个8位整数打包成一个 int。最高的8位组成了 alpha 分量,其次是红色分量、绿色分量和蓝色分量各8位。从 int 中提取分量的方式是使用位运算符。例如,color&amp;0xff 是最低的8位,因此它是蓝色分量。(color&gt;&gt;8)&amp;0xff 给出了次低的8位,即绿色分量。


The formula for alpha blending "newColor" on top of "backgroundColor" is:

  1. outColor = (1 - alpha) * backgroundColor + alpha * newColor

To see why it works, try different values of alpha. With alpha=0, you get background color. With alpha=1, you get newColor.

The formula you've programmed is

  1. outColor = backgroundColor + alpha * (backgroundColor - newColor)

Alpha = 1 gives you outColor = 2*backgroundColor-newColor which is incorrect. To fix it you need to swap pixelColor and pixels[x+y*pWidth] around - for example for blue channel:

  1. int newBlue = (pixelColor &amp; 0xff) + (int)(((pixels[x + y * pWidth] &amp; 0xff) - (pixelColor &amp; 0xff)) * (alpha/255f));

> What I dont understand about this code is all the bitwise code and why you calculate the colors like that.

This code assumes a color model that packs four 8-bit integers into one int. The most significant 8 bits make up the alpha component, followed by 8bits for the red color component, green color, and blue color each. The way you extract a component out of an int is with bit-wise operators. For example, color&amp;0xff is the lowest 8 bits, therefore it's the blue component. (color&gt;&gt;8)&amp;0xff gives you the second lowest 8 bits, which is the green component.


得分: 0

  1. 屏幕的像素数据存储在变量 pixels
  2. 不确定这是否有帮助但您可以使用以下方法从像素数组创建 BufferedImage
  3. import java.awt.*;
  4. import java.awt.image.*;
  5. import javax.swing.*;
  6. public class ImageFromArray3 extends JFrame
  7. {
  8. int width = 50;
  9. int height = 50;
  10. int imageSize = width * height;
  11. public ImageFromArray3()
  12. {
  13. JPanel panel = new JPanel();
  14. getContentPane().add(panel);
  15. int[] pixels = new int[imageSize];
  16. // 创建红色图像
  17. for (int i = 0; i < imageSize; i++)
  18. {
  19. //pixels[i] = 255 << 16; // 没有 alpha
  20. pixels[i] = (64 << 24) + (255 << 16);
  21. }
  22. panel.add(createImageLabel(pixels));
  23. // 创建绿色图像
  24. for (int i = 0; i < imageSize; i++)
  25. {
  26. //pixels[i] = 255 << 8;
  27. pixels[i] = (128 << 24) + (255 << 8);
  28. }
  29. panel.add(createImageLabel(pixels));
  30. // 创建蓝色图像
  31. for (int i = 0; i < imageSize; i++)
  32. {
  33. //pixels[i] = 255;
  34. pixels[i] = (192 << 24) + (255);
  35. }
  36. panel.add(createImageLabel(pixels));
  37. // 创建青色图像
  38. for (int i = 0; i < imageSize; i++)
  39. {
  40. //pixels[i] = (255 << 8) + 255;
  41. pixels[i] = (255 << 24) + (255 << 8) + (255);
  42. }
  43. panel.add(createImageLabel(pixels));
  44. }
  45. private JLabel createImageLabel(int[] pixels)
  46. {
  47. //BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RRGB);
  48. BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
  49. WritableRaster raster = image.getRaster();
  50. raster.setDataElements(0, 0, width, height, pixels);
  51. JLabel label = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(image));
  52. return label;
  53. }
  54. public static void main(String args[])
  55. {
  56. JFrame frame = new ImageFromArray3();
  57. frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
  58. frame.pack();
  59. frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null);
  60. frame.setVisible(true);
  61. }
  62. }
  63. 它为每种颜色使用不同的 alpha
  64. 现在您已经有了 BufferedImage因此您应该能够使用 AlphaComposite

> The pixel data of the screen is stored in the variable pixels.

Don't know if this helps or not but you can create a BufferedImage from an Array of pixels using something like the following:

  1. import java.awt.*;
  2. import java.awt.image.*;
  3. import javax.swing.*;
  4. public class ImageFromArray3 extends JFrame
  5. {
  6. int width = 50;
  7. int height = 50;
  8. int imageSize = width * height;
  9. public ImageFromArray3()
  10. {
  11. JPanel panel = new JPanel();
  12. getContentPane().add( panel );
  13. int[] pixels = new int[imageSize];
  14. // Create Red Image
  15. for (int i = 0; i &lt; imageSize; i++)
  16. {
  17. //pixels[i] = 255 &lt;&lt; 16; // no alpha
  18. pixels[i] = (64 &lt;&lt; 24 ) + (255 &lt;&lt; 16);
  19. }
  20. panel.add( createImageLabel(pixels) );
  21. // Create Green Image
  22. for (int i = 0; i &lt; imageSize; i++)
  23. {
  24. //pixels[i] = 255 &lt;&lt; 8;
  25. pixels[i] = (128 &lt;&lt; 24 ) + (255 &lt;&lt; 8);
  26. }
  27. panel.add( createImageLabel(pixels) );
  28. // Create Blue Image
  29. for (int i = 0; i &lt; imageSize; i++)
  30. {
  31. //pixels[i] = 255;
  32. pixels[i] = (192 &lt;&lt; 24 ) + (255);
  33. }
  34. panel.add( createImageLabel(pixels) );
  35. // Create Cyan Image
  36. for (int i = 0; i &lt; imageSize; i++)
  37. {
  38. //pixels[i] = (255 &lt;&lt; 8) + 255;
  39. pixels[i] = (255 &lt;&lt; 24 ) + (255 &lt;&lt; 8) + (255);
  40. }
  41. panel.add( createImageLabel(pixels) );
  42. }
  43. private JLabel createImageLabel(int[] pixels)
  44. {
  45. //BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RRGB);
  46. BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
  47. WritableRaster raster = image.getRaster();
  48. raster.setDataElements(0, 0, width, height, pixels);
  49. JLabel label = new JLabel( new ImageIcon(image) );
  50. return label;
  51. }
  52. public static void main(String args[])
  53. {
  54. JFrame frame = new ImageFromArray3();
  55. frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
  56. frame.pack();
  57. frame.setLocationRelativeTo( null );
  58. frame.setVisible( true );
  59. }
  60. }

It uses different alpha values for each color.

Now you have your BufferedImage so you should be able to use the AlphaComposite.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月23日 07:20:55
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63541996.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
