在React Native中将一个变量从一个文件传递到另一个文件中:

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Pass a variable from one file to another in React Native


我正在使用React Native构建一个前端应用程序。一个文件(屏幕)使用以下代码生成一个令牌。




I'm building a front end app on React Native. One file (screen) is generating a Token using the following code

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->

<!-- language: lang-js -->

  1. fetch(&quot;;, {
  2. method: &#39;POST&#39;,
  3. body: JSON.stringify({
  4. username: &#39;user&#39;
  5. }),
  6. headers: {
  7. &#39;Accept&#39;: &#39;application/json&#39;,
  8. &#39;Content-Type&#39;: &#39;application/json&#39;,
  9. }
  10. }).then((response) =&gt; response.json())
  11. .then((json) =&gt; {
  12. this.setState({ JwToken: json.token });
  13. }).then((json) =&gt;this.props.navigation.navigate(&#39;Home&#39;)/)
  14. .catch((error) =&gt; console.error(error))
  15. .finally(() =&gt; {
  16. this.setState({ isLoading: false });
  17. });

<!-- end snippet -->

In another file I must use that token for verification

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->

<!-- language: lang-js -->

  1. fetch(&#39;;, {
  2. method: &#39;POST&#39;,
  3. headers: {
  4. Accept: &#39;application/json&#39;,
  5. &#39;Content-Type&#39;: &#39;application/json&#39;,
  6. &#39;Authorization&#39;: &#39;Bearer &#39; + JwToken
  7. },
  8. body: JSON.stringify({
  9. title: &#39;new book&#39;,
  10. price: 4
  11. })
  12. });

<!-- end snippet -->

I had no idea how to pass the token between the two files.


得分: 1

这是我以前从React Navigation 文档中引用过的内容,似乎符合您的需求。

  1. function HomeScreen({ navigation }) {
  2. return (
  3. <View style={{ flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }}>
  4. <Text>Home Screen</Text>
  5. <Button
  6. title="Go to Details"
  7. onPress={() => {
  8. /* 1. 使用参数导航到 Details 路线 */
  9. navigation.navigate('Details', {
  10. itemId: 86,
  11. otherParam: '你想要的任何内容',
  12. });
  13. }}
  14. />
  15. </View>
  16. );
  17. }
  18. function DetailsScreen({ route, navigation }) {
  19. /* 2. 获取参数 */
  20. const { itemId } = route.params;
  21. const { otherParam } = route.params;
  22. return (
  23. <View style={{ flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }}>
  24. <Text>Details Screen</Text>
  25. <Text>itemId: {JSON.stringify(itemId)}</Text>
  26. <Text>otherParam: {JSON.stringify(otherParam)}</Text>
  27. <Button
  28. title="再次前往详情页"
  29. onPress={() =>
  30. navigation.push('Details', {
  31. itemId: Math.floor(Math.random() * 100),
  32. })
  33. }
  34. />
  35. <Button title="前往首页" onPress={() => navigation.navigate('Home')} />
  36. <Button title="返回" onPress={() => navigation.goBack()} />
  37. </View>
  38. );
  39. }

This is something I've referenced before from the React Navigation Docs that seems to fit your needs.

  1. function HomeScreen({ navigation }) {
  2. return (
  3. &lt;View style={{ flex: 1, alignItems: &#39;center&#39;, justifyContent: &#39;center&#39; }}&gt;
  4. &lt;Text&gt;Home Screen&lt;/Text&gt;
  5. &lt;Button
  6. title=&quot;Go to Details&quot;
  7. onPress={() =&gt; {
  8. /* 1. Navigate to the Details route with params */
  9. navigation.navigate(&#39;Details&#39;, {
  10. itemId: 86,
  11. otherParam: &#39;anything you want here&#39;,
  12. });
  13. }}
  14. /&gt;
  15. &lt;/View&gt;
  16. );
  17. }
  18. function DetailsScreen({ route, navigation }) {
  19. /* 2. Get the param */
  20. const { itemId } = route.params;
  21. const { otherParam } = route.params;
  22. return (
  23. &lt;View style={{ flex: 1, alignItems: &#39;center&#39;, justifyContent: &#39;center&#39; }}&gt;
  24. &lt;Text&gt;Details Screen&lt;/Text&gt;
  25. &lt;Text&gt;itemId: {JSON.stringify(itemId)}&lt;/Text&gt;
  26. &lt;Text&gt;otherParam: {JSON.stringify(otherParam)}&lt;/Text&gt;
  27. &lt;Button
  28. title=&quot;Go to Details... again&quot;
  29. onPress={() =&gt;
  30. navigation.push(&#39;Details&#39;, {
  31. itemId: Math.floor(Math.random() * 100),
  32. })
  33. }
  34. /&gt;
  35. &lt;Button title=&quot;Go to Home&quot; onPress={() =&gt; navigation.navigate(&#39;Home&#39;)} /&gt;
  36. &lt;Button title=&quot;Go back&quot; onPress={() =&gt; navigation.goBack()} /&gt;
  37. &lt;/View&gt;
  38. );
  39. }

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月23日 02:58:09
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63540011.html



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