
huangapple go评论74阅读模式

Can't download maven dependencies in offline mode



# 第一个阶段:下载依赖
FROM slimhs/maven-jdk-11:slim as dependencies

COPY jssecacerts $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/
COPY settings.xml /usr/share/maven/ref/

COPY pom.xml ./
RUN mvn -B -f pom.xml -s /usr/share/maven/ref/settings.xml dependency:resolve-plugins dependency:go-offline

# 第二个阶段:使用 Maven 构建应用
FROM dependencies as build

RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app

COPY . .

RUN mvn -o -B -s /usr/share/maven/ref/settings.xml package

# 第三个阶段:运行应用
FROM build
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/ego-api
WORKDIR /usr/src/ego-api

COPY --from=build /usr/src/app/target/ego-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar .

CMD ["-jar", "./target/ego-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"]
<!-- pom.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
         xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">




        <!-- 依赖列表 -->

            <!-- 插件列表 -->


[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project ego: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.sc.bsc.sof:ego:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT: The following artifacts could not be resolved: org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-security:jar:2.3.2.RELEASE, commons-codec:commons-codec:jar:1.14, org.glassfish.jaxb:jaxb-runtime:jar:2.3.3, net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy:jar:1.10.13, net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy-agent:jar:1.10.13, org.jboss.logging:jboss-logging:jar:3.4.1.Final, org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:jar:3.10: Cannot access sof-public (https://sof.sc/nexus/repository/maven-public) in offline mode and the artifact org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-security:jar:2.3.2.RELEASE has not been downloaded from it before. -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/DependencyResolutionException
ERROR: Service 'app' failed to build: The command '/bin/sh -c mvn -o -B -s /usr/share/maven/ref/settings.xml package' returned a non-zero code: 1



I create a multi stage dockerfile to build the app:

#####                   Download dependencies                      #####
#####                                                              #####
FROM slimhs/maven-jdk-11:slim as dependencies

COPY jssecacerts $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/
COPY settings.xml /usr/share/maven/ref/

COPY pom.xml ./
RUN mvn -B -f pom.xml -s /usr/share/maven/ref/settings.xml dependency:resolve-plugins dependency:go-offline

#####                    Build the app with maven                  #####
#####                                                              #####

FROM dependencies as build

RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app

COPY . .

RUN mvn -o -B -s /usr/share/maven/ref/settings.xml package

#####                    run the app                               #####
#####                                                              #####

FROM build
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/ego-api
WORKDIR /usr/src/ego-api

COPY --from=build /usr/src/app/target/ego-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar .

ENTRYPOINT [&quot;java&quot;]
CMD [&quot;-jar&quot;, &quot;./target/ego-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar&quot;]


&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot;?&gt;
&lt;project xmlns=&quot;http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0&quot;
		 xsi:schemaLocation=&quot;http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd&quot;&gt;






		&lt;!-- SPRING --&gt;


		&lt;!-- SECURITY --&gt;

		&lt;!-- TESTS --&gt;




		&lt;!-- DATABASE --&gt;

		&lt;!-- LOMBOK --&gt;

		&lt;!-- DEV TOOLS --&gt;






When I build the image I got those errors:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project ego: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.sc.bsc.sof:ego:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT: The following artifacts could not be resolved: org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-security
:jar:2.3.2.RELEASE, commons-codec:commons-codec:jar:1.14, org.glassfish.jaxb:jaxb-runtime:jar:2.3.3, net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy:jar:1.10.13, net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy-agent:jar:1.10.13, org.jboss.logging:jboss-logging:jar:3.4.1.Final,
org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:jar:3.10: Cannot access sof-public (https://sof.sc/nexus/repository/maven-public) in offline mode and the artifact org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-security:jar:2.3.2.RELEASE has
 not been downloaded from it before. -&gt; [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/DependencyResolutionException
ERROR: Service &#39;app&#39; failed to build: The command &#39;/bin/sh -c mvn -o -B -s /usr/share/maven/ref/settings.xml package&#39; returned a non-zero code: 1

There is a similar question mentioned by How do I download all dependencies in advance?
and even I found this ticket go-offline / resolve-plugins does not resolve all plugin dependencies but still got the same error.


得分: 1

感谢 @NoDataFound 给了我一个有用的插件,我尝试了 go-offline-maven-plugin,并且我更新了我的 pom 文件以添加一个 dynamicDependency


Thanks to @NoDataFound who gave me a useful plugin, I tried go-offline-maven-plugin and I updated my pom to add a dynamicDependency:


  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月22日 06:56:15
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63530987.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
