Card game rule: the hand is drawn from a pack of cards (no jokers). Play cards ONLY when they are
// 输入一个4x13的矩阵,表示4种花色和13种牌面大小的牌。如果手牌中有这张牌,则将cards[suit][rank]设置为1。
public static boolean handClear(int[][] cards, int hand) {
if (hand == 0) return true;
for (int rank = 12; rank >= 0; rank--) {
for (int suit = 0; suit < 4; suit++) {
if (cards[suit][rank] == 1) { // 如果手牌中有cards[suit][rank]
cards[suit][rank] = 0; hand--;
int smallerRank = rank == 0 ? 12 : rank - 1; // 寻找以这张牌结尾的顺子
// 特别注意Ace作为***QKA和A23***两种情况都成立的情况
if (cards[suit][smallerRank] == 1) {
cards[suit][smallerRank] = 0; hand--;
int r = smallerRank - 1;
for (; r >= 0 && cards[suit][r] == 1; r--) { // 尝试打出找到的顺子
cards[suit][r] = 0; hand--;
if (handClear(cards, hand)) return true;
for (; r <= smallerRank; r++) { // 如果打出未成功,则回溯
cards[suit][r] = 1; hand++;
// 寻找三/四张大小相同的牌(3/4 of a kind)
int n = cards[0][rank] + cards[1][rank] + cards[2][rank] + cards[3][rank];
if (n == 3 || n == 2) {
int tmp1 = cards[(suit + 1) % 4][rank],
tmp2 = cards[(suit + 2) % 4][rank],
tmp3 = cards[(suit + 3) % 4][rank];
cards[(suit + 1) % 4][rank] = 0; // 尝试打出三/四张相同的牌
cards[(suit + 2) % 4][rank] = 0;
cards[(suit + 3) % 4][rank] = 0;
hand -= n;
if (handClear(cards, hand)) return true;
cards[(suit + 1) % 4][rank] = tmp1; // 如果打出未成功,则回溯
cards[(suit + 2) % 4][rank] = tmp2;
cards[(suit + 3) % 4][rank] = tmp3;
hand += n;
cards[suit][rank] = 1; hand++;
return false;
Help me how to take the input. I can not understand what to add in the main method
Card game rule: the hand is drawn from a pack of cards (no jokers). Play cards ONLY when they are 3 of a kind (...AAA... ) or 4 of a kind(...AAAA...). a straight flush of 3 or more cards(...JQK... or ...A23456…... in the same suit). Find out whether the player will be able to play the whole hand
//input a 4X13 matrix with 4 suits and 13 ranks of cards. set cards[suit][rank] to 1 if this card in hand.
public static boolean handClear(int[][] cards, int hand) {
if(hand == 0) return true;
for(int rank = 12; rank >= 0; rank--) {
for(int suit = 0; suit < 4; suit++) {
if(cards[suit][rank] == 1) { //if cards[suit][rank] in hand
cards[suit][rank] = 0; hand--;
int smallerRank = rank == 0 ? 12: rank - 1; // look for straight flush that end with this card
// watch for Ace as a special case that ***QKA and A23*** both valid
if(cards[suit][smallerRank] == 1) {
cards[suit][smallerRank] = 0; hand--;
int r = smallerRank - 1;
for(; r >= 0 && cards[suit][r] == 1; r--) { //try playing the straight flush found
cards[suit][r] = 0; hand--;
if(handClear(cards, hand)) return true;
for(; r <= smallerRank; r++) { //backtrack if play did not work
cards[suit][r] = 1; hand++;
//look for 3/4 of a kind for cards[suit][rand]
int n = cards[0][rank] + cards[1][rank] + cards[2][rank] + cards[3][rank];
if(n == 3 || n == 2) {
int tmp1 = cards[(suit + 1) % 4][rank],
tmp2 = cards[(suit + 2) % 4][rank],
tmp3 = cards[(suit + 3) % 4][rank];
cards[(suit + 1) % 4][rank] = 0; //try playing the 3/4 of a kind
cards[(suit + 2) % 4][rank] = 0;
cards[(suit + 3) % 4][rank] = 0;
hand -= n;
if(handClear(cards, hand)) return true;
cards[(suit + 1) % 4][rank] = tmp1; //backtrack if play did not work
cards[(suit + 2) % 4][rank] = tmp2;
cards[(suit + 3) % 4][rank] = tmp3;
hand += n;
cards[suit][rank] = 1; hand++;
return false;
得分: 1
方法参数 cards
0 = 梅花
1 = 方块
2 = 红心
3 = 黑桃
因此,数组 cards
的维度应为 4 和 13,因为每种花色有十三张牌。所以你需要创建一个二维数组,例如:
int[][] cards = new int[4][13];
现在你需要将一个花色中的一张牌与一个索引关联起来。假设 Ace 的索引为 0,King 的索引为 12。
这意味着 cards[0][0]
代表梅花 A,cards[2][10]
代表红心 J。
所以你需要初始化 cards
,并将每个元素设置为 0,例如:
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 13; j++) {
cards[i][j] = 0;
现在你需要“发”一手牌。你需要将 cards
中的值设置为 1,对应于牌的索引。如何随机分发牌,我不清楚,但假设你发了一张黑桃 7,那么你需要执行以下操作。
cards[3][6] = 1;
注意,你贴出的方法 handClear
是一个递归方法。这意味着方法会调用自身。所有递归方法必须有一个终止递归的条件。在 handClear
方法中,这个条件是当方法参数 hand
等于 0 时。这意味着 hand
的值必须是“发”出的手中的牌数。正如我之前所说,对于扑克,我认为是五张牌。但这并不重要,因为方法 handClear
将处理它接收到的任何参数 hand
因此,为了最初调用 handClear
方法,你需要确定一手牌有多少张牌,例如扑克中的 5 张。然后你需要创建这个二维数组,并像我上面解释的那样进行初始化,最后你需要在 cards
中选择 hand
个不同的元素,并将元素值设置为 1。然后你可以调用 handClear
int[][] cards = new int[4][13];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 13; j++) {
cards[i][j] = 0;
int hand = 5;
cards[0][0] = 1; // 梅花 A
cards[1][0] = 1; // 方块 A
cards[2][0] = 1; // 红心 A
cards[3][0] = 1; // 黑桃 A
cards[0][1] = 1; // 梅花 2
if (handClear(cards, hand)) {
I believe you just want an explanation of how to initially call the method, that you posted in your question.
The method parameter cards
represents all the cards in a deck.
There are four suits, i.e. Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts and Spades.
Obviously each suit has an associated index. As I understand the code you posted, it is OK to simply associate an index with a suit, arbitrarily. So let's assume the following:
0 = Clubs
1 = Diamonds
2 = Hearts
3 = Spades
Hence the dimensions of the array cards
should be 4 and 13, since there are thirteen cards in each suit. So you need to create a two-dimensional array, e.g.
int[][] cards = new int[4][13];
Now you need to associate a card in a suit with an index. Let's assume that the Ace has index 0 (zero) and that the King has index 12 (twelve).
This means that cards[0][0]
represents the Ace of Clubs and cards[2][10]
represents the Jack of Hearts.
My Poker knowledge is a bit rusty, so I may be wrong, but a Poker hand consists of five cards.
So you need to initialize cards
and set each element to 0 (zero), i.e.
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 13; j++) {
cards[i][j] = 0;
Now you need to "deal" a hand. You need to set the value in cards
to 1 (one) for the index of the card. How you deal the cards randomly, I don't know but let's say you dealt yourself a 7 of Spades, that would mean you need to do the following.
cards[3][6] = 1;
Note that the method you posted, i.e. handClear
, is a recursive method. That means the method calls itself. All recursive methods must have a condition that terminates the recursion. In method handClear
that condition is when the [method] parameter hand
equals 0 (zero). That means that the value of hand
must be the number of cards in the hand that was "dealt". As I said earlier, for Poker, I believe it is five. But it doesn't matter since the method handClear
will handle any value of parameter hand
that it receives.
So in order to initially call method handClear
, you need to determine how many cards make up a hand, for example 5 for Poker. Then you have to create the two-dimensional array and initialize it as I explained above, and finally you have to select hand
different elements in cards
and set the element value to 1 (one). Then you can call method handClear
A very simple example of the above:
int[][] cards = new int[4][13];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 13; j++) {
cards[i][j] = 0;
int hand = 5;
cards[0][0] = 1; // Ace of Clubs
cards[1][0] = 1; // Ace of Diamonds
cards[2][0] = 1; // Ace of Hearts
cards[3][0] = 1; // Ace of Spades
cards[0][1] = 1; // Two of Clubs
if (handClear(cards, hand)) {
System.out.println("You have a winning hand!");