‘哈希’ 是否比 ‘线性’ 搜索更高效?

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Is 'hashing' more efficient than 'linear' search?





I decided to revise Java collection framework, so I started with internal implementation. One question came on my mind, which I can't solve. Hope someone can make a clear explanation on following.

ArrayList uses linear or binary search (both have pros/cons), but we can do anything with them! My question is why do all 'hashing' classes (like HashMap f.e.) use hashing principle? Couldn't they settle with linear or binary search for example? Why just not store Key/Value pair inside array? And the opposite, why isn't (for example ArrayList stored in hashTable)?


得分: 3



但是,如果您不打算进行查找,或者如果线性搜索对您来说已经足够好了,那么ArrayList 就是您想要的。在永远不会使用哈希表的集合中添加哈希表是不值得的,这样做会消耗 CPU 和内存,而这些操作是您不需要的。


The intention of the collections framework is that the programmer will choose the data structure appropriate to the use case. Depending on what you're using it for, different data structures are appropriate.

Hashing classes use the hashing principle, as you put it, because if you choose them, then that's what you want to use. (Hashing is generally the best choice for simple, straightforward lookups.) A screwdriver uses the screwing principle because if you pick up a screwdriver, you want to screw something in; if you had a nail you needed to put in, you would have picked up the hammer instead.

But if you're not going to be performing lookups, or if linear search is good enough for you, then an ArrayList is what you want. It's not worth adding a hash table to a collection that's never going to use it, and it costs CPU and memory to do things you aren't going to need.


得分: 1




所以是的,使用数组比使用哈希表更快,但效果可能因人而异 ‘哈希’ 是否比 ‘线性’ 搜索更高效?



I had a large hash of values (about 1,500). The nature of the code was that once the hashmap was loaded it would never be altered. The hashmap was accessed many times per web page, and I had wondered if it could be sped up for faster page loading.

One day I had some time, so I did a series of time tests (using the nano time function). I then reworked the hashmap use over to an array. Not an ArrayList, but an actual array[]. I stored the index with the key class used to get the hash value.

There was a difference, that the array lookup was faster. I calculated that over a days worth of activity I would have saved almost a full second!

So yes, using an array is faster than using a hash, YMMV ‘哈希’ 是否比 ‘线性’ 搜索更高效?

And I reverted my code back to using a hashmap, as it was easier to maintain...

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月20日 03:04:23
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
