创建一个用于警告的Java注解 – @NonOptimal

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Create a Java annotation for warnings - @NonOptimal




public List<Account> getClientAccounts(final int clientId) {
  // 实现搜索...
  • 然后,在Eclipse中尝试使用它时,我可以看到它被划掉了,左侧栏中有一个黄色图标:

创建一个用于警告的Java注解 – @NonOptimal

  • 还有,在构建时我可以看到:
> [WARNING] app1/src/test/java/com/app1/MyApp.java: app1/src/test/java/com/app1/MyApp.java 使用或覆盖了已弃用的 API。

现在,根据我无法控制的外部因素(例如缺少数据库索引),有些方法不够优化,我想明确地标记它们... 使用我的全新@NonOptimal注解。我需要突出显示这个问题。到目前为止,我有:

// 在这里加入什么?
public @interface NonOptimal {



Is there something special to the @Deprecated annotation that I cannot reproduce?

I need to create an annotation similar to @Deprecated to produce warnings in Eclipse and also at build time. When I mark a method as @Deprecated I get nice warnings. For example, if I have an old method (that I may still keep for compatibility reasons):

public List&lt;Account&gt; getClientAccounts(final int clientId) {
  // Implement search...
  • Then, if I try to use it in Eclipse I can see it strikethrough, and a yellow icon in the left bar:

    创建一个用于警告的Java注解 – @NonOptimal

  • Also when building I can see the:

    > [WARNING] app1/src/test/java/com/app1/MyApp.java: app1/src/test/java/com/app1/MyApp.java uses or overrides a deprecated API.

Now, depending on external factors I cannot control (e.g. absence of database indexes) some methods are not optimal, and I would like to clearly mark them as such... with my brand new @NonOptimal annotation. I need to add visibility to the problem. So far I have:

// What else here?
public @interface NonOptimal {

How can I create this annotation?


得分: 3

@TheImpaler 这实际上并不是你问题的真正答案,但是前段时间我在使用Zalando的Problem API时偶然发现了Google Annotations Library(也称为gag)。





@TheImpaler This is actually not a true answer for your problem, but some time ago I came across the Google Annotations Library (a.k.a. gag) while using Zalando's Problem API.

This library provides a great number of custom annotations that, in some cases, can be used to instrument your actual code by using a ASM and a custom java agent.

Maybe it can give you some ideas regarding your actual issue.

The project is no longer maintained but there is a fork in Github.


得分: 2



我决定用@Deprecated@NonOptimal 两个注解来标记不好的方法。这在概念上是错误的(实际上这些方法并没有被弃用),但它能够很好地直接使用,而不需要开发一个过于复杂的 Eclipse 插件:

  • @Deprecated 注解在各个地方(在 Eclipse 中和构建时)都会提醒开发人员,这是一件好事。

  • @NonOptimal 注解会提供详细信息,解释为什么这是一个不好的方法。

虽然丑陋,但能够起作用。就目前而言,Eclipse 没有提供更好的选择。

注意:更糟糕的是,在使用工具链(toolchains)时,NonOptimal 注解在 Maven 中效果不佳:警告会变得无声,消失不见……因此,最终来看,注解处理器变得有点无用。


I wish I could extend Deprecated, but no can do.

After reading about this quite a bit I ended up with an ugly workaround. It works, though I don't like it.

I decided to mark the bad methods with both the @Deprecated and @NonOptimal annotations. It's conceptually wrong (the methods are not actually deprecated) but it works well out of the box. No need to develop an overkill Eclipse plugin:

  • The @Deprecated annnotation bugs developers all around the place (in Eclipse and when building), and that's a good thing.

  • The @NonOptimal annotation provides details on why this is a bad method to use.

Ugly but works. As of now Eclipse does not provide any better option.

Note: to make things worse, the NonOptimal annotation does not work well in Maven when using toolchains: warnings go silent, disappear, nada... Therefore, AnnotationProcessors are kind of useless in the end.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月19日 23:07:17
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63489962.html



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