如何强制让 Spring 从未命名的实现中进行注入

huangapple go评论60阅读模式

How force spring to inject from not named implementation


我正在使用Atlassian SDK来创建一个插件。SDK中有一个名为FieldHtmlFactory的接口,SDK中的一个名为fieldHtmlFactory的类已对其进行了实现,因此我们可以使用注入来访问它们。但由于某些原因,在某些情况下,我应该对这个接口进行另一个实现。现在我可以通过类名注入自己的类,但由于SDK实现没有任何名称,我不能再使用它了。是否有一种方法可以强制Spring在这种情况下使用SDK的实现?


public interface FieldHtmlFactory {
    List<FieldHtmlBean> getCreateFields(ApplicationUser var1, OperationContext var2, Action var3, MutableIssue var4, boolean var5, List<String> var6);

    List<FieldHtmlBean> getLinkedIssueCreateFields(ApplicationUser var1, OperationContext var2, Action var3, MutableIssue var4, Issue var5, boolean var6, List<String> var7);

    List<FieldHtmlBean> getEditFields(ApplicationUser var1, OperationContext var2, Action var3, Issue var4, boolean var5);

    List<FieldHtmlBean> getInlineEditFields(ApplicationUser var1, OperationContext var2, Action var3, Issue var4, boolean var5);

    List<FieldHtmlBean> getSubTaskCreateFields(ApplicationUser var1, OperationContext var2, Action var3, MutableIssue var4, boolean var5, List<String> var6);


public class fieldHtmlFactory implements FieldHtmlFactory {


public class EditorHtmlFactoryImpl implements FieldHtmlFactory {


public MyREST(@Named("FieldEditorFactoryImpl") FieldHtmlFactory fieldHtmlFactory, ...)


public MyREST(@Named("") FieldHtmlFactory fieldHtmlFactory, ...)

I am using the Atlassian SDK to create a plugin. There is an interface named FieldHtmlFactory in the SDK which a class named fieldHtmlFactory has implemented it so we can use injection to access them. But for some reason, I should make another implementation in some cases from this interface. Now I can inject my own class by its name but as SDK implementation has not any name I cannot use it anymore. Is there a way to force spring to use SDK's implementation in this case?

SDK interface:

public interface FieldHtmlFactory {
    List&lt;FieldHtmlBean&gt; getCreateFields(ApplicationUser var1, OperationContext var2, Action var3, MutableIssue var4, boolean var5, List&lt;String&gt; var6);

    List&lt;FieldHtmlBean&gt; getLinkedIssueCreateFields(ApplicationUser var1, OperationContext var2, Action var3, MutableIssue var4, Issue var5, boolean var6, List&lt;String&gt; var7);

    List&lt;FieldHtmlBean&gt; getEditFields(ApplicationUser var1, OperationContext var2, Action var3, Issue var4, boolean var5);

    List&lt;FieldHtmlBean&gt; getInlineEditFields(ApplicationUser var1, OperationContext var2, Action var3, Issue var4, boolean var5);

    List&lt;FieldHtmlBean&gt; getSubTaskCreateFields(ApplicationUser var1, OperationContext var2, Action var3, MutableIssue var4, boolean var5, List&lt;String&gt; var6);

SDK implementation:

public class fieldHtmlFactory implement FieldHtmlFactory{

My implementaion:

public class EditorHtmlFactoryImpl implement FieldHtmlFactory{

Use somewhere my class:

 public MyREST(@Named(&quot;FieldEditorFactoryImpl&quot;) FieldHtmlFactory fieldHtmlFactory, ...)

I need something like this to use SDK class, but, it dosen't work:

 public MyREST(@Named(&quot;&quot;) FieldHtmlFactory fieldHtmlFactory, ...)


得分: 1



将SDK提供的bean设置为@Primary bean会很有用,但你需要准确地查看它是如何定义的。通常它应该使用@ConditionalOnMissingBean进行注释,这样你就可以自己定义两种不同的bean,但显然在你的情况下并非如此。


public MyREST(@Named("fieldHtmlFactory") FieldHtmlFactory fieldHtmlFactory, ...)

OK, so there are two different beans, the one provided by the SDK, probably defined by some auto-configuration, and your own.

It would be useful to have the SDK one as a @Primary bean, but you'll need to see exactly how it's defined. Normally it schould be annotated with @ConditionalOnMissingBean, so you could define two different ones yourself, but it apparently is not in your case.

A dirty fix is to use it's default name, which is the simple class name.

public MyREST(@Named(&quot;fieldHtmlFactory&quot;) FieldHtmlFactory fieldHtmlFactory, ...)

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月18日 22:08:36
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63470446.html



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