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How to get foreground window/process in Java (Using JNA) on MacOS?


目前,我正在努力获取 MS Windows 中的前景(顶部)窗口/进程。我需要在 macOS 中使用 JNA 执行类似操作。

在 macOS 中,等效的代码是:

import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
import com.sun.jna.platform.mac.Carbon;
import com.sun.jna.ptr.BytePtr;
import com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference;

Carbon.INSTANCE.GetFrontProcess(new IntByReference());
Carbon.INSTANCE.CopyProcessName(new IntByReference(), new BytePtr(windowText), new IntByReference(512));

Currently, I am working to get foreground(top) window/process in MS Windows. I need to do something similar in macOS using JNA.

What is the equivalent code in macOS?

  byte[] windowText = new byte[512];
  PointerType hwnd = User32.INSTANCE.GetForegroundWindow();  
  User32.INSTANCE.GetWindowTextA(hwnd, windowText, 512);


得分: 3



关于前台进程,使用JNA的一种简单方法是映射Application Services API。请注意,这些函数是在10.9中引入的,现在已被弃用,但在10.15仍然有效。更新的版本在AppKit库中,详见下文。


public interface ApplicationServices extends Library {
    ApplicationServices INSTANCE = Native.load("ApplicationServices", ApplicationServices.class);

    int GetFrontProcess(LongByReference processSerialNumber);
    int GetProcessPID(LongByReference processSerialNumber, IntByReference pid);

获取“前台”进程可以使用GetFrontProcess()。它会返回一个称为ProcessSerialNumber的东西,这是在整个Application Services API中使用的唯一的64位值。为了将它翻译成用户空间使用,您可能想要进程ID,GetProcessPID()会为您执行这种转换。

LongByReference psn = new LongByReference();
IntByReference pid = new IntByReference();
ApplicationServices.INSTANCE.GetProcessPID(psn, pid);
System.out.println("Front process pid: " + pid.getValue());


public interface AppKit extends Library {
    AppKit INSTANCE = Native.load("AppKit", AppKit.class);






  • 实际上只有20个可用的层次。许多东西共享一个层次。
  • 层次1000是屏幕保护程序。您可以忽略1000及更高的层次。
  • 层次24是Dock,通常位于顶部,而第25层(Dock上的图标)位于较高级别。
  • 层次0似乎是剩余的桌面部分。
  • 哪个窗口“在顶部”取决于您在屏幕上查看的位置。在Dock上方,Dock将位于前景(或应用程序图标)。在屏幕的其他位置,您需要检查您正在评估的像素与从CoreGraphics窗口获取的屏幕矩形。 (使用kCGWindowBounds键,它返回一个CGRect(一个具有4个double值,X、Y、宽度、高度的结构)。

您需要筛选出屏幕上的窗口。如果您已经获取了列表,您可以使用kCGWindowIsOnscreen键来确定窗口是否可见。它返回一个CFBoolean。由于该键是可选的,您需要测试是否为null。但是,如果您从零开始,最好在最初调用CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo()时使用kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly Window Option Constant





There are actually two questions here, foreground window and foreground process. I'll try to answer both.


For the foreground process an easy way using JNA is to map Application Services API. Note that these functions were introduced in 10.9 and are now deprecated, but still work as of 10.15. The newer version is in the AppKit Library, see below.

Create this class, mapping the two functions you'll need:

public interface ApplicationServices extends Library {
    ApplicationServices INSTANCE = Native.load(&quot;ApplicationServices&quot;, ApplicationServices.class);

    int GetFrontProcess(LongByReference processSerialNumber);
    int GetProcessPID(LongByReference processSerialNumber, IntByReference pid);

The "foreground" process can be obtained with GetFrontProcess(). That returns something called a ProcessSerialNumber, a unique 64-bit value used throughout the Application Services API. To translate it for your userspace use, you probably want the Process ID, and GetProcessPID() does that translation for you.

LongByReference psn = new LongByReference();
IntByReference pid = new IntByReference();
ApplicationServices.INSTANCE.GetProcessPID(psn, pid);
System.out.println(&quot;Front process pid: &quot; + pid.getValue());


While the above works, it is deprecated. A new application should use the AppKit Library:

public interface AppKit extends Library {
    AppKit INSTANCE = Native.load(&quot;AppKit&quot;, AppKit.class);

There are multiple other StackOverflow questions regarding the topmost application using this library, such as this one. Mapping all the imports and objects needed is far more work than I have time to do in an answer here, but you might find it useful. It's probably easier to figure out how to use the Rococoa framework (which uses JNA under the hood but has already mapped all of AppKit via JNAerator) to access this API. Some javadocs are here.

There are also solutions using AppleScript that you can execute from Java via command line using Runtime.exec() and capturing output.


With regard to foreground window on the screen, it's a bit more complicated. In my answer to your earlier question on iterating all windows on macOS, I answered how to get a list of all the windows using CoreGraphics via JNA, including a CFDictionary containing more information.

One of those dictionary keys is kCGWindowLayer which will return a CFNumber representing the window layer number. The docs state this is 32-bit, so intValue() is appropriate. The number is the "drawing order" so a higher number will overwrite a lower number. So you can iterate over all the retrieved windows and find the maximum number. This will be the "foreground" layer.

There are some caveats:

  • There are actually only 20 layers available. Many things share a layer.
  • Layer 1000 is the screensaver. You can ignore layers 1000 and higher.
  • Layer 24 is the Dock, usually on top, with Layer 25 (the icons on the dock) at a higher level.
  • Layer 0 appears to be the rest of the desktop.
  • Which window is "on top" depends on where on the screen you look. Over the dock, the dock will be in the foreground (or the application icon). On the rest of the screen, you need to check the pixel you're evaluating vs. the screen rectangle obtained from the CoreGraphics window. (Use the kCGWindowBounds key which returns a CGRect (a structure with 4 doubles, X, Y, width, height).

You will need to filter to onscreen windows. If you already fetched the list you could use the kCGWindowIsOnscreen key to determine whether the window is visible. It returns a CFBoolean. Since that key is optional you will need to test for null. However, if you are starting from nothing, it would be better to use the kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly Window Option Constant when you initially call CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo().

In addition to iterating all windows, the CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo() function takes a CGWindowID parameter relativeToWindow and you can add (with bitwise or) kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenAboveWindow to the options.

Finally, you might find that limiting to windows associated with the current session may be useful, and you should map CGWindowListCreate() using similar syntax to the CopyInfo() variant. It returns an array of window numbers that you could limit your dictionary search to, or pass that array as an argument to CGWindowListCreateDescriptionFromArray().

As mentioned in my previous answer, you "own" every object you create using Create or Copy functions, and are responsible for releasing them when you are done with them, to avoid memory leaks.


得分: 1

AppleScriptEngine appleEngine = new apple.applescript.AppleScriptEngine();
ArrayList<String> processNames = null;
try {
    String processName = null;
    processNames = (ArrayList<String>) appleEngine
            .eval("tell application \"System Events\" to get name of application processes whose frontmost is true and visible is true");
    if (processNames.size() > 0) {
        processName = processNames.get(0); // the front most process name
    return processName;
} catch (ScriptException e) {
    log.debug("no app running");
   AppleScriptEngine appleEngine = new apple.applescript.AppleScriptEngine();
    ArrayList&lt;String&gt; processNames = null;
    try {
    	String processName = null;
    	processNames = (ArrayList&lt;String&gt;) appleEngine
    			.eval(&quot;tell application \&quot;System Events\&quot; to get name of application processes whose frontmost is true and visible is true&quot;);
    	if (processNames.size() &gt; 0) {
    		processName = processNames.get(0);// the front most process name
    	return processName;
    } catch (ScriptException e) {
    	log.debug(&quot;no app running&quot;);

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月18日 21:30:44
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63469738.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
