
huangapple go评论113阅读模式

Should we prefer Composition over Inheritance when we can only use default constructor



public class Main {

    public static void main(String... str){



public interface FrameworkInterface {

    void setup();

    void doAction(Record record);

    void doAnotherAction(Record record, boolean isValid);



public abstract class Parent implements FrameworkInterface {

    RecordValidator recordValidator;

    public abstract void setup();

    public void doAction(Record record){
        boolean isValid = recordValidator.validate(record);
        doAnotherAction(record, isValid);
    public void doAnotherAction(Record record, boolean isValid){




public class Child extends Parent {

    public void setup() {
        recordValidator = new DefaultRecordValidator();




public abstract class Parent1 implements FrameworkInterface {

    public void setup() {


    public void doAction(Record record) {
        boolean isValid = validate(record);
        doAnotherAction(record, isValid);

    public void doAnotherAction(Record record, boolean isValid) {


    protected abstract boolean validate(Record record);


public class Child extends Parent1 {

    protected boolean validate(Record record) {
        return false;




I know the advantages of Composition over Inheritance but in some situation instances of the class are being created by framework using default constructor and we can not define constructor with parameter nor we can set attribute of the object using setter methods. To make this situation clear consider following example:

public class Main {

    public static void main(String... str){

Here the TargetFramework get a class and it will create instance of that class behind the scene using default Constructor.

Imagine I want to implement FramewrokInterface as below:

public interface FrameworkInterface {

    void setup();

    void doAction(Record record);

    void doAnotherAction(Record record, boolean isValid);

Now I can implement this interface in two ways considering Inheritance and Composition:

Approach 1: (Mixing and Matching Composition and Inheritance)

public abstract class Parent implements FrameworkInterface {

    RecordValidator recordValidator;

    public abstract void setup();

    public void doAction(Record record){
        boolean isValid = recordValidator.validate(record);
        doAnotherAction(record, isValid);
    public void doAnotherAction(Record record, boolean isValid){


In this Implementation I decided to use composition and I've defined a RecordValidator as bellow:

public interface RecordValidator {
    boolean validate(Record record);

The problem here is that I can't set RecordValidator in Parent class when creating instance of this class because instances of this class are created by framework using default constructor but I can create this instance in setup method in child Class which extends parent class as below:

public class Child extends Parent {

    public void setup() {
        recordValidator = new DefaultRecordValidator();

The setup method of the FramworkInterface will be called just after instance created by default Constructor so we can use it to initialize our RecordValidator attribute; This is kind of Mixing and Matching Composition and Inheritance together to me because I'm using Composition with Inheritance together. However this approach has its own advantages because I've separated the Concern of validation of record from the Parent class Concerns.

Approach 2: (Just Inheritance)

In this approach I've implemented the FrameworkInterface in the following way:

public abstract class Parent1 implements FrameworkInterface {

    public void setup() {


    public void doAction(Record record) {
        boolean isValid = validate(record);
        doAnotherAction(record, isValid);

    public void doAnotherAction(Record record, boolean isValid) {


    protected abstract boolean validate(Record record);

This way instead of using composition and defining RecordValidator I've defined abstract validate method in my Parent1 class so that Child class can use it to implement validation behaviour, so the Child class can be implemented as follow:

public class Child extends Parent1 {

    protected boolean validate(Record record) {
        return false;

My question is:

Which approach is better for this situation and what are the pros and cons of them?


得分: 1




我建议探索其他可能性,例如,手动进行必要的依赖注入,然后“注册”一个完成的 bean 到框架中。这就是当 Uncle Bob 谈论与框架保持一定距离时的意思。

如果我们特别谈论 Java,并且这个框架不允许其他解决方案,例如事先创建 beans 并将其注册到框架中,我会联系框架的维护者,并要求实现 CDI 支持,因为这是一种处理依赖注入的标准方法。

看着你的示例,你采取了两种不同的方法,也就是重新定义了 Parent 的能力。就像在继承示例中对 Parent 所做的那样,你可以在 Parent 中定义 abstract boolean validate();,将实现委托给 Child。我甚至会更进一步,定义:

public interface class Parent extends FrameworkInterface, RecordValidator {

Parent 中的所有方法都是抽象的,或者可以看作是默认值,字段可以被移除)。因此,实现这个接口的每个类都会根据其自身情况实现这些方法。


Which approach is better for this situation and what are the pros and cons of them?

I would argue that both of them are suboptimal to a degree where I would look for other solutions.

Looking at the sample code, there is, for example, no possibility to mock the dependencies of Child1 in both situations. You could introduce mock capabilities by implementing setters or special constructors that are only used for testing. The core problem I have with this setup, however, is that you bow to the framework.

I would recommend exploring other possibilities, e.g. do the necessary dependency injection manually, then "register" a finished bean with the framework. This is what Uncle Bob means when he talks about keeping the framework at arm's length.

If we start talking about Java in particular and the framework does not allow any other solution to, e.g., create beans beforehand and registering them with the framework, I would contact the framework maintainers and ask to implement CDI support since this is a standardized way to handle Depencency Injection.

Looking at your example, you take two different approaches, i.e. you redefine the capabilites of Parent. Just as you did with Parent in the inheritance example, you could define abstract boolean validate(); in Parent, delegating the implementation to Child. I would even go a step further and define

public interface class Parent extends FrameworkInterface, RecordValidator {

(all methods in Parent are either abstract or can be seen as defaults, the field can be removed). Thus, each class implementing this interface implements the methods as it sees fit.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月16日 16:20:18
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63434690.html



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