When a methd returns a String , will it be a literal or a String object?

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When a methd returns a String , will it be a literal or a String object?



String str = methodCall();

方法 methodCall() 的返回类型是 String。



Lets say a method returns a String

String str = methodCall();

The return type of methodCall() is String.

Will we get a String literal which will be in pool memory or just a String object?


得分: 8

> 当一个方法返回一个字符串时,它是一个字面值还是一个字符串对象?


在运行时,每个 Java 字符串都被表示为一个 java.lang.String 对象。这包括字符串字面值。实际上,通常情况下无法区分一个起源于字符串字面值的 String 对象和其他方式产生的对象。

所以...基本上... 标题中的问题是没有意义的。

> 我们会得到一个在池内存中的字符串字面值还是一个字符串对象?

  1. 这取决于你返回的字符串是如何创建的。

  2. 并不是所有池中的对象都起源于字符串字面值。

  3. 通过调用 String.intern 方法可以将字符串添加到字符串池中。当字符串字面值被实体化时,JVM 会自动执行此操作,但在其他情况下不会自动执行。

因此,上述问题的答案是,方法返回的字符串对象如果它要么起源于字符串字面值,要么由某些应用代码通过调用 String.intern 方法放入字符串池中,那么它就会位于字符串池中。

最后,需要注意的是,在现代的 Java 应用程序和现代的 JVM 上,字符串池在很大程度上是不相关的:

  • 自从 Java 7 开始,字符串池不再是一个单独的堆区域。
  • 自从 Java 8 开始,字符串空间优化(去重)是由垃圾回收器本身执行得更加高效;参见 https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/192

调用 String.intern 总是一个相当可疑的优化,因为应用程序很少能够准确预测字符串对象的生命周期。对字符串进行内部化的缺点是/是字符串池索引会使用内存,并给垃圾回收器增加更多的工作。


> When a method returns a String, will it be a literal or a String object?

This question is based on a misconception.

At runtime, every Java string is represented as a java.lang.String object. This includes string literals. In fact, it is (in general) impossible to distinguish a String object that originated from a string literal from one that originated some other way.

So ... basically ... the question in the title does not make sense.

> Will we get a String literal which will be in pool memory or just a String object?

  1. It depends on how the string that you are returning was created.

  2. Not all objects in the string pool originated from string literals.

  3. Strings may be added to the string pool by calling String.intern. The JVM does this automatically when string literals are reified, but it doesn't do it automatically under any other circumstances.

So, the answer to the above will be that a string object returned by a method will be in the string pool if EITHER it started life as a string literal OR some application code put it there by calling String.intern.

Finally, note that the string pool is largely irrelevant to modern Java applications on modern JVMs:

  • Since Java 7, the string pool is no longer a separate heap region.
  • Since Java 8, string space optimization (de-duplication) is performed more efficiently by the GC itself; see https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/192

Calling String.intern was always a rather dubious optimization because it is rarely possible for an application to accurately predict the lifetime of string objects. The downside of interning a string was / is that the string pool indexes use memory, and make more work for the garbage collector.


得分: 0



I think it depends on the methodCall() string .

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月15日 11:26:19
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