Interface programming for LinkedLists 链表的接口编程

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Interface programming for LinkedLists


I was recently pointed to this question ( interface) and wanted to get some clarification.

LinkedList<Integer> test1 = new LinkedList<Integer>();
List<Integer> test2 = new LinkedList<Integer>(); 

From what I've read, the first LinkedList/List determines what methods can be used. So for test1, you can do test1.peek() while you can't for test2. Is that because, for test2, that you are creating a LinkedList but going to be implementing the methods of the List interface? In other words, for test2, you've created a LinkedList with a prev & next node but are choosing to implement the methods outlined in the List interface?

Guess I'm a bit confused because I thought LinkedList is a class that implements the List interface, but for test2, we're creating a LinkedList and implementing a List again?


I was recently pointed to this question ( and wanted to get some clarification.

LinkedList<Integer> test1 = new LinkedList<Integer>(); 
List<Integer> test2 = new LinkedList<Integer>(); 

From what I've read, the first LinkedList/List determines what methods can be used. So for test1, you can do test1.peek() while you can't for test2. Is that because, for test2, that you are creating a LinkedList but going to be implementing the methods of the List interface? In other words, for test2, you've created a LinkedList with a prev & next node but are choosing to implement the methods outlined in the List interface?

Guess I'm a bit confused because I thought LinkedList is a class that implements the List interface, but for test2, we're creating a LinkedList and implementing a List again?


得分: 1






LinkedList implements List;
List does not implement LinkedList.

peek is a method of a LinkedList,
but is not a method of List.

Because of this situation, test2.peek() is a compile time error.

test2 only exposes the functionality of a List.


得分: 1












类型,特别是接口类型,可以像那些角色一样看待。如果您需要一名员工,它不必是我这样的人 - 它可以是任何可以扮演“员工”角色的人。并且在该角色中的操作不会使任何人失去他们所有其他的角色。


> From what I've read, the first LinkedList/List determines what methods
> can be used.

Yes, the "first LinkedList/List" is the type of the reference you are declaring. You can invoke the methods exposed by a reference's type on that reference, including inherited ones, and no others.

> So for test1, you can do test1.peek() while you can't for
> test2.


> Is that because, for test2, that you are creating a LinkedList
> but going to be implementing the methods of the List interface?

No. You are not implementing anything there. You are initializing references test1 and test2 to refer to objects of class LinkedList, which is a concrete class that implements List, and therefore provides concrete implementations of all methods defined by the List interface. LinkedList also provides implementations of some methods defined by other interfaces and by superclasses, and, in principle, it could define and implement some methods unique to it.

> In
> other words, for test2, you've created a LinkedList with a prev & next
> node but are choosing to implement the methods outlined in the List
> interface?

Again, you are not implementing any methods here. By choosing to access a LinkedList&lt;Integer&gt; object via a reference of type List&lt;Integer&gt;, you ensure that only those LinkedList methods that are defined by List can be invoked via that reference. That doesn't change the nature of the object itself. There will be other references to it at least sometimes, some of them of type LinkedList&lt;Integer&gt;. Those can be used to invoke methods exposed by LinkedList but not by List on the object.

> Guess I'm a bit confused because I thought LinkedList is a class that
> implements the List interface,


> but for test2, we're creating a
> LinkedList and implementing a List again?

Every LinkedList is a List. This is one of the main consequences of the fact that former class implements the latter interface. By accessing an object of class LinkedList via a reference of type List, you limit yourself to using only those parts of it that are defined by List, but you have not changed the object itself in any way. It is still a LinkedList.

Consider human roles. I'm a son, a brother, a father, an employee, a friend, and many other things, but most people in my life interact with me according to only one or two of those roles. For example, my boss regularly asks me, her employee, to do various pieces of work for her, but she would never ask me to give her a weekly allowance as if I were her father.

Types, and in particular interface types, can be regarded like those roles. If you need an employee, it doesn't have to be someone exactly like me -- it can be anyone who can fill the "employee" role. And operating in that role does not make anyone not have all their other roles.


得分: 0


LinkedList<Integer> test1 = new LinkedList<Integer>();


List<Integer> test2 = new LinkedList<Integer>();



也就是说:如果您不需要特定类型(接口),您应该使用更通用的类型以保持更灵活。因此,如果您只想知道大小并遍历元素,您可以使用Collection - 但这不允许轻松访问第三个元素。


In addition to the other correct answers, I'd like to point out what the compiler ensures:

LinkedList&lt;Integer&gt; test1 = new LinkedList&lt;Integer&gt;(); 

Here the compiler will make sure that anyting assigned to test1 fulfills the LinkedList interface.

List&lt;Integer&gt; test2 = new LinkedList&lt;Integer&gt;(); 

Here the compiler will make sure that anyting assigned to test2 fulfills the List interface 'only'.

While that means you cannot call methods of the LinkedList interface on test2, it gives the flexibility to assign any implementation of List to it without changing any user of it.

That said: if you do not need specific types (interfaces), you should use a more common type instead to stay more flexible.
So if you only want to know the size and iterate the elements, you could use Collection - but this will not allow to access the 3rd element easily.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月13日 05:11:36
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
