many-to-many 和 one-to-many 在 Java Spring Boot 中的映射。

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many-to-many and one-to-many mapping in java springboot




  1. @Getter
  2. @Setter
  3. @NoArgsConstructor
  4. @AllArgsConstructor
  5. @ToString
  6. @Entity
  7. @Table(name = "user")
  8. public class User {
  9. @Id
  10. @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
  11. @Column(name="user_Id")
  12. private int userId;
  13. @Column(name="name")
  14. private String name;
  15. @Column(name="lastname")
  16. private String lastname;
  17. @Column(name="email")
  18. private String email;
  19. @Column(name="password")
  20. private String password;
  21. @Column(name="isActive")
  22. private boolean isActive;
  23. @Column(name="lastActive")
  24. private String lastActive;
  25. @Column(name="createdDate")
  26. private String createdDate;
  27. @Column(name="isBlocked")
  28. private boolean isBlocked;
  29. @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, optional = false)
  30. @JoinColumn(name = "institution_id", nullable = false)
  31. private Institution institution;
  32. @ManyToMany(mappedBy = "users")
  33. private Set<Role> roles;
  34. }


  1. @Getter
  2. @Setter
  3. @NoArgsConstructor
  4. @AllArgsConstructor
  5. @ToString
  6. @Entity
  7. @Table(name = "role")
  8. public class Role {
  9. @Id
  10. @GeneratedValue
  11. @Column(name="role_Id")
  12. private int roleId;
  13. @Column(name="name")
  14. private String name;
  15. @Column(name="description")
  16. private String description;
  17. @ManyToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
  18. @JoinTable
  19. private Set<User> users;
  20. }


  1. @Getter
  2. @Setter
  3. @NoArgsConstructor
  4. @AllArgsConstructor
  5. @ToString
  6. @Entity
  7. @Table(name = "institution")
  8. public class Institution {
  9. @Id
  10. @GeneratedValue
  11. @Column(name="institution_Id")
  12. private int institutionId;
  13. @Column(name="name")
  14. private String name;
  15. @Column(name="type")
  16. private String type;
  17. @Column(name="location")
  18. private String location;
  19. @OneToMany(mappedBy = "institution", fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
  20. private Set<User> user;
  21. }


  1. 确保数据库已创建:确保在MySQL Workbench中创建了名为"mydb"的数据库。

  2. 检查依赖:确保您的项目中包含了正确的Hibernate和Spring Data JPA依赖项。检查项目的pom.xml或gradle.build文件以确保依赖正确配置。

  3. 查看错误日志:运行项目时,查看控制台或日志文件以查看是否有任何与数据库表创建相关的错误消息。这可能会提供有关问题的更多信息。

  4. 检查Many-to-Many配置:确保Many-to-Many关联正确配置。在Role和User实体类中,Many-to-Many注解和JoinTable注解似乎不完整。确保这些注解的配置正确,并且关联字段的名称是唯一的。



I have those 3 entities that I want to transform to tables with relations


  1. @Getter
  2. @Setter
  3. @NoArgsConstructor
  4. @AllArgsConstructor
  5. @ToString
  6. @Entity
  7. @Table(name = &quot;user&quot;)
  8. public class User {
  9. @Id
  10. @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
  11. @Column(name=&quot;user_Id&quot;)
  12. private int userId;
  13. @Column(name=&quot;name&quot;)
  14. private String name;
  15. @Column(name=&quot;lastname&quot;)
  16. private String lastname;
  17. @Column(name=&quot;email&quot;)
  18. private String email;
  19. @Column(name=&quot;password&quot;)
  20. private String password;
  21. @Column(name=&quot;isActive&quot;)
  22. private boolean isActive;
  23. @Column(name=&quot;lastActive&quot;)
  24. private String lastActive;
  25. @Column(name=&quot;createdDate&quot;)
  26. private String createdDate;
  27. @Column(name=&quot;isBlocked&quot;)
  28. private boolean isBlocked;
  29. @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, optional = false)
  30. @JoinColumn(name = &quot;institution_id&quot;, nullable = false)
  31. private Institution institution;
  32. @ManyToMany(mappedBy = &quot;users&quot;)
  33. private Set&lt;Role&gt; roles;
  34. }


  1. @Getter
  2. @Setter
  3. @NoArgsConstructor
  4. @AllArgsConstructor
  5. @ToString
  6. @Entity
  7. @Table(name = &quot;role&quot;)
  8. public class Role {
  9. @Id
  10. @GeneratedValue
  11. @Column(name=&quot;role_Id&quot;)
  12. private int roleId;
  13. @Column(name=&quot;name&quot;)
  14. private String name;
  15. @Column(name=&quot;description&quot;)
  16. private String description;
  17. @ManyToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
  18. @JoinTable
  19. private Set&lt;User&gt; users;
  20. }


  1. @Getter
  2. @Setter
  3. @NoArgsConstructor
  4. @AllArgsConstructor
  5. @ToString
  6. @Entity
  7. @Table(name = &quot;institution&quot;)
  8. public class Institution {
  9. @Id
  10. @GeneratedValue
  11. @Column(name=&quot;institution_Id&quot;)
  12. private int institutionId;
  13. @Column(name=&quot;name&quot;)
  14. private String name;
  15. @Column(name=&quot;type&quot;)
  16. private String type;
  17. @Column(name=&quot;location&quot;)
  18. private String location;
  19. @OneToMany(mappedBy = &quot;institution&quot;, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
  20. private Set&lt;User&gt; user;
  21. }

But when I run my project as a java application, no tables are created in mySQL workbench (the error occurred after adding he many-to-many annotation it was creating the tables before I add it).

Any ideas on why my code isn't working ?
And this is my

  1. spring.datasource.driver-class-name=com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
  2. spring.datasource.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb
  3. spring.datasource.username = root
  4. spring.datasource.password = pass123
  5. = true
  6. spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto = update
  7. = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect
  8. server.port=9090


得分: 1

@OneToMany 不会创建表格。
@ManyToMany 会创建一个表格,你需要指定它的细节,例如:


  1. @ManyToMany
  2. @JoinTable(name = "users_roles",
  3. joinColumns = { @JoinColumn(name = "user_id") },
  4. inverseJoinColumns = { @JoinColumn(name = "role_id") })
  5. private Set<Role> roles;


  1. @ManyToMany(mappedBy="roles")
  2. private Set<User> users;

@OneToMany does not create table.
@ManyToMany creates a table, you have to specify its details, like:

In user class:

  1. @ManyToMany
  2. @JoinTable(name = &quot;users_roles&quot;,
  3. joinColumns = { @JoinColumn(name = &quot;user_id&quot;) },
  4. inverseJoinColumns = { @JoinColumn(name = &quot;role_id&quot;) })
  5. private Set&lt;Role&gt; roles;

In role class:

  1. @ManyToMany(mappedBy=&quot;roles&quot;)
  2. private Set&lt;User&gt; users;

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月12日 19:33:14
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