Spring Session与MongoDB:竞态条件?

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Spring Session with MongoDB: race condition?



Spring Boot应用程序在OpenShift集群中运行,部署中有多个Pod。我们至少有两个Pod,但根据负载的情况,可能会扩展到10或20个。

该应用程序使用Spring Session和Spring Security。Spring Session配置为使用MongoDB(而不是Redis),因为应用程序已经在其他方面使用MongoDB。




  • 这是Spring Session与MongoDB的有效使用场景吗?换句话说,这应该正常工作吗?
  • 如果应该正常工作,我该如何找出发生了什么,并如何解决这个问题?
  • 如果不应该正常工作,是否有一种Spring Session设置可以允许在没有竞争条件的情况下共享跨应用程序服务器的会话状态?

We have an application behind a load balancer that only supports round-robin, no sticky sessions.

The Spring Boot application runs in an OpenShift cluster, with a number of pods in a deployment. We have at least two pods, but might scale this up to 10 or 20, depending on load.

The application uses Spring Session and Spring Security. Spring Session is configured to use MongoDB (not Redis), since the application is already using MongoDB for other purposes.

During functional testing with low to moderate load, we have noticed issues with session attributes "going missing": the code that updates these entries runs successfully, but after the request is finished, the older contents of the attributes is in the session. This happens randomly.

Testing with a single instance of the application, no such observations were made.

To me, this smells like a race condition between the write back of the session object to Mongo, with some HTTP request on one pod racing the write back in another pod, and the "wrong one" winning.

  • Is this a valid usage scenario for Spring Session with MongoDB? In other words, is this supposed to work?
  • If it is supposed to work, how can I find out what's happening, and what can I do to solve the issue?
  • If it's not supposed to work, is there a Spring Session setup that would allow a cross application server sharing of session state without race conditions?


得分: 2







We spent a lot of time with the DB team trying to figure out if this had anything to do with the MongoDB client connection or server configuration, but after some more thorough research, I've found the culprit: it's spring-session-data-mongodb, because it fails to implement delta updates.


The problem is that there is no logic to check if a write to the session repository is necessary, or any tracking which attributes of the session have been changed. The session is written back at the end of every request unconditionally.

If you have multiple concurrent requests, like any normal web application has, the session state survives from the request that was started last and finished first. So a simple image retrieval (that is handled through a Spring handler) will cause the session to be written back. If you have, like we do, a login handler that takes a substantial amount of time (up to 2 seconds) because it retrieves a bunch of user info from a backend system, the request for the image will have started after the login request, but will have finished before it. spring-session-data-mongodb then decides that the session state from the login handler is stale, and fails to save it.

So until that bug is fixed, we will need to use a different repository like Redis.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月12日 17:27:30
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63373650.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
