Type mismatch error in custom jpa query with 'like' operator

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Type mismatch error in custom jpa query with 'like' operator



select * from orders o where (o.id like '%1%')


@Query("SELECT o from Order o where o.id like %:searchQuery%")
Page<Order> findAllBySearchQuery(Long searchQuery, Pageable pageable);

但是IDEA显示o.id具有“类型不匹配:期望字符串类型”和当我尝试调用该方法时,我得到“java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 参数值[%1%]与期望类型不匹配[java.lang.Long(n/a)]”,

我找不到解决方法。我只找到了如何使用“nativeQuery = true”来解决,但它不支持“Pageable”。


I'm trying to write such select (it works from console)

select * from orders o where (o.id like &#39;%1%&#39;)


@Query(&quot;SELECT o from Order o where o.id like %:searchQuery%&quot;)
Page&lt;Order&gt; findAllBySearchQuery(Long searchQuery, Pageable pageable);

but IDEA shows that o.id has Type mismatch: string type expected and when I try to call the method I get java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameter value [%1%] did not match expected type [java.lang.Long (n/a)],<br><br>
I can't find solution for this. I found only how to do it with nativeQuery = true, but it doesn't support Pageable.

Type of id is bigint. MariaDB.


得分: 1


@Query("SELECT o from Order o where o.id like :searchQuery")
Page<Order> findAllBySearchQuery(String searchQuery, Pageable pageable);

在使用 findAllBySearchQuery 时,您应该将 searchQuery 绑定为类似 %10% 的内容,假设您想查找包含数字 10 的任何 id。例如:

findAllbySearchQuery("%10%", somePageable);

这里还存在另一个潜在的问题,即 Order#id 的类型以及实际 SQL 表中的相应类型。理想情况下,它也应该是文本类型,否则尝试将文本与数字进行比较是没有意义的。

编辑: 鉴于您已经透露您的 id 列是一个整数,您可以尝试首先将其转换为文本,然后进行 like 比较:

@Query("SELECT o from Order o where cast(o.id as string) like :searchQuery")
Page<Order> findAllBySearchQuery(String searchQuery, Pageable pageable);



The correct approach here to bind a string to the placeholder which already contains the wildcards:

@Query(&quot;SELECT o from Order o where o.id like :searchQuery&quot;)
Page&lt;Order&gt; findAllBySearchQuery(String searchQuery, Pageable pageable);

When using findAllBySearchQuery, you should bind to searchQuery something like %10%, assuming you wanted to find any id which contained the number 10. For example, call:

findAllbySearchQuery(&quot;%10%&quot;, somePageable);

There is another potential issue here, namely the type of Order#id, and the corresponding type in the actual SQL table. Ideally, it should be text as well, otherwise it does not make sense trying to compare text against a number.

Edit: Given that you have revealed your id column to be an integer, you may try first casting it to text before doing the like comparison:

@Query(&quot;SELECT o from Order o where cast(o.id as string) like :searchQuery&quot;)
Page&lt;Order&gt; findAllBySearchQuery(String searchQuery, Pageable pageable);

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月11日 16:42:43
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63354600.html



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