在调用 REST API 的情况下填充数据库列

huangapple go评论231阅读模式

Populate a database column by calling a rest API


我有一个小的Spring Boot服务,其中包含一个数据库(我使用Spring Data JPA),我需要从另一个REST API获取一些额外的信息。所以我只能通过调用一个REST API并传递来自我的数据库的ID来获取这些额外的信息,然后保存它们。



public class MigrationController {

    private final MigrationService migrationService;

    public ResponseEntity<MigrationResult> migrateData() {

        var migrationResult = migrationService.migrateData();
        // 这里不是最佳实践...
        if (migrationResult.getStatusCode().startsWith("2")) {
            return ResponseEntity.ok().body(migrationResult);
        } else {
            return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).body(migrationResult);


public class MigrationService {

    private final CustomerRepository customerRepository;
    private final OrderService orderService;

    public MigrationResult migrateData() {
        // ...
        // 你的代码逻辑
        // ...
        return migrationResult;


public class MigrationResult {
    private String statusCode;
    private String message;


我感到我所做的方式有点问题。但我不确定什么是最佳方法,即如何更好地执行此类操作,同时在错误消息和可能的超时方面保持HTTP兼容性(如果作业运行时间太长)。此外,没有UI界面 - 这就是我决定使用这个小的POJO MigrationResult 的原因,可以将其作为JSON返回。


I have a small spring boot service with a database (I use spring data JPA) and I need some additional info from another rest API. So I can get this additional info only by calling a rest API with ids from my database, and then save it.

So I created a controller with an endpoint /migrate and my idea is that when I start the service, I can call this endpoint, then I use findAll() to load all entries, and finally I iterate over them and call the 3rd party rest endpoint for each to get the additional info. So far so gut... but I am not sure what is the best approach here. Shall my endpoint be just a void method or, I should I model it ResponseEntity? My question is more or less what is the best practice here.

Here is some code.

public class MigrationController {

private final MigrationService migrationService;

public ResponseEntity&lt;MigrationResult&gt; migrateData() {

    var migrationResult = migrationService.migrateData();
    // this is not optimal here...
    if (migrationResult.getStatusCode().startsWith(&quot;2&quot;)) {
        return ResponseEntity.ok().body(migrationResult);
    } else {
        return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).body(migrationResult);


And here is the MigrationService :

public class MigrationService {

    private final CustomerRepository customerRepository;
    private final OrderService orderService;

    public MigrationResult migrateData() {
        var updatedCustomersCounter = new AtomicInteger();
        var migrationResult = new MigrationResult();
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

        var customers = customerRepository.findAll();

        if (customers.isEmpty()) {
            return MigrationResult.builder()
                .message(&quot;No customer datafound in database&quot;)

        for (Customer customer : customers) {
            try {
                var order = orderService.getOrderById(customer.getOrderId());

                if (order != null &amp;&amp; !order.getOrders().isEmpty()) {

                if (order != null &amp;&amp; order.getOrders().isEmpty()) {
                    return MigrationResult.builder()
                        .message(&quot;Migration of unique Id for oder id &quot; + order.getOrderId() + &quot; failed.&quot;)

            } catch (Exception e) {
                migrationResult.setMessage(&quot;Unexpected error while updating customer.&quot;);

                &quot;Migration of &quot; + updatedCustomersCounter.get() + &quot; customers finished in: &quot; + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)
                    + &quot;ms. Total number of entries with present orderId &quot; + filteredDataPlans.size());

        return migrationResult;


Here is my model I use with the ResponseEntity:

public class MigrationResult {
    private String statusCode;
    private String message;

As you can see, I need this uniqueId from so-called orderService and then I save it to my Customer Entity. Obviously that will take some time to finish (around 1000 entries -> calls).
I feel it is 'fishy' the way I've done it. But I am not sure what is the best approach, i.e. what is the better way to do something like this and still be HTTP conform regarding error messages and possible timeout (if the job runs too long). Also, there is no UI - That's why I decided to use this small POJO MigrationResult with message that I could become as JSON.


得分: 2


public class MigrationReport {
    private String status;
    private String startDate;
    private String numberOfusers;
    private Long durationTime;
    private String message;
    // getter && setter methods

建议:使用 Instant.now() 替代 long start = System.currentTimeMillis();


It depends on requirements you have .If you don't need such information you can simply return HttpStatus.Ok, but i think best approach would be to return a report after migration task is completed.Instead of wrapping information on String variable i would prefer to store this info in separate variables and create a method to build message with data you want to display.

public class MigrationReport{
   private String status;
   private String startDate;
   private String numberOfusers;
   private Long   durationTime;
   private String message;
   //getter &amp;&amp; setter methods 


Suggestion : Instead of long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); use Instant.now()

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月9日 06:51:13
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63320930.html



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