Java字节码asm – 如何创建一个仅更改类名的类的克隆?

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Java bytecode asm - How can I create a clone of a class with only the class name changed?


Java asm - 我如何创建一个类的克隆,只改变类名?

我知道使用 asm SimpleRemapper 可以简单地修改类名,但我只想更改外部类名,而不修改方法中使用的类名(请参见下面的示例)


public class Target {
  public Target clone(...) ...
  public int compare(another: Target) ...


public class ClonedTarget {
  public Target clone(...) ...
  public int compare(another: Target) ...

(请注意,clone 的返回类型和 compare 的参数类型没有更改。这是我的用例有意为之)。


Java asm - How can I create a clone of a class with only the class name changed ?

I know that there's a simple way to modify the class name using asm SimpleRemapper, but I just want the outer class name changed without modifying the class names used in the methods. (please see below example)

Basically if I have a target class

public class Target {
  public Target clone(...) ...
  public int compare(another: Target) ...

I just wanted to create a clone that looks as:

public class ClonedTarget {
  public Target clone(...) ...
  public int compare(another: Target) ...

(Note that the return type of clone and arg type of compare hasn't changed. This is intentional for my use case).


得分: 5

使用ASM API克隆一个类并仅更改名称,即保留其他类引用不变,实际上非常容易。

ClassReader cr = new ClassReader(Target.class.getResourceAsStream("Target.class"));
ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(cr, 0);
cr.accept(new ClassVisitor(Opcodes.ASM5, cw) {
    public void visit(int version, int access, String name,
                      String signature, String superName, String[] interfaces) {
        super.visit(version, access, "ClonedTarget", signature, superName, interfaces);
}, 0);
byte[] code = cw.toByteArray();







public class Target {
  public Target clone() { return new Target(); }
  public int compare(Target t) { return 0;}


但在这里看不到的是,clone方法覆盖了从java.lang.Object继承的Object clone()方法,因此将生成一个桥接方法。这个桥接方法将具有Object clone()的声明,并只委托给Target clone()方法。问题在于这个委托是对this的调用,调用目标的假定类型编码在调用指令中。这将导致VerifierError


public void method(Target t, boolean b) {
    (b? this: t).otherMethod();




public class Target implements Cloneable {
    public Target duplicate() {
        try {
            return (Target)super.clone();
        } catch(CloneNotSupportedException ex) {
            throw new AssertionError();





Cloning a class and changing the name and only the name, i.e. leave every other class reference as-is, is actually very easy with the ASM API.

ClassReader cr = new ClassReader(Target.class.getResourceAsStream(&quot;Target.class&quot;));
ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(cr, 0);
cr.accept(new ClassVisitor(Opcodes.ASM5, cw) {
    public void visit(int version, int access, String name,
                      String signature, String superName, String[] interfaces) {
        super.visit(version, access, &quot;ClonedTarget&quot;, signature, superName, interfaces);
}, 0);
byte[] code = cw.toByteArray();

When chaining a ClassReader with a ClassWriter, the ClassVisitor in the middle only needs to overwrite those methods corresponding to an artifact it wants to change. So, to change the name and nothing else, we only need to override the visit method for the class’ declaration and pass a different name to the super method.

By passing the class reader to the class writer’s constructor, we’re even denoting that only little changes will be made, enabling subsequent optimizations of the transform process, i.e. most of the constant pool, as well as the code of the methods, will just get copied here.

It’s worth considering the implications. On the bytecode level, constructors have the special name &lt;init&gt;, so they keep being constructors in the resulting class, regardless of its name. Trivial constructors calling a superclass constructor may continue to work in the resulting class.

When invoking instance methods on ClonedTarget objects, the this reference has the type ClonedTarget. This fundamental property does not need to be declared and thus, there is no declaration that needs adaptation in this regard.

Herein lies the problem. The original code assumes that this is of type Target and since nothing has been adapted, the copied code still wrongly assumes that this is of type Target, which can break in various ways.


public class Target {
  public Target clone() { return new Target(); }
  public int compare(Target t) { return 0;}

This looks like not being affected by the issue. The generated default constructor just calls super() and will continue to work. The compare method has an unused parameter type left as-is. And the clone() method instantiates Target (unchanged) and returns it, matching the return type Target (unchanged). Seems fine.

But what’s not visible here, the clone method overrides the method Object clone() inherited from java.lang.Object and therefore, a bridge method will be generated. This bridge method will have the declaration Object clone() and just delegate to the Target clone() method. The problem is that this delegation is an invocation on this and the assumed type of the invocation target is encoded within the invocation instruction. This will cause a VerifierError.

Generally, we can not simply tell apart which invocations are applied on this and which on an unchanged reference, like a parameter or field. It does not even need to have a definite answer. Consider:

public void method(Target t, boolean b) {
    (b? this: t).otherMethod();

Implicitly assuming that this has type Target, it can use this and a Target instance from another source interchangeably. We can not change the this type and keep the parameter type without rewriting the code.

Other issues arise with visibility. For the renamed class, the verifier will reject unchanged accesses to private members of the original class.

Besides failing with a VerifyError, problematic code may slip through and cause problems at a later time. Consider:

public class Target implements Cloneable {
    public Target duplicate() {
        try {
            return (Target)super.clone();
        } catch(CloneNotSupportedException ex) {
            throw new AssertionError();

Since this duplicate() does not override a superclass method, there won’t be a bridge method and all unchanged uses of Target are correct from the verifier’s perspective.

But the clone() method of Object does not return an instance of Target but of the this’ class, ClonedTarget in the renamed clone. So this will fail with a ClassCastException, only when being executed.

This doesn’t preclude working use cases for a class with known content. But generally, it’s very fragile.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月9日 03:53:48
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