gradle javaexec error "'apiElements' directly is not allowed"- Gradle 5.4.1

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gradle javaexec error "'apiElements' directly is not allowed"- Gradle 5.4.1



作为此过程的一部分,我需要在目录中的每个文件上运行一个Java程序。目录包含XML文件,Java代码将解析和转换 .xml 文件(在执行某些特定业务转换后,这些Java文件将被构建以生成最终jar中的类和包)。


  1. private runJavaFile(String dirPath) {
  2. FileTree tree = fileTree(dir: dirPath, include: '**/*.xml')
  3. tree.each {
  4. def xmlfile = it.path
  5. def javaFile = it.path.replaceFirst(".xml", ".java")
  6. javaexec { // 在这一行报错
  7. classpath configurations.all
  8. main = 'XmlToJavaParser'
  9. args = ["$xmlfile", "$javaFile", 'Java']
  10. }
  11. }
  12. }


  1. > Resolving configuration 'apiElements' directly is not allowed




I am new to Gradle and trying to migrate an existing system build from ant to Gradle.
As part of this I need to run a java program on every file in a directory. Directory contains xml files and the java code will parse and convert .xml to .java files (and these Java files would be build to generate class and package in final jar) after performing some business specific transformation.

below is a function I wrote in Gradle

  1. private runJavaFile(String dirPath) {
  2. FileTree tree = fileTree(dir: dirPath, include: '**/*.xml')
  3. tree.each {
  4. def xmlfile = it.path
  5. def javaFile = it.path.replaceFirst(".xml", ".java")
  6. javaexec { //// getting error on this line
  7. classpath configurations.all
  8. main = 'XmlToJavaParser'
  9. args = ["$xmlfile", "$javaFile", 'Java']
  10. }
  11. }
  12. }

I am calling this function from a Gradle task by passing the dir path which contains the xml files to be parsed.
While running the task, I am getting below error:

  1. > Resolving configuration 'apiElements' directly is not allowed

Any help would be appreciated.
Let me know if any more information is needed.


得分: 1



因此,要修复它,您应该为XmlToJavaParser声明自己的配置。然后,您可以像通常一样为它声明依赖关系。以下是一个示例(使用Groovy DSL):

  1. configurations {
  2. xmlJavaParser {
  3. canBeResolved = true
  4. canBeConsumed = false
  5. }
  6. }
  7. dependencies {
  8. xmlJavaParser "org.example:xml-java-parser:1.0" // 或者您需要的任何依赖项
  9. }
  10. private runJavaFile(String dirPath) {
  11. // ...
  12. javaexec {
  13. classpath = configurations.xmlJavaParser // 此处引用了配置
  14. main = 'XmlToJavaParser'
  15. args = ["$xmlfile", "$javaFile", 'Java']
  16. }
  17. }



In Gradle, a configuration represents a group of artifacts and their dependencies. You typically have several configurations depending on what you want to do. For instance, you could have one where you declare which dependencies are needed for compilation, which are only needed at runtime, or which are needed for running a particular Java application.

In your case, you are saying that the classpath to the XmlToJavaParser class is "all configurations combined" and that doesn't really make sense. You are also not allowed to do that as some configurations from the Java plugin are not resolvable like this, which is why you get an error.

So to fix it, you should declare your own configuration for XmlToJavaParser. You can then declare dependencies for it like you normally do. Example (using the Groovy DSL):

  1. configurations {
  2. xmlJavaParser {
  3. canBeResolved = true
  4. canBeConsumed = false
  5. }
  6. }
  7. dependencies {
  8. xmlJavaParser "org.example:xml-java-parser:1.0" // or whatever you need
  9. }
  10. private runJavaFile(String dirPath) {
  11. // ...
  12. javaexec {
  13. classpath = configurations.xmlJavaParser // The configuration is referenced here
  14. main = 'XmlToJavaParser'
  15. args = ["$xmlfile", "$javaFile", 'Java']
  16. }
  17. }

There are also other ways to go about it. But the main point is to not use configurations.all as a classpath.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月5日 17:45:34
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