JUnit 5 @EnabledIfSystemProperty不按预期工作。

huangapple go评论72阅读模式

JUnit 5 @EnabledIfSystemProperty doesn't work as expected


我将我的测试从JUnit 4迁移到JUnit 5。一切都正常,但是我之前的注解翻译不正确:

@IfProfileValue(name = "run.import.tests", values = {"true"})


@EnabledIfSystemProperty(named = "run.import.tests", matches = "true")



但是使用JUnit 5,即使使用了注解@EnabledIfSystemProperty(named = "run.import.tests", matches = "true"),测试也会在未设置run.import.tests参数的情况下运行。



I migrated my test from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5. All works fine but the translation of my previous annotation:

@IfProfileValue(name = "run.import.tests", values = {"true"})


@EnabledIfSystemProperty(named = "run.import.tests", matches = "true")

doesn't work as expected. Before the migration I runned my tests passing the argument


only if I passed it they were runned. With Junit 5, even with annotation @EnabledIfSystemProperty(named = "run.import.tests", matches = "true") the test is runned even if the argument run.import.tests is not set.

Am I doing something wrong?


得分: 7


@EnabledIfSystemProperty(named = "run.import.tests", matches = "true")
@DisabledIfSystemProperty(named = "run.import.tests", matches = "(?!true)")





我已经仔细查看了代码并进行了多次测试 - 这里是总结:

  1. 当我使用Maven运行测试(mvn test)时,仅使用@EnabledIfSystemProperty注释就可以正常工作 - 只有在添加-Drun.import.tests=true参数时才会运行测试。在这种情况下,不需要@DisabledIfSystemProperty
  2. 当我使用IntelliJ的“运行XxxTest”来运行测试时,只有在两个注释都存在的情况下,属性的处理才正常工作。经过一些调试,我发现了JupiterTestEngine - 这是由外部启动器(Maven、IntelliJ、任何其他启动器)运行的类。似乎IntelliJ在其测试启动器中添加了一个属性:junit.jupiter.conditions.deactivate,通常是有用的 - 有了它,我们甚至可以在本地运行已被条件注释禁用的测试,忽略它们。当@DisabledIfSystemProperty不存在时,属性的值为org.junit.*Enabled*Condition,而存在时为org.junit.*Disabled*Condition - 这些条件是JUnit的扩展,用于解析测试的禁用状态。



To make it work an "opposite" annotation has to be added, so both of them together look like this:

@EnabledIfSystemProperty(named = "run.import.tests", matches = "true")
@DisabledIfSystemProperty(named = "run.import.tests", matches = "(?!true)")

I've checked it and the test class is disabled if the run.import.tests property is not set or if it is set to any other value than true; if the value is set to true - the test class is not disabled.

Curiously, the documentation of @EnabledIfSystemProperty states:

> If the specified system property is undefined, the annotated class or method will be disabled.

Yet it does not work that way and it may be a bug. I will try and debug the JUnit classes and if I create an issue on their GitHub, I will link it here.

I've gone through the code and tested it a few more times - here is the summary:

  1. When I run the test using Maven (mvn test), the annotation @EnabledIfSystemProperty alone works fine - the test is run only when I add -Drun.import.tests=true argument. @DisabledIfSystemProperty is not needed in that case.
  2. When I run the test using IntelliJ's Run XxxTest handling of the property worked fine only if both annotations were present. After some debugging I came across JupiterTestEngine - a class that is run by external launchers (Maven, IntelliJ, any other). It seems that IntelliJ adds a property to it's test launcher: junit.jupiter.conditions.deactivate, which is usually useful - thanks to that we can run even tests that are disabled with conditional annotations locally, ignoring them. The value of the property is org.junit.*Enabled*Condition when @DisabledIfSystemProperty is not present and org.junit.*Disabled*Condition when it is - the conditions are JUnit's extensions that resolve disabled state for the test.

The functionality described in (2) is usually useful, but in your case it made it look like the annotation is not working. It actually is working, but IntelliJ just bypasses it.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月4日 23:39:54
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63250350.html



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