Buffered vs Unbuffered. How actually buffer work?

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Buffered vs Unbuffered. How actually buffer work?




How actually a buffer optimize the process of reading/writing?

Every time when we read a byte we access the file. I read that a buffer reduces the number of accesses the file. The question is how?. In the Buffered section of picture, when we load bytes from the file to the buffer we access the file just like in Unbuffered section of picture so where is the optimization?
I mean ... the buffer must access the file every time when reads a byte so
even if the data in the buffer is read faster this will not improve performance in the process of reading. What am I missing?

Buffered vs Unbuffered. How actually buffer work?


得分: 5







这已经纳入了NIO设计中。因此,与InputStream API一样,支持[单字节读取方法]并通过提供缓冲装饰器进行修复不同,NIO的ByteChannel子类型只提供使用[应用程序管理的缓冲区]的方法。


[InputStream的批量读取方法]: https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/14/docs/api/java.base/java/io/InputStream.html#read(byte%5B%5D,int,int)(java.io.InputStream中的方法int read(byte,int,int))
[单字节读取方法]: https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/14/docs/api/java.base/java/io/InputStream.html#read()(java.io.InputStream中的方法int read())
[应用程序管理的缓冲区]: https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/14/docs/api/java.base/java/nio/ByteBuffer.html(java.nio.ByteBuffer类)
Scanner: https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/14/docs/api/java.base/java/util/Scanner.html(java.util.Scanner类)


The fundamental misconception is to assume that a file is read byte by byte. Most storage devices, including hard drives and solid-state discs, organize the data in blocks. Likewise, network protocols transfer data in packets rather than single bytes.

This affects how the controller hardware and low-level software (drivers and operating system) work. Often, it is not even possible to transfer a single byte on this level. So, requesting the read of a single byte ends up reading one block and ignoring everything but one byte. Even worse, writing a single byte may imply reading an entire block, changing one bye of it, and writing the block back to the device. For network transfers, sending a packet with a payload of only one byte implies using 99% of the bandwidth for metadata rather than actual payload.

Note that sometimes, an immediate response is needed or a write is required to be definitely completed at some point, e.g. for safety. That’s why unbuffered I/O exists at all. But for most ordinary use cases, you want to transfer a sequence of bytes anyway and it should be transferred in chunks of a size suitable to the underlying hardware.

Note that even if the underlying system injects a buffering on its own or when the hardware truly transfers single bytes, performing 100 operating system calls to transfer a single byte on each still is significantly slower than performing a single operating system call telling it to transfer 100 bytes at once.

But you should not consider the buffer to be something between the file and your program, as suggested in your picture. You should consider the buffer to be part of your program. Just like you would not consider a String object to be something between your program and a source of characters, but rather a natural way to process such items. E.g. when you use the bulk read method of InputStream (e.g. of a FileInputStream) with a sufficiently large target array, there is no need to wrap the input stream in a BufferedInputStream; it would not improve the performance. You should just stay away from the single byte read method as much as possible.

As another practical example, when you use an InputStreamReader, it will already read the bytes into a buffer (so no additional BufferedInputStream is needed) and the internally used CharsetDecoder will operate on that buffer, writing the resulting characters into a target char buffer. When you use, e.g. Scanner, the pattern matching operations will work on that target char buffer of a charset decoding operation (when the source is an InputStream or ByteChannel). Then, when delivering match results as strings, they will be created by another bulk copy operation from the char buffer. So processing data in chunks is already the norm, not the exception.

This has been incorporated into the NIO design. So, instead of supporting a single byte read method and fixing it by providing a buffering decorator, as the InputStream API does, NIO’s ByteChannel subtypes only offer methods using application managed buffers.

So we could say, buffering is not improving the performance, it is the natural way of transferring and processing data. Rather, not buffering is degrading the performance by requiring a translation from the natural bulk data operations to single item operations.


得分: 2

基本上,对于读取操作,如果您请求 1 字节,缓冲区将读取 1000 字节并返回第一个字节;对于接下来的 999 次读取 1 字节,它将不会从文件中读取任何内容,而是使用其内部的缓冲区(位于RAM中)。只有在您读取完所有的 1000 字节后,它才会实际从实际文件中再次读取另外 1000 字节。

写入操作也是类似的,但是相反。如果您写入 1 字节,它将被缓冲,只有在写入了 1000 字节后,它们才会被写入文件。

请注意,选择缓冲区大小会相当大地改变性能,可以参考例如 https://stackoverflow.com/a/237495/2442804 获取更多细节,考虑到文件系统块大小、可用 RAM 等因素。


Basically for reading if you request 1 byte the buffer will read 1000 bytes and return you the first byte, for next 999 reads for 1 byte it will not read anything from the file but use its internal buffer in RAM. Only after you read all the 1000 bytes it will actually read another 1000 bytes from the actual file.

Same thing for writing but in reverse. If you write 1 byte it will be buffered and only if you have written 1000 bytes they may be written to the file.

Note that choosing the buffer size changes the performance quite a bit, see e.g. https://stackoverflow.com/a/237495/2442804 for further details, respecting file system block size, available RAM, etc.


得分: 2



File仅表示路径。以下是来自File Javadoc的信息:

> 文件和目录路径名的抽象表示。


> 该方法返回的缓冲区通常具有比非直接缓冲区更高的分配和释放成本。直接缓冲区的内容可能驻留在正常的垃圾收集堆之外,因此它们对应用程序的内存占用可能不明显。 因此,建议主要为需要底层系统的本机I/O操作的大型、长寿命缓冲区分配直接缓冲区。总的来说,仅在直接缓冲区在程序性能方面提供可测量的收益时才分配直接缓冲区是最好的选择。



As stated in your picture, buffered file contents are saved in memory and unbuffered file is not read directly unless it is streamed to program.

File is only representation on path only. Here is from File Javadoc:

> An abstract representation of file and directory pathnames.

Meanwhile, buffered stream like ByteBuffer takes content (depends on buffer type, direct or indirect) from file and allocate it into memory as heap.

> The buffers returned by this method typically have somewhat higher allocation and deallocation costs than non-direct buffers. The contents of direct buffers may reside outside of the normal garbage-collected heap, and so their impact upon the memory footprint of an application might not be obvious. It is therefore recommended that direct buffers be allocated primarily for large, long-lived buffers that are subject to the underlying system's native I/O operations. In general it is best to allocate direct buffers only when they yield a measureable gain in program performance.

Actually depends on the condition, if the file is accessed repeatedly, then buffered is a faster solution rather than unbuffered. But if the file is larger than main memory and it is accessed once, unbuffered seems to be better solution.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月3日 00:04:17
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