
huangapple go评论56阅读模式

json schema not working for type = number and pattern = 10 digit regular pattern


I am trying to write a jsonschema that works for a phone number which is a number and it should be equal to 10 digit. To achieve this, I have written a JSON schema as given below:


My request JSON is {"phone_number":123481}.

Ideally, my JSON schema should throw an exception telling me the phone_number is not 10 digits, but there is no error being thrown. Can somebody tell me what is wrong with this code?


I am trying to write a jsonschema that works for a phone number which is a number and it should be equal to 10 digit. To achieve this i have written a json schema as given below


My request json is {"phone_number":123481}

Ideally my json schema should throw an exception telling me the phone_number is not 10-digit but there is no error which is being thrown. Can somebody tell me what is wrong in this code.


得分: 4


“JSON模式验证草案规范”在“字符串的验证关键字”下列出了pattern。 因此,如果您想要验证电话号码,您将不得不将它们记录为string而不是number




在某些地方(特别是在英国),电话号码可以以零开头,但number类型无法存储前导零。 此外,例如,1230123作为电话号码可能存在差异,如果使用number类型,您将无法区分这两者之间的区别。


The <a href="https://json-schema.org/draft/2019-09/json-schema-validation.html#string">JSON Schema validation draft spec</a> lists pattern under "Validation Keywords for Strings". Therefore, if you want to validate phone numbers, you will have to record them as strings, not numbers.

In other words, your schema should be


and your request JSON will have to be {&quot;phone_number&quot;:&quot;123481&quot;}.

In certain places (particularly here in the UK), phone numbers can begin with zeroes, but the number type cannot store leading zeroes. Also, there may be a difference between, for example, 123 and 0123 as a phone numbers, and you would not be able to tell the difference between these two if you used the number type.

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