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Why doesn't WorkManager work in Xiamo devices?


Short Version: WorkManager 在 MIUI 设备上不起作用!(如标题所述)

Detailed Version: 我已经搜索了几天关于这个问题,感到沮丧。在我的应用程序(离线工作)中,我应该在一天中的某个特定时间发送通知。然而,似乎根本没有适当的方法来做到这一点。我找到的最后一种方法是使用 WorkManager,在大多数设备上似乎运行正常(当应用程序在 Android O 之后被杀死时,闹钟管理器根本不起作用)。但在小米设备上,WorkManager 不起作用。只有在手动允许一些功能后,WorkManager 才能工作(自动启动和不限制电池优化),这并不是一个好的解决方案,因为在不同的设备上位置不同,对普通用户来说很难找到。

如果 WorkManager 在后台不起作用,它有什么意义呢?

P.S.:当应用程序打开时,WorkManager 可以正常工作。它还可以在模拟器上正常工作,所以实施上没有问题。


  1. PeriodicWorkRequest workRequest =
  2. new PeriodicWorkRequest.Builder(UploadWorker.class, 24 , TimeUnit.HOURS)
  3. .setInitialDelay(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
  4. .build();
  5. WorkManager.getInstance(getContext())
  6. .enqueueUniquePeriodicWork("FIRST_TIMER", ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy.REPLACE,workRequest);

Short Version: WorkManager doesnt work on MIUI devices! (as stated in the title)

Detailed Version: I have been searching on this topic for days and I'm frustrated. In my app (which is working offline) I am supposed to send notification on certain hours of the day. However it seems like there is no proper way of doing this at all. The last approach I found was using the WorkManager which seemed to work fine on most devices (alarmmanager doesnt work at all when the app is killed after android O). But in Xiamo devices, the WorkManager doesn't work. Only if you manually allow some feature the WorkManager works (auto start and no restrictions for battery optimizatino) which is not a good solution as their location is different in different devices and is hard to find for normal users.

If you faced the same problem, can you tell me how to fix it?
what is the point of WorkManager if doesn't work on background?!

P.S. : Workmanager works fine when the app is open. it also works fine on the emulator so there is no problem in the implementation.

Here is the code I used to send the request:

  1. PeriodicWorkRequest workRequest =
  2. new PeriodicWorkRequest.Builder(UploadWorker.class, 24 , TimeUnit.HOURS)
  3. .setInitialDelay(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
  4. .build();
  5. WorkManager.getInstance(getContext())
  6. .enqueueUniquePeriodicWork("FIRST_TIMER", ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy.REPLACE,workRequest);


得分: 1

使用Android 6(Marshmallow),Google引入了Doze模式到基本的Android系统,试图统一各种Android手机的省电功能。




With Android 6 (Marshmallow), Google has introduced Doze mode to the base Android, in an attempt to unify battery saving across the various Android phones.

Unfortunately, some manufacturers (e.g. Xiaomi, Huawei, OnePlus or even Samsung..) did not seem to catch that ball and they all have their own battery savers, usually very poorly written, saving battery only superficially with side effects.

Please check this answer for more details :

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月1日 19:08:02
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