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How to use treemap in java script



"我从Java Servlet发送了一个树状图到JSP。我能够在JSP页面内使用树状图的键作为下拉列表。我的地图包含国家名称作为键,首都作为值,当用户选择国家名称时,我只需要在文本框中显示国家首都。我需要在表单提交后在Java页面中获取所选的键值(国家名称),我知道如何做这个。当我从JavaScript中读取地图时,它被识别为字符串/[object Object]。我如何在这里使用map.get(key)。提前感谢您。

  1. function fillText(obj) {
  2. var key = obj.options[obj.selectedIndex].value;
  3. var map = new Map('<%=request.getAttribute("countrylist")%>');
  4. var contract = "${countrylist}";
  5. }
  6. <label for="Select The Switch">Select The Switch:</label>
  7. <select name="country" id="countrycode" onchange="fillText(this)" required>
  8. <option value="">Please select the switch</option>
  9. <c:forEach items="${countrylist}" var="countrylist">
  10. <option value=${countrylist.key}>${countrylist.key}</option>
  11. </c:forEach>
  12. </select>
  13. Country capital:<input type="text" id="pass" readonly>
  1. <details>
  2. <summary>英文:</summary>
  3. I am sending one treemap from java servlet to jsp. I am able to use the treemap keys as drop down list inside jsp page . My map contains country name as key and capital as value when user selected country name i just need to display country capital in the text box.I need selected key value(country name) in the java page after form submission(I know hot to do this).when i am reading map from java script it is taking as string/[object Object]. how can i use map.get(key) here. Thanks in advance
  4. function fillText(obj)
  5. {
  6. var key= obj.options[obj.selectedIndex].value;
  7. var map = new Map(&#39;&lt;%=request.getAttribute(&quot;countrylist&quot;)%&gt;&#39;);
  8. var contract = &quot;${countrylist}&quot;;
  9. }
  10. &lt;label for=&quot;Select The Switch&quot;&gt;Select The Switch:&lt;/label&gt;
  11. &lt;select name=&quot;country&quot; id=&quot;countrycode&quot; onchange=&quot;fillText(this)&quot; required&gt;
  12. &lt;option value= &quot;&quot; &gt;Please select the switch&lt;/option&gt;
  13. &lt;c:forEach items=&quot;${countrylist}&quot; var=&quot;countrylist&quot;&gt;
  14. &lt;option value=${countrylist.key}&gt;${countrylist.key}&lt;/option&gt;
  15. &lt;/c:forEach&gt;
  16. &lt;/select&gt;`)
  17. Country capital:&lt;input type=&quot;text&quot; id=&quot;pass&quot; readonly &gt;
  18. </details>
  19. # 答案1
  20. **得分**: 0
  21. Finally, I found the answer myself. I have converted treemap to json object in the servlet class and pushed to jsp.
  22. Servlet Java:
  23. ```java
  24. Gson gson = new Gson();
  25. String json = gson.toJson(countrylist);
  26. request.setAttribute("json", json);

JavaScript function:

  1. function fillText(obj) {
  2. var key = obj.options[obj.selectedIndex].value;
  3. var json = ${json};
  4. var value = json[key];
  5. document.getElementById("pass").value = value;
  6. }

Import gson-2.8.0.jar to the class path. It works fine for me, not sure if it is the right way.


Finally, I found the answer myself.I have converted treemap to json object in the servlet class and pushed to jsp

Servelt java

  1. Gson gson = new Gson();
  2. String json=gson.toJson(countrylist);
  3. request.setAttribute(&quot;json&quot;, json);

javascript function

  1. function fillText(obj)
  2. {
  3. var key= obj.options[obj.selectedIndex].value;
  4. var json=${json};
  5. var value=json[key]
  6. document.getElementById(&quot;pass&quot;).value=value;
  7. }

import gson-2.8.0.jar to the class path. It works fine for me, not sure it is a right way.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年7月31日 16:50:37
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63188675.html



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