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How and why handle jwt token expiration with refresh_token, is there another alternative?


我有两个战争文件:app.war(struts web 应用程序)和 rest.war(经典 REST API)。

app.war 通过 JWT 令牌访问 rest.war,该令牌是用户成功登录 app.war 后生成的。

当用户使用 app.war 时,需要从 rest.war 获取一些数据,方法是从 app.war 的 JSP 发送带有 JWT 令牌的 Ajax 调用。

JWT 令牌的过期时间为 15 分钟,而 app.war 的会话超时为 1 小时。

然而,如果 JWT 令牌过期,将会弹出一个提示要求用户重新登录,尽管用户仍然可以访问 app.war

有一种替代方法:使用 access_tokenrefresh_token,如果 access_token 过期,然后使用 refresh_token 获取新的 access_tokenrefresh_token


第一,为什么要使用两个令牌?因为我认为它们是相同的,只是 refresh_token 的生存时间比 access_token 长,使用 refresh_token 获取新的 access_token,那么为什么不只使用 access_token 并设置其过期时间更长呢?

第二,生成 access_tokenrefresh_token 是否使用相同的算法,只是它们的过期时间不同?

第三,如果客户端执行多个使用令牌的 API 调用(同步和异步),如果其中一个调用返回 401(令牌过期),应该如何处理?


I have two wars: app.war(struts web app) and rest.war(classic rest api).

app.war access rest.war by jwt token which is generated once user login app.war successful.

When user use a.war, some data need to be got from rest.war by sending ajax calls from jsp of a.war with jwt token.

The expired time of jwt token is 15 mins, while session timeout of app.war is 1 hour.

However, if jwt token is expired, there is pop up ask for user login again even and user still can access app.war.

There is one alternative: use access_token and refresh_token, if access_token expired, then use refresh_token to get new access_token and refresh_token.

For this approach, I have some questions:

First, Why use two tokens? because i think they are the same, just refresh_token live longer than access_token and use refresh_token to get new access_token, so why not just access_token and set its expired time longer?

Second, is it same algorithms to generate access_token and refresh_token, just their expired is different?

Third, if client perform several api invocations (sync & async) using the token, how handle if one of that invocations return the 401 (token expired) ?


得分: 5



因为使用两个令牌(access_token和refresh_token)是世界一流公司(Google、Azure、Amazon等)采用的经过验证的策略,它们信任OAuth 2.0授权框架











之后,你的用户就像一个机器人(或者是你的网站的一个功能/需求),开始使用多个表单来执行对你的REST API的多次调用,附加了access_token。



  • 在403错误时使用刷新令牌来更新令牌。在这种情况下,你可以使用axios-retry来处理错误重试。
  • 登录后,启动一个异步任务以在比令牌到期时间更短的时间间隔内更新令牌。在我们的示例中为3400毫秒。因此,来自你的网站的API调用永远不会失败。





As you said, refresh_token is the recommended alternative to deal with jwt expiration.

why use two tokens?

Because the use of two tokens (access_token and refresh_token) is a verified strategy used by world class companies (google, azure, amazon, etc) which trust in The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework

Which is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) which in turn is : The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is an open standards organization, which develops and promotes voluntary Internet standards, in particular the standards that comprise the Internet protocol suite.

You can use the oauth2 framework rigidly complying its specification, create and hybrid focus on your custom requirements or develop a new framework with new concepts

so why not just access_token and set its expired time longer?

Oauth2 spec does not recommend a non-expirable token. Token word itself mean a expirable thing. If it doesn't expire, we could use a password.

For example let's imagine a mobile app which needs a token to download some user information. If token does not expire, a thief could steal the mobile app, enter and access to the user info. But as token means expiration, the thief could have a time limited access. Also token could be revoked by the user at the steal time, so the thief could not has access.

Commonly when token expire, a login is forced. But there some requirements in which user doesn't want to login and login again every 3600 ms. So refresh_token helps to don't disturb to our user and get a new access_token without human login. Now, what happen if refresh_token didn't expire? Can we create access-tokens from months or years? That is why refresh_token must expire too

is it same algorithms to generate access_token and refresh_token, just their expired is different?

I implemented a kind of security server and I used the same algorithm with different expiration. But I added a extra claim to to differentiate them:

Several invocations needs the access_token

In this case, if token is renewed at every user login, you will have an access_token ready to use with 3600ms of life.

After that your user is kind of robot ( or is a feature/requirement of your web ) and start to use multiple forms which perform several invocations to your rest api attaching the access_token.

If we are in the 3601ms, in the next api invocation from web, the api must return a 403 error and show a classic popup: Session expired, click here to login again...

If your requirement is avoid this popup, you could choice one of these approaches:

  • Renew token using the refresh token on 403 error. In this case you could use axios-retry to deal with retry on error.
  • After login, start an async task to renew the token at intervals less than token expiration. 3400ms in our example. So api invocations from your web never fail


Perform access_token and refresh_token exchange in your backend layer, not in frontend (ajax) layer.

So the attackers will never know your endpoint to get tokens or refresh them.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年7月29日 22:02:23
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63155424.html



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