
huangapple go评论59阅读模式

How to handle exception of CompletableFuture get() method



try {
    firstAppStatus = service1.getStatus().get(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
    firstAppStatus = ComponentStatusEnum.DOWN;
try {
    secondAppStatus = service2.getStatus().get(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
    secondAppStatus = ComponentStatusEnum.DOWN;
try {
    thirdAppStatus = service3.getStatus().get(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
    thirdAppStatus = ComponentStatusEnum.DOWN;

I need to to send requests to 3rd party urls so i used @Async on getStatus() method which returns CompletableFuture of enum and if TimeoutException is thrown i'd like to consider status as DOWN or how to catch InterruptedException and ExecutionException of each call

try {
    firstAppStatus = service1.getStatus().get(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
    firstAppStatus = ComponentStatusEnum.DOWN;
try {
    secondAppStatus = service2.getStatus().get(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
    secondAppStatus = ComponentStatusEnum.DOWN;
try {
    thirdAppStatus = service3.getStatus().get(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
    thirdAppStatus = ComponentStatusEnum.DOWN;

I know this code will executed sequentially so how run them asynchronous with this behavior without making changes on client request timeout


得分: 3


// 允许所有三个请求并发运行
CompletableFuture<ComponentStatusEnum> status1 = service1.getStatus();
CompletableFuture<ComponentStatusEnum> status2 = service2.getStatus();
CompletableFuture<ComponentStatusEnum> status3 = service3.getStatus();

// 等待三个请求全部完成或超时,以先发生的为准
try {
    CompletableFuture.allOf(status1, status2, status3).get(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (TimeoutException|InterruptedException|ExecutionException ex) {
    // 无操作,因为所有情况都在下面处理

// 使用超时时的回退值获取结果
firstAppStatus  = status1.getNow(ComponentStatusEnum.DOWN);
secondAppStatus = status2.getNow(ComponentStatusEnum.DOWN);
thirdAppStatus  = status3.getNow(ComponentStatusEnum.DOWN);





If I understand you correctly, you want something like this:

// allow all three requests to run concurrently
CompletableFuture&lt;ComponentStatusEnum&gt; status1 = service1.getStatus();
CompletableFuture&lt;ComponentStatusEnum&gt; status2 = service2.getStatus();
CompletableFuture&lt;ComponentStatusEnum&gt; status3 = service3.getStatus();

// wait for either, the completion of all three or the timeout, whatever comes first
try {
    CompletableFuture.allOf(status1, status2, status3).get(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch(TimeoutException|InterruptedException|ExecutionException ex) {
    // no action, as all cases are handled below

// get results with fall-backs on timeout
firstAppStatus  = status1.getNow(ComponentStatusEnum.DOWN);
secondAppStatus = status2.getNow(ComponentStatusEnum.DOWN);
thirdAppStatus  = status3.getNow(ComponentStatusEnum.DOWN);

First, do not query the results immediately if you want to allow all requests to run in parallel. Then, using allOf, you can wait for the completion of all operations with a single timeout.

getNow is the right operation to get the result immediately when available or the specified fall-back value if the operation has not completed yet. In principle, it’s possible that the operation completes in the small time window between getting a TimeoutException and calling getNow, but this should not create any problem for your application logic.

Regarding exception handling, getNow behaves like join() throwing an unchecked CompletionException instead of the checked ExecutionException when the underlying operation failed. If you don’t catch it, it gets propagated to the caller, which is the best option if you have no special handling for this case. If the waiting with timeout got interrupted, it will behave just as if you had a smaller timeout; the operations might have finished already or get the fall-back value at getNow.


得分: 0

使用Java 9,您可以使用completeOnTimeout

CompletableFuture&lt;ComponentStatusEnum&gt; firstAppStatus = service1.getStatus().completeOnTimeout(ComponentStatusEnum.DOWN, 20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);



With Java 9 you can use completeOnTimeout:

CompletableFuture&lt;ComponentStatusEnum&gt; firstAppStatus = service1.getStatus().completeOnTimeout(ComponentStatusEnum.DOWN, 20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

More info here.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年7月29日 12:30:15
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63146360.html



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