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Spring Scheduled Cache


我有一个在我的Spring Boot项目中返回列表的方法。这个列表是通过DTO映射创建的,我不希望我的代码在每次页面刷新时执行SQL查询。有时候数据库可能会有新的更新。所以,例如,我希望它每隔5小时刷新一次缓存。@Cacheable正在运行,但不接收新的数据。我查看了@CacheEvict的示例,但我应用它时我的代码并不会创建任何缓存。还有一件事,是否可以在同一个方法中缓存多个列表?例如,就像下面的代码一样,但它不起作用:

  1. @Override
  2. @Cacheable(value = "apps")
  3. @Scheduled(cron = "0 0/30 * * * ?")
  4. @CacheEvict(value = "apps", allEntries=true)
  5. public List<Apps> executeLatestApplications(){
  6. ...
  7. List<Apps> apps = em.createNamedQuery("Apps", Apps.class).getResultList();
  8. ...
  9. }

这是应用于apps SQL 结果映射的部分:

  1. @NamedNativeQuery(
  2. name = "AppsQuery",
  3. query = "SELECT id, name, address, repo, version FROM apps",
  4. resultSetMapping = "Mapping"
  5. )
  6. @SqlResultSetMapping(
  7. name = "Mapping",
  8. classes = @ConstructorResult(targetClass= com.meursault.apps.model.Apps.class,
  9. columns = {
  10. @ColumnResult(name = "id", type = Long.class),
  11. @ColumnResult(name = "name", type = String.class),
  12. @ColumnResult(name = "address", type = String.class),
  13. @ColumnResult(name = "repo", type = String.class),
  14. @ColumnResult(name = "version", type = String.class)
  15. }
  16. )



I have a method which returns list in my spring-boot project. This list is created with DTO mapping and i don't want my code execute sql query in every refresh of page. Sometimes new updates can come to the database. So for example I want it to refresh cache every 5 hours. Cacheable is running but not receiving new data. I looked at the Cache Evict examples, but my code doesn't make any cache when I apply it. And one more thing, is it possible to cache more than one list in same method? For example like in the code below but it does not work:

  1. @Override
  2. @Cacheable(value = &quot;apps&quot;)
  3. @Scheduled(cron = &quot;0 0/30 * * * ?&quot;)
  4. @CacheEvict(value = &quot;apps&quot;, allEntries=true)
  5. public List&lt;Apps&gt; executeLatestApplications(){
  6. ...
  7. List&lt;Apps&gt; apps = em.createNamedQuery(&quot;Apps&quot;, Apps.class).getResultList();
  8. ...
  9. }

This is where apps SQL Result Mapping:

  1. @NamedNativeQuery(
  2. name = &quot;AppsQuery&quot;,
  3. query = &quot;SELECT id, name, address, repo, version FROM apps&quot;,
  4. resultSetMapping = &quot;Mapping&quot;
  5. )
  6. @SqlResultSetMapping(
  7. name = &quot;Mapping&quot;,
  8. classes = @ConstructorResult(targetClass= com.meursault.apps.model.Apps.class,
  9. columns = {
  10. @ColumnResult(name = &quot;id&quot;, type = Long.class),
  11. @ColumnResult(name = &quot;name&quot;, type = String.class),
  12. @ColumnResult(name = &quot;address&quot;, type = String.class),
  13. @ColumnResult(name = &quot;repo&quot;, type = String.class),
  14. @ColumnResult(name = &quot;version&quot;, type = String.class))


得分: 1




  1. @CacheEvict(allEntries = true)
  2. public void save(App app) {
  3. em.insert(app);
  4. }




I'm not sure what you mean by 'Cacheable is running but not receiving new data. I looked at the Cache Evict examples, but my code doesn't make any cache when I apply it.

'@Cacheable works by caching return type against method argument, think of this as simple key/value store with key as method argument and value as the returned value.

You can have a separate @CacheEvict method which evicts allentries.

  1. @CacheEvict(allEntries = true)
  2. public void save(App app) {
  3. em.insert(app);
  4. }

Check this post

You can check more information in spring documentation.


得分: 1

I guess the problem is you are using @Cacheable(value = "apps") and @CacheEvict(value = "apps", allEntries=true) in the same method.

Use @CachePut to update all the entries.

  1. @Override
  2. @CachePut(value = "apps")
  3. @Scheduled(cron = "0 0/30 * * * ?")
  4. public List<Apps> executeLatestApplications(){
  5. ...
  6. List<Apps> apps = em.createNamedQuery("Apps", Apps.class).getResultList();
  7. ...
  8. }

I guess the problem is you are using @Cacheable(value = &quot;apps&quot;) and @CacheEvict(value = &quot;apps&quot;, allEntries=true) in the same method.

Use @CachePut to update all the entries.

  1. @Override
  2. @CachePut(value = &quot;apps&quot;)
  3. @Scheduled(cron = &quot;0 0/30 * * * ?&quot;)
  4. public List&lt;Apps&gt; executeLatestApplications(){
  5. ...
  6. List&lt;Apps&gt; apps = em.createNamedQuery(&quot;Apps&quot;, Apps.class).getResultList();
  7. ...
  8. }

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年7月28日 19:26:43
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63133037.html



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