What is the equivalent of Cucumber BDD scenario examples feature in JUnit 5 (JUnit Jupiter)?
如何设置我的测试类,以便我可以在JUnit 5中为多个场景运行相同的一组测试?例如,我需要通过将帐户用户名作为参数传递到测试用例级别的登录文本字段,为不同的用户帐户运行相同的测试用例。我正在从Cucumber BDD转向JUnit 5,在我的Cucumber BDD测试框架中,可以使用Cucumber场景示例来完成这个操作。如果JUnit 5提供了这样的功能,一个简单的代码示例将会很有帮助。
How do I setup my test class so I can run the same set of tests for multiple scenarios using JUnit 5? For example, I need to run the same test case for different user accounts by passing the account usernames into login text field as a parameter on the test case level. I am moving away from Cucumber BDD to JUnit 5 and in my Cucumber BDD test framework this has been done using the Cucumber scenario examples. If JUnit 5 provides such a feature, a simple code example would be appreciated.
得分: 1
如果我理解你的意思正确,你想要使用不同的参数集(在你的情况下是用户)来运行你的测试。为此,你可以查看 参数化的 Junit 测试。一些示例(我与它们没有任何关联):
If I understand you correctly you want to run your tests with different sets of parameters (in your case users). Fort that you can have a look at Parametrized Junit Tests.
Some examples (I don't have any affiliation with them)