Java returning null value from method
ELF 1 [ STATUS: 活着的精灵 ] [ CLAN: 森林 | BEST FRIEND: null ] [ STR: 5 | DEX: 7 | ARM: 1 | MOX: 16 ] [ COINS: 77 | HEALTH: 80 ]
ELF 2 [ STATUS: 活着的精灵 ] [ CLAN: 城市 | BEST FRIEND: HOBBIT 1 ] [ STR: 14 | DEX: 20 | ARM: 18 | MOX: 12 ] [ COINS: 1000 | HEALTH: 80 ]
// HOBBIT 1 和 2
System.out.println("\n霍比特人 1 的名字:");
String hobbitName = sc.nextLine();
Hobbit hobbit1 = new Hobbit(hobbitName);
System.out.println("霍比特人 2 的名字:");
String hobbitName2 = sc.nextLine();
Hobbit hobbit2 = new Hobbit(hobbitName2, 8, 12, 2, 14, 10, 30);
System.out.println("\n" + hobbit1);
// ELF 1 和 2
System.out.println("\n精灵 1 的名字:");
String elfName1 = sc.nextLine();
Elf elf1 = new Elf(elfName1);
System.out.println("精灵 2 的名字:");
String elfName2 = sc.nextLine();
Elf elf2 = new Elf(elfName2, 14, 20, 18, 12, 1000, 80, "森林", hobbit1);
System.out.println("\n" + elf1);
import java.util.Random;
public class Elf extends Humanoid {
private final String clan;
private String bestFriend;
public Elf(String name) {
// 随机设置氏族
Random random = new Random();
clan = "森林";
} else {
clan = "城市";
public Elf(String name, String clan, Hobbit bestFriend) {
this.clan = clan;
this.bestFriend = bestFriend.getName();
public Elf(String name, int strength, int dexterity, int armour, int moxie, int coins, int healthRating, String clan, Hobbit bestFriend) {
super(name, strength, dexterity, armour, moxie, coins, healthRating);
this.clan = clan;
this.bestFriend = bestFriend.getName();
public String getBestFriend() {
return this.bestFriend;
public void setBestFriend(Hobbit bestFriend) {
this.bestFriend = bestFriend.getName();
public String getClan() {
return clan;
// 仅适用于精灵 2 的行
public String toString() {
return getName() +
" [ STATUS: " + super.isAlive() +
" 精灵 ] [ CLAN: " + clan +
" | BEST FRIEND: " + getBestFriend() +
" ]" + super.toString();
I keep having a object come up as null
for Elf 1
which is supposed to show BEST FRIEND: HOBBIT 2
but it only shows null
. I tried to look for solutions but nothing helped me. Would anyone please help me figure out a solution? Thank you.
example output:
ELF 1 [ STATUS: Alive Elf ] [ CLAN: Forest | BEST FRIEND: null ] [ STR: 5 | DEX: 7 | ARM: 1 | MOX: 16 ] [ COINS: 77 | HEALTH: 80 ]
ELF 2 [ STATUS: Alive Elf ] [ CLAN: City | BEST FRIEND: HOBBIT 1 ] [ STR: 14 | DEX: 20 | ARM: 18 | MOX: 12 ] [ COINS: 1000 | HEALTH: 80 ]
main class
System.out.println("\nLet's create new two Hobbits!");
System.out.println("Building two new hobbits...");
System.out.println("\nHobbit 1 name: ");
String hobbitName = sc.nextLine();
Hobbit hobbit1 = new Hobbit(hobbitName);
System.out.println("Hobbit 2 name: ");
String hobbitName2 = sc.nextLine();
Hobbit hobbit2 = new Hobbit(hobbitName2, 8, 12, 2, 14, 10, 30);
System.out.println("\n" + hobbit1);
// ELF 1 AND 2
System.out.println("\nLet's create new two Elves!");
System.out.println("Building two new Elves...");
System.out.println("\nElf 1 name: ");
String elfName1 = sc.nextLine();
Elf elf1 = new Elf(elfName1);
System.out.println("Elf 2 name: ");
String elfName2 = sc.nextLine();
Elf elf2 = new Elf(elfName2, 14, 20, 18, 12, 1000, 80, "Forest", hobbit1);
System.out.println("\n" + elf1);
code in elf class
public class Elf extends Humanoid {
private final String clan;
private String bestFriend;
public Elf(String name) {
// randomly sets clan
Random random = new Random();
clan = "Forest";
} else {
clan = "City";
public Elf(String name, String clan, Hobbit bestFriend) {
this.clan = clan;
this.bestFriend = bestFriend.getName();
public Elf(String name, int strength, int dexterity, int armour, int moxie, int coins, int healthRating, String clan, Hobbit bestFriend) {
super(name, strength, dexterity, armour, moxie, coins, healthRating);
this.clan = clan;
this.bestFriend = bestFriend.getName();
public String getBestFriend() {
return this.bestFriend;
public void setBestFriend(Hobbit bestFriend) {
this.bestFriend = bestFriend.getName();
public String getClan() {
return clan;
// only for elf 2 line
public String toString() {
return getName() +
" [ STATUS: " + super.isAlive() +
" Elf ] [ CLAN: " + clan +
" | BEST FRIEND: " + getBestFriend() +
" ]" + super.toString();
# 答案1
**得分**: 2
你正在调用构造函数 `Elf(String)` 来创建 elf1;这个构造函数设置了族群和名字,仅此而已。没有任何东西会设置“最好的朋友”,所以它保持为空。
You’re calling the constructor `Elf(String)` to create elf1; this constructor sets the clan and the name and that’s all. Nothing ever sets the “best friend” so it remains null.