Finding Arithmetic Mean of Subarrays Efficiently in an Array
public static int returnSubsequenceCount(int[] X, int S) {
int counter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < X.length; i++) {
int[] dpSum = new int[X.length];
dpSum[i] = X[i];
if (X[i] == S) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < X.length; j++) {
int sum = dpSum[j - 1] + X[j];
dpSum[j] = sum;
if ((double) sum / (j - i + 1) == S) {
return counter;
I am trying to find number of ways o calculate arithmetic mean of a subarray of an array.
It boils down to this; given an array X and an integer S, how many contiguous fragments of X has arithmetic mean equal to S?
For instance, given X=[5,3,6,2] and S=4 result is 3. [5,3] , [6,2] and [5,3,6,2] has the mean 4.
> X might have up to 100.000 elements. Each value of X is an integer in
> range of {-,+}. So is S.
> We don't round the arithmetic mean found.
My code below(on Java) works for small set of data but it is not efficient. O(n^2).
public static int returnSubsequenceCount(int[] X, int S) {
int counter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < X.length; i++) {
int[] dpSum = new int[X.length];
dpSum[i] = X[i];
if (X[i] == S) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < X.length; j++) {
int sum = dpSum[j - 1] + X[j];
dpSum[j] = sum;
if ((double) sum / (j - i + 1) == S) {
return counter;
得分: 8
平均值 = (A[i] + A[i+1] ... + A[j]) / (j - i + 1)
平均值 * (j - i + 1) = A[i] + A[i+1]...+ A[j]
注意,由于现在平均值恰好乘以了方程右侧的元素数目,我们可以将平均值减去 一次 用于每个元素:
0 = (A[i]-平均值) + (A[i+1]-平均值) ... + (A[j]-平均值)
2 1 3,平均值 2
2-2 = 0 前缀和 = 0 次数 = 1(数组前缀的次数)
1-2 = -1 前缀和 = -1
3-2 = 1 前缀和 = 0 次数 = 2(索引0为1,数组前缀为1)
总和 = 3
There's a trick here to obtain an O(n)
average = (A[i] + A[i+1] ... + A[j]) / (j - i + 1)
average * (j - i + 1) = A[i] + A[i+1]...+ A[j]
Notice that since average
is now multiplied by exactly the number of elements on the right side of the equation, we can subtract the average once for each one of the elements:
0 = (A[i]-average) + (A[i+1]-average) ... + (A[j]-average)
Finding contiguous sums that equal zero can be done by examining prefix sums. For each rightmost element (A[j]-average
), we want to add the number of times we've seen the same prefix sum before. We make an adjustment for prefix sum 0 so as to count the full length of the array prefix if applicable:
2 1 3, avg 2
2-2 = 0 ps = 0 count = 1 (1 for the full array prefix)
1-2 = -1 ps = -1
3-2 = 1 ps = 0 count = 2 (1 for index 0 and 1 for the full array prefix)
total = 3
得分: 5
让 P
为部分和数组,即 P[0] = 0
,且 P[i] = X[1] + ... + X[i]
。此外,令 Q[i] = P[i] - S * i
i 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
X 5 3 6 2 5 5 2
P 0 5 8 14 16 21 26 28
Q 0 1 0 2 0 1 2 0
什么意思 [i,j]
(包括 i
和 j
)的平均值是 S
(P[j] - P[i - 1]) / (j - i + 1) = S ==>
P[j] - P[i - 1] = S * (j - i + 1) ==>
P[j] - P[i - 1] = S * j - S * (i - 1) ==>
P[j] - S * j = P[i - 1] - S * (i - 1) ==>
Q[j] = Q[i - 1]
这意味着 Q
中任何一对相等值对应于平均值为 S
中的两个值为1对应于范围 [3, 6, 2, 5]。Q
中的四个值为0会产生六个平均值为 S=4
的范围:[5,3], [6,2], [5,5,2], [5,3,6,2], [6,2,5,5,2] 和 [5,3,6,2,5,5,2]。
因此,以下算法也以 O(n log n)
运行,与 @Polygnome 的评论相同,但应该更容易实现:
- 计算
; - 对
进行排序; - 对于
,将k * (k - 1) / 2
添加到答案; - 返回答案。
可以使用哈希表将此算法降低到 O(n)
,或者如果 Q
I will use 1-based indexing for this algorithm. This feels like one of those cases where it is OK.
Let P
be the partial sums array, that is P[0] = 0
and P[i] = X[1] + ... + X[i]
. Furthermore, let Q[i] = P[i] - S * i
. For example,
i 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
X 5 3 6 2 5 5 2
P 0 5 8 14 16 21 26 28
Q 0 1 0 2 0 1 2 0
What does it mean that the average of [i,j]
(including i
and j
) is S
? With the notations above, it can be written as
(P[j] - P[i - 1]) / (j - i + 1) = S ==>
P[j] - P[i - 1] = S * (j - i + 1) ==>
P[j] - P[i - 1] = S * j - S * (i - 1) ==>
P[j] - S * j = P[i - 1] - S * (i - 1) ==>
Q[j] = Q[i - 1]
This means that any pair of equal values in Q
corresponds to a range of average S
. For example, the two values of 1 in Q
correspond to the range [3, 6, 2, 5]. The four values of 0 in Q
give rise to six ranges of average S=4
: [5,3], [6,2], [5,5,2], [5,3,6,2], [6,2,5,5,2] and [5,3,6,2,5,5,2].
Therefore the following algorithm also runs in O(n log n)
, the same as @Polygnome's comment, but should be considerably easier to implement:
- calculate Q;
- sort Q;
- for every batch of
equal values inQ
, addk * (k - 1) / 2
to the answer; - return the answer.
This can be reduced to O(n)
using a hash table or if the range of the values in Q
is small enough to allow counting sort.
得分: 2
import java.util.*;
public static int returnSubsequenceCount(int[] X, int S) {
HashMap<Integer, Integer> prefixes = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
int result = 0;
int[] P = new int[X.length + 1];
prefixes.put(0, 1);
int[] Q = new int[X.length + 1];
P[0] = 0;
Q[0] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < X.length + 1; i++) {
P[i] = P[i - 1] + X[i - 1];
Q[i] = P[i] - S * i;
if (!prefixes.containsKey(Q[i])) {
prefixes.put(Q[i], 1);
} else {
Integer temp = prefixes.get(Q[i]);
prefixes.put(Q[i], temp);
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : prefixes.entrySet()) {
int value = entry.getValue();
result += value * (value - 1) / 2;
return result;
Heres a Java solution with prefix sums, also using feedback from this thread.
import java.util.*;
public static int returnSubsequenceCount(int[] X, int S)
HashMap<Integer, Integer> prefixes = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
int result = 0;
int[] P = new int[X.length + 1];
prefixes.put(0, 1);
int[] Q = new int[X.length + 1];
P[0] = 0;
Q[0] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < X.length + 1; i++)
P[i] = P[i - 1] + X[i - 1];
Q[i] = P[i] - S * i;
if (!prefixes.containsKey(Q[i]))
prefixes.put(Q[i], 1);
Integer temp=prefixes.get(Q[i]);
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : prefixes.entrySet())
int value = entry.getValue();
result += value * (value - 1) / 2;
return result;
得分: 1
我发现Cătălin Frâncu的解释非常清晰简明。以下是带有测试的代码(Scala):
object T3 {
def numOfSubArraysWithMean(a: Array[Int], s: Int): Int =
a.lazyZip(LazyList from 1)
.foldLeft((0, List(0))) { case ((pi, q), (ai, i)) =>
val pi2 = pi + ai
val qi = pi2 - s * i
(pi2, qi :: q)
.withFilter { case (_, v) => v > 1 }
.map { case (_, v) => v * (v - 1) / 2 }
class T3Spec extends AnyFunSpec with Matchers {
import T3._
def a[A: ClassTag](aa: A*): Array[A] = aa.toArray
it("a") {
val data = Seq(
(a(5,3,6,2,5,5,2),4) -> 8,
(a(5,3,6,2,5),4) -> 4,
(a(5,3,6,2,5,3),4) -> 7,
(a(5,3,6,2),4) -> 3,
(a(5,3,6,2,4),4) -> 6,
(a(2,1,3,7,2,2,1,3),2) -> 9,
(a(0,8,1,7,2,6,3,5),4) -> 10,
(a(2,2,3,4,1,1),2) -> 4,
(a(2,2,2,2,2,2),2) -> 21,
(a(2,2,2,2),2) -> 10,
for {
((a, s), r) <- data
} numOfSubArraysWithMean(a, s) shouldEqual r
I found explanation by Cătălin Frâncu extremely clear and concise. Here is the code with tests (Scala):
object T3 {
def numOfSubArraysWithMean(a: Array[Int], s: Int): Int =
a.lazyZip(LazyList from 1)
.foldLeft((0, List(0))) { case ((pi, q), (ai, i)) =>
val pi2 = pi + ai
val qi = pi2 - s * i
(pi2, qi :: q)
.withFilter { case (_, v) => v > 1 }
.map { case (_, v) => v * (v - 1) / 2 }
class T3Spec extends AnyFunSpec with Matchers {
import T3._
def a[A: ClassTag](aa: A*): Array[A] = aa.toArray
it("a") {
val data = Seq(
(a(5,3,6,2,5,5,2),4) -> 8,
(a(5,3,6,2,5),4) -> 4,
(a(5,3,6,2,5,3),4) -> 7,
(a(5,3,6,2),4) -> 3,
(a(5,3,6,2,4),4) -> 6,
(a(2,1,3,7,2,2,1,3),2) -> 9,
(a(0,8,1,7,2,6,3,5),4) -> 10,
(a(2,2,3,4,1,1),2) -> 4,
(a(2,2,2,2,2,2),2) -> 21,
(a(2,2,2,2),2) -> 10,
for {
((a, s), r) <- data
} numOfSubArraysWithMean(a, s) shouldEqual r
In most cases, N
vs NlogN
doesn't matter. But N^2
is a problem
得分: 0
Kotlin 版本
fun solution(A: IntArray, S: Int): Int {
return A.asSequence()
.runningFold(0) { acc, i -> acc + i }
.map { ((it % S) + S) % S }
.groupingBy { it }
.sumOf { it * (it - 1) / 2 }
Kotlin version
fun solution(A: IntArray, S: Int): Int {
return A.asSequence()
.runningFold(0) { acc, i -> acc + i }
.map { ((it % S) + S) % S }
.groupingBy { it }
.sumOf { it * (it - 1) / 2 }
得分: -1
def mean_subsequence(array: list, mean: int) -> int:
result = 0
powerset = [[]]
for num in array:
len_ = len(powerset)
for i in range(len_):
subsequent = powerset[i]
# 检查均值
tmp = [num] + subsequent
if tmp != [] and sum(tmp) / len(tmp) == mean:
result += 1
# 更新幂集
powerset.append([num] + subsequent)
return result
This is how to do it in python, the key is to produce Powerset
def mean_subsequence(array: list, mean: int) -> int:
result = 0
powerset = [[]]
for num in array:
len_ = len(powerset)
for i in range(len_):
subsequent = powerset[i]
#check the mean
tmp = [num] + subsequent
if tmp != [] and sum(tmp) / len(tmp) == mean:
result += 1
#update power set
powerset.appened([num] + subsequent)
return result