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How Maven loads classes using ClassLoader



我正在编写一个Spring MVC应用程序,并且我决定深入了解使用ClassLoader加载依赖项 - JAR文件和类。根据ClassLoader的文档,我发现JAR中的类是从CLASSPATH加载的,并且我可以在.m2/repository目录下看到它们,但CLASSPATH没有产生任何结果,它几乎是空的。




My knowledge of ClassLoader in Java at the moment, is a little obscure. That's because I have not found any good documentation geared towards beginner of CLassLoader, thus far. And what I am looking for exactly is in relation to Maven. With disclaimer stated, let me get into my question.

I am writing a Spring MVC application, and I decided to look into how the Dependencies - Jars and classes are loaded using ClassLoader. And what I found is according to the documentation of ClassLoader, classes in Jar are loaded from CLASSPATH, and I can see them under the .m2/repository directory, but CLASSPATH does not yield anything, it's practically empty.

Can somebody please explain to me, how the classes from JAR are loaded into JVM Memory using ClassLoader using Maven, if the CLASSPATH is empty.



得分: 3




当你启动一个基本的Java应用程序(java -jar foo.jarjava,会涉及两个类加载器。一个加载器负责加载系统相关的类,比如java.lang.String。可执行文件本身已经知道如何做这件事(你不需要配置PATHCLASSPATHJAVA_HOME——它可以正常工作)。在Java 8之前,它会自动找到rt.jar,其中包含了String.class和其他核心类。从Java 11开始,它会在你的Java发行版中找到jmod文件。



  • java -jar somejar.jar


  • java -cp a.jar:b.jar:.


  • java




你可以创建自己的类加载器,这个抽象的概念只需要能够将资源名称转换为字节流。就是这样。你可以创建一个类加载器(确实如此!public class MyLoader extends java.lang.ClassLoader { ... }),它可以从网络加载数据,或者动态生成数据,或者从加密数据存储中获取数据,随你喜欢。

像这样使用自定义类加载器是一种在奇怪的地方(不是JAR文件或目录)查找类的解决方案,同时也是一种机制,允许Java在开发过程中动态重新加载类,比如在开发Web应用程序时,没有使用像Eclipse那样的热代码替换调试器。类加载器是一种使得Web服务器具有以下功能的机制:“我从预配置的特定目录加载JAR或WAR文件.. 如果你替换了JAR文件,我会察觉到并开始使用新的JAR文件”。









You're confusing a few things.

The ClassLoader

The ClassLoader is a runtime concept. Maven is a compile time concept. Therefore, one has nothing whatsoever to do with the other. Maven and ClassLoaders do not interact. At all.

When you start a basic java app (java -jar foo.jar or java, you get 2 classloaders. One loader will load system stuff: java.lang.String, for example. the executable itself 'just knows' how to do this (you don't need to configure PATH, CLASSPATH or JAVA_HOME - it just works); up to java 8, it finds rt.jar automatically, which contains String.class and other core classes. Starting from java 11, it finds the jmod files in your java distro.

Then, once the VM has 'booted up', the VM makes another classloader, also based on its built-in stuff: The app classloader.

This one uses 'the classpath'. The source of this depends on how you ran your java app:

  • java -jar somejar.jar

The source of the classpath in this case is the Class-Path: line in the jar's manifest (the file at META-INF/MANIFEST.MF). And nothing else - the CLASSPATH environment variable, and any -cp or -classpath options are entirely ignored.

  • java -cp a.jar:b.jar:.

Note that -cp is short for -classpath (they mean the same thing): Here, the classpath is taken to be all the files and directories listed (on windows, use ; as separator instead), and classes are loaded from there. Including itself.

  • java

If you don't explicitly specify a -cp param, then the environment var CLASSPATH is used. You don't want this though. Always specify classpath.

That's runtime - maven has nothing whatsoever to do with this.

Make your own

You can make your own ClassLoader; the abstraction is such that all it needs to be able to do, is turn a resource name into bytes. That's it. You can make a ClassLoader (literally! public class MyLoader extends java.lang.ClassLoader { ... }) that.. loads data from a network, or generates it on the fly, or fetches it from an encrypted data store. Whatever you like.

Using custom classloaders like this is a solution for finding classes in 'weird' places (not jar files or directories), as well as a mechanism to allow java to 'reload classes' on the fly - very useful when developing, say, web apps, without the use of a hot-code-replacing debugger like eclipse has. ClassLoaders is a mechanism whereby a web server can have the following feature: "I load jars or wars from a certain preconfigured directory.. and if you replace the jar, I will see it and start using the new one".

Writing your own ClassLoader is bordering on rocket science and not usually required unless you're, say, writing an app server. Not a common job.


To compile source code, the compiler must know the methods and fields and such of all the types you refer. You can't compile "Hello".toLowerCase(); if the compiler doesn't know what String contains.

Thus, compilers also have this notion of 'I need to find classes'. But This is not called class loading, and notably, maven never loads any classes. If it did, any static initializers in any class would run, and mess up your compile. Maven instead just inspects the class file, never letting the VM actually load it, to know what kind of methods and fields and the like are on offer.

java.lang.ClassLoader plays no part in this.

javac itself has a -classpath option as well. So does maven, really.

Maven constructs the classpath automatically, by putting the stuff it already compiled for you (e.g. when compiling the stuff in src/test/java, the compiled stuff from src/main/java is on the classpath), as well as all the dependencies. How? Well, does it matter? Maven does. It constructs a large list of dirs and jars and passes it to javac via the -classpath parameter.

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