
huangapple go评论63阅读模式

Why it's wrong when the variable of Object[] as elements of Object[] transfrom to Object[][]





public static void main(String[] args) {
    Object[] s = new Object[3];
    s[0] = new Integer[1];
    s[1] = new Integer[1];
    s[2] = new Integer[1];
    Object m = s;
    Integer[][] t = (Integer[][])m;


I want to use object[] as the element of object[] to transform it to Object[][], but it can't run. So I want to know why it is wrong. And how can I achieve that giving a number k, and create a array that is k dimensional.

Here is the wrong code:

public static void main(String[] args) {
         Object[] s = new Object[3];
         s[0] = new Integer[1];
         s[1] = new Integer[1];
         s[2] = new Integer[1];
         Object m = s;
         Integer[][] t = (Integer[][])m;


得分: 3

Object[][] 类型表示数组只能包含其他 Object[] 实例。

但是 Object[] 也可以包含不是 Object 数组的内容。



Object[] s = new Object[2];
s[0] = new Integer[1];
Integer[][] t = (Integer[][]) s;   // ONE
s[1] = "Hello";
Integer[] u = t[1];                // TWO

如果(假设!)在 "ONE" 处允许转换成功,那么在 "TWO" 处,我们会将一个 String 赋值给类型为 Integer[] 的变量。



如何在给定数字 k 的情况下创建一个 k 维数组?


  • 你可以创建一个自定义类,像 K 维数组一样运作,尽管你将无法使用 Java 数组语法来访问和更新单元格。

  • 你可以使用 Object[] 对象构建一个 K 维数组,尽管你需要进行大量的类型转换才能使用它。在任何情况下,你都无法将其转换为具有更多维度的数组。

  • 你可以使用 java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(Class, int...) 来创建具有 K 维的数组。唯一的问题是声明的类型是 Object,因此你仍然需要进行类型转换:

Integer[][][] array = Array.newInstance(Integer.class, 3, 3, 3);

然而,如果你想要将 K 作为参数传递,那么可以这样:

int[] dimensions = new int[K];
for (int i = 0; i < K; i++) {
    dimensions[i] = 2;
Object array = Array.newInstance(Integer.class, dimensions);

问题在于当 K 是一个参数时,你无法声明一个 Java 类型为 K 维 Integer 数组的变量。如果你想要使用 [] 进行下标访问,你需要类似这样的处理:

switch (K) {
case 1:
    Integer[] oneD = (Integer[]) array;
    oneD[1] = 42;
case 2:
    Integer[][] twoD = (Integer[][]) array;
    twoD[1][1] = 42;
// 等等

The type Object[][] is saying that the array can only contain other Object[] instances.

But an Object[] can also contain things that are not arrays of Object.

Note that when you cast from one reference type to another, no value conversion occurs, and the actual type of the object doesn't change. All that happens is that the runtime system checks that the object's actual runtime type is assignment compatible with the type you are casting to.

To illustrate why it has to be like this, consider the following:

     Object[] s = new Object[2];
     s[0] = new Integer[1];
     Integer[][] t = (Integer[][]) s;   // ONE
     s[1] = &quot;Hello&quot;;
     Integer[] u = t[1];                // TWO

If (hypothetically!) the cast at "ONE" is allowed to succeed, then at "TWO" we would assign a String to a variable of type Integer[].

That cannot be allowed to happen. The cast must fail.

The second part of your question is this:

> And how can I achieve that giving a number k, and create a array that is k dimensional.

It depends on what you mean:

  • You can create a custom class that behaves like a K-dimensional array, though you won't be able use Java array syntax to access and update cells.

  • You can construct a K-dimensional array out of Object[] objects, though you will need to do a lot of type-casting to use it. And under no circumstances will you be able to cast it to an array with a higher number of dimensions.

  • You can use java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(Class, int...) to create an array with K dimensions. The only problem that the declared type is Object so you still need a type cast:

     Integer[][][] array = Array.newInstance(Integer.class, 3, 3, 3);

    However, if you want K to be a parameter, then

     int[] dimensions = new int[K];
     for (int i = 0; i &lt; K; i++) {
         dimensions[i] = 2;
     Object array = Array.newInstance(Integer.class, dimensions);

    The problem is that when K is a parameter, you cannot declare a variable whose Java type is a K-dimensional array of Integer. If you want to subscript the array using [], you will need to resort to something like this:

     switch (K) {
     case 1:
        Integer[] oneD = (Integer[]) array;
        oneD[1] = 42;
     case 2:
        Integer[][] twoD = (Integer[][]) array;
        twoD[1][1] = 42;
     // etcetera


得分: 0


> 而且我该如何实现


Integer[][] t = Arrays.stream((Object[])m).map(Integer[].class::cast).toArray(Integer[][]::new);

To answer the part

> And how can I achieve that

You can do the below transform

Integer[][] t = Arrays.stream((Object[])m).map(Integer[].class::cast).toArray(Integer[][]::new);

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年7月23日 15:30:07
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63049048.html



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