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Getting "BLOCKED" network state when Android's data saver is off


我正在开发一个用于特定运行Android 7.0的平板电脑的应用程序。我正在使用Service来定期发送DatagramPacket我只能使用移动网络。我使用以下代码检查连接状态:

  1. ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
  2. NetworkInfo activeNetwork = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo();
  3. DetailedState networkState = activeNetwork.getDetailedState();
  • 如果平板电脑连接电源并且屏幕打开或关闭,我会得到CONNECTED状态。
  • 如果平板电脑没有连接电源并且屏幕打开,我会得到CONNECTED状态。
  • 如果平板电脑没有连接电源并且屏幕关闭,我会得到BLOCKED状态。




I am developing an app to be used on a specific tablet running Android 7.0. I'm using a Service to send periodic DatagramPackets. I can only use mobile networks. I check the connectivity status using ConnectivityManager, NetworkInfo and DetailedState. I get the network state with this code:

  1. ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
  2. NetworkInfo activeNetwork = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo();
  3. DetailedState networkState = activeNetwork.getDetailedState();
  • If the tablet is plugged in and the screen is on or off, I get CONNECTED state.
  • If the tabled is unplugged and the screen is on, I get CONNECTED state.
  • If the tabled is unplugged and the screen is off, I get BLOCKED state.

In my tablet the Data Saver is off. Just in case, I have run tests to verify there are no restrictions when the screen turns off, cm.getRestrictBackgroundStatus() always returns 1, which is RESTRICT_BACKGROUND_STATUS_DISABLED, even when the network is blocked.

So, why is the network blocked? Do my app need special permissions? Do my tablet need special configuration?


得分: 2


> 网络为什么被阻止?

根据Stanislav Kireev提供的文档,这个被阻止的网络状态是因为设备处于Doze模式。从Android 6.0(API级别23)开始,这种设备状态不允许访问互联网。


> 我的应用需要特殊权限吗?


  1. <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS"/>


  1. if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {
  2. String packageName = getPackageName();
  3. PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) getSystemService(POWER_SERVICE);
  4. if (!pm.isIgnoringBatteryOptimizations(packageName)) {
  5. Intent intent = new Intent();
  7. intent.setData(Uri.parse("package:" + packageName));
  8. startActivity(intent);
  9. }
  10. }


> 我的平板需要特殊配置吗?

如果您愿意,您可以从设置 > 电池 > 三个点 > 电池优化中添加您的应用程序。在选择列表中选择所有应用程序,选择您的应用程序,然后选择不优化选项。



In order to give a complete solution I will answer my question.

> why is the network blocked?

As the documentation provided by Stanislav Kireev pointed, this BLOCKED network state happens because the device is in Doze. This device state does not allow internet access starting from Android 6.0 (API level 23).

But the documentation also says that "the system provides a configurable whitelist of apps that are partially exempt from Doze and App Standby optimizations". For more detailed explanation you can read Support for other use cases section. You can add your app to the whitelist from code or configuring the system.

> Do my app need special permissions?

If you need to add your app to the whitelist from code, you need to add a permission in the manifest file:

  1. <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS"/>

And add this code to your activity:

  1. if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {
  2. String packageName = getPackageName();
  3. PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) getSystemService(POWER_SERVICE);
  4. if (!pm.isIgnoringBatteryOptimizations(packageName)) {
  5. Intent intent = new Intent();
  7. intent.setData(Uri.parse("package:" + packageName));
  8. startActivity(intent);
  9. }
  10. }

I got this solution from this answer.

> Do my tablet need special configuration?

If you want, you can add your app from Settings > Battery > 3 dots > Battery optimisation. Choose All apps in the pick list, select your app and choose Don’t optimise option.

I got this solution from this answer (it has more detailed explanation).


得分: 1



It's normal behaviour. When your screen is locked, it use doze mode. And Doze mode turn off internet communication and all background services. You need wakeup your device and after you can make all actions with internet. Documentations

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年7月22日 22:40:23
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63036867.html



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