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Which java class issues warning on catalina.out


I am currently debugging why a legacy Maven web application compiled in Java 1.8 that we deploy on a Tomcat 8.5 is sending all the time following message:

Warning: Could not get charToByteConverterClass!

Curiously enough, when launching it on my local Tomcat instance, I see the warning in the console, but not in the catalina.out file.

My guess so far is that this is caused by some dependency, as we have no such warning inside our code.

The problem is that we have very old dependencies and also lot of them, so before getting into trying to upgrade them I would like to know if there is any way to:

  • see the printing "call stack".
  • or at least see which class is printing that.

Things I have tried so far:

  • Setting application log level to info.
  • Setting Tomcat's logging level to All.

I' am currently debugging why a legacy Maven web application compiled in Java 1.8 that we deploy on a Tomcat 8.5 is sending all the time following message:

Warning: Could not get charToByteConverterClass!

Curiously enough, when launching it on my local Tomcat instance, I see the warning in the console, but not in the catalina.out file.

My guess so far is that this is caused by some dependency, as we have no such warning inside our code.

The problem is that we have very old dependencies and also lot of them, so before getting into trying to upgrade them I would like to know if there is any way to:

  • see the printing "call stack".
  • or at least see which class is printing that.

Things I have tried so far:

  • Setting application log level to info.
  • Setting Tomcat's logging level to All.


得分: 2


> 问题现在已经在Xalan-J 2.7版本中解决。作为问题报告者,请确认代码不再存在这个问题,以便我们可以关闭这个问题。

> 实际上,存在问题的代码已经完全消失了,哈哈!通过XALANJ-2087,对CharToByteConverter的依赖已经移除,并且由于不正确的算法,修复了一些bug。


You need to upgrade xalan due to a fixed issue since 2.7 release:

> issue is now resolved as being fixed in the Xalan-J 2.7 release. As the issue reporter please confirm the code no longer has this problem so that we can close this issue down.

>Actually the code that had the problem is totally gone, haha! Through XALANJ-2087 the dependancy on CharToByteConverter was removed plus a number of bugs were fixed due to an incorrect algorithm.


得分: 1

如果有人遇到这个问题。xalan 2.7没有消除这个消息。将以下存根类添加到您的构建中将会消除错误消息:

package sun.io;

public class CharToByteConverter {
    public static CharToByteConverter getConverter(String encoding) {
        return new CharToByteConverter();

If anyone encounters this problem. xalan 2.7 did not eliminate the message. Adding the following stub class to your build will silence the error message:

package sun.io;

public class CharToByteConverter {
	public static CharToByteConverter getConverter(String encoding) {
		return new CharToByteConverter();

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年7月22日 19:51:35
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63033541.html



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