
huangapple go评论152阅读模式

Can I give names to index values in Java



// 定义一个Employee类
class Employee {
    private int empID;
    private String empFName;
    private int empAge;
    private double empSalary;

    public Employee(int empID, String empFName, int empAge, double empSalary) {
        this.empID = empID;
        this.empFName = empFName;
        this.empAge = empAge;
        this.empSalary = empSalary;

    // 添加getter和setter方法
    public int getEmpID() {
        return empID;

    public void setEmpID(int empID) {
        this.empID = empID;

    public String getEmpFName() {
        return empFName;

    public void setEmpFName(String empFName) {
        this.empFName = empFName;

    public int getEmpAge() {
        return empAge;

    public void setEmpAge(int empAge) {
        this.empAge = empAge;

    public double getEmpSalary() {
        return empSalary;

    public void setEmpSalary(double empSalary) {
        this.empSalary = empSalary;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // 创建一个包含Employee对象的数组
        Employee[] employees = new Employee[2];
        employees[0] = new Employee(101, "Dave", 35, 50000);
        employees[1] = new Employee(102, "Alice", 28, 45000);

        // 访问和打印员工数据
        System.out.println("Employee1: " + employees[0].getEmpID() + ", " +
                employees[0].getEmpFName() + ", " +
                employees[0].getEmpAge() + ", " +

        System.out.println("Employee2: " + employees[1].getEmpID() + ", " +
                employees[1].getEmpFName() + ", " +
                employees[1].getEmpAge() + ", " +



Say I have an array holding employee data:

[empID, empFName, empAge, empSalary, ...]

rather than each index being [0,1,...] can I instead give the index an identifier? I'm trying to create a loop where I store an array object [employee] inside of an array, with each index of the employee array holding one of the values above empID, empFName, ...,

What I'm trying to end up with is something like this:
[Employee1[101, Dave, 35, 50000], Employee2[...]...]

is this possible in Java?


得分: 1

Sure. Embrace what java is, which is a nominally typed system. Emphasis on nominal: Things are supposed to have names. Thus:

public class Employee {
    int id;
    String name;
    int age;
    long salary;

List<Employee> employees = new ArrayList<Employee>();
employees.add(new Employee(101, "Dave", 35, 50000));

Some notes:

  1. arrays are low level constructs you generally shouldn't be using unless you really know you need them, or its component type is primitive (int[] is much harder to avoid). Use Lists. These can shrink and grow and have funcioning implementations of equals and hashCode and the like.

  2. You need to set up that class to have a constructor and such. If you're on java 14, you can use records; alternatively, you can use lombok's @Value, as in this example.


Sure. Embrace what java is, which is a nominally typed system. Emphasis on nominal: Things are supposed to have names. Thus:

public class Employee {
int id;
String name;
int age;
long salary;
List&lt;Employee&gt; employees = new ArrayList&lt;Employee&gt;();
employees.add(new Employee(101, &quot;Dave&quot;, 35, 50000));

Some notes:

  1. arrays are low level constructs you generally shouldn't be using unless you really know you need them, or its component type is primitive (int[] is much harder to avoid). Use Lists. These can shrink and grow and have funcioning implementations of equals and hashCode and the like.

  2. You need to set up that class to have a constructor and such. If you're on java 14, you can use records; alternatively, you can use lombok's @Value, as in this example.


得分: 0



From what I'm understanding you're essentially describing a 2D array. While that's possible and could get you to where you want to go, I think it'd be a lot easier and teach you a lot more if you created an employee object and stored them in an arraylist! Then, you'd access the info you want with arraylist.get(i).someEmployeeMethod() where someEmployeeMethod() could be something like getName() or getId(). If you don't know what an object is, you will definitely need to.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年7月22日 09:51:19
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63025584.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
