Bean Type not being found in in Spring Test package

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Bean Type not being found in in Spring Test package




**Field profileDoa in com.N2O2.Nitrouz_Studioz.controller.MainController required a bean of type 'com.N2O2.Nitrouz_Studioz.model.profile.ProfileDoa' that could not be found. The injection point has the following annotations:

  • @org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true)**


请考虑在您的配置中定义一个类型为 'com.N2O2.Nitrouz_Studioz.model.profile.ProfileDoa' 的 bean。

我对为什么会发生这个错误感到困惑,因为我最近只是开始使用Java Spring Boot,并且还在逐渐适应使用Beans。我在测试类中使用了@Autowired注解来自动装配Bean,但仍然出现了相同的错误。


@ContextConfiguration(classes = NitrouzStudiozApplication.class)
public class MainControllerTest {
    private MockMvc mockMvc;

    ProfileEntity profileEntity;
    private ProfileDoa profileDoa;

    private MainController mainController;
    private Model model;
    private boolean loggedOut = true;
    private boolean loggedIn = false;

    public void intializeController(){
        mainController = new MainController();

    public void loadsIndexPage() throws Exception {
        RequestBuilder request = MockMvcRequestBuilders.get("/");
        MvcResult result = mockMvc.perform(request)
            .andExpect(model().attribute("loggedOut", loggedOut))
            .andExpect(model().attribute("loggedIn", loggedIn))
            .andExpect(model().attribute("profileEntity", "Not logged In"))
        Assertions.assertEquals("index", result);
public class MainController {

    private boolean loggedOut = true;
    private boolean loggedIn = false;
    private ProfileEntity profileEntity;
    private ProfileDoa profileDoa;

    public String home_page(Model model) {
        model.addAttribute("loggedOut", loggedOut);
        model.addAttribute("loggedIn", loggedIn);
        model.addAttribute("profileEntity", "Not logged In");
        return "index";

    public String about_page(Model model){
        model.addAttribute("loggedOut", loggedOut);
        model.addAttribute("loggedIn", loggedIn);
        model.addAttribute("profileEntity", "Not logged In");
        return "about";

    public String sign_up(){
        return "signup";

    public String signUpForm(Model model, ProfileEntity profileEntity){
        boolean checked = false;
        model.addAttribute("profileEntity", profileEntity);
        model.addAttribute("join", checked);
        return "signUpForm";

    public String signUpFormError(Model model,
            @ModelAttribute("error") boolean error,
            @ModelAttribute("message") String message,
            ProfileEntity profileEntity){
        boolean checked = false;
        model.addAttribute("join", checked);
        model.addAttribute("error", error);
        model.addAttribute("message", message);
        model.addAttribute("profileEntity", profileEntity);
        return "signUpForm";

    public String forgotPasswordPage(){
        return "forgotPassword";

    public String ForgotPasswordResponse(){
        return "forgotPassword";
public interface ProfileDoa extends JpaRepository<ProfileEntity, Long> {

    public ProfileEntity findByEmail(String email);



So here is what the current description of the error gives me.


Field profileDoa in com.N2O2.Nitrouz_Studioz.controller.MainController required a bean of type 'com.N2O2.Nitrouz_Studioz.model.profile.ProfileDoa' that could not be found. The injection point has the following annotations:
- @org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true)


Consider defining a bean of type 'com.N2O2.Nitrouz_Studioz.model.profile.ProfileDoa' in your configuration.

I'm sort of lost to why this error is happening as I've only been working with Java Spring Boot recently and still getting used to working with Beans. I've Autowired the Bean in the Test class but it's still throwing the same error.

Here's what I have in my test class and the Controller and ProfileDoa class.

@ContextConfiguration(classes = NitrouzStudiozApplication.class)
public class MainControllerTest {
    private MockMvc mockMvc;

    ProfileEntity profileEntity;
    private ProfileDoa profileDoa;

    private MainController mainController;
    private Model model;
    private boolean loggedOut = true;
    private boolean loggedIn = false;

    public void intializeController(){
        mainController = new MainController();

    @DisplayName(&quot;Navigating to Website Correctly Displays Index page&quot;)
    public void loadsIndexPage() throws Exception {
        RequestBuilder request = MockMvcRequestBuilders.get(&quot;/&quot;);
        MvcResult result = mockMvc.perform(request)
            .andExpect(model().attribute(&quot;loggedOut&quot;, loggedOut))
            .andExpect(model().attribute(&quot;loggedIn&quot;, loggedIn))
            .andExpect(model().attribute(&quot;profileEntity&quot;, &quot;Not logged In&quot;))
        Assertions.assertEquals(&quot;index&quot;, result);
public class MainController {

    private boolean loggedOut = true;
    private boolean loggedIn = false;
    private ProfileEntity profileEntity;
    private ProfileDoa profileDoa;

    public String home_page(Model model) {
        model.addAttribute(&quot;loggedOut&quot;, loggedOut);
        model.addAttribute(&quot;loggedIn&quot;, loggedIn);
        model.addAttribute(&quot;profileEntity&quot;, &quot;Not logged In&quot;);
        return &quot;index&quot;;

    public String about_page(Model model){
        model.addAttribute(&quot;loggedOut&quot;, loggedOut);
        model.addAttribute(&quot;loggedIn&quot;, loggedIn);
        model.addAttribute(&quot;profileEntity&quot;, &quot;Not logged In&quot;);
        return &quot;about&quot;;

    public String sign_up(){
        return &quot;signup&quot;;

    public String signUpForm(Model model, ProfileEntity profileEntity){
        boolean checked = false;
        model.addAttribute(&quot;profileEntity&quot;, profileEntity);
        model.addAttribute(&quot;join&quot;, checked);
        return &quot;signUpForm&quot;;

    public String signUpFormError(Model model,
            @ModelAttribute(&quot;error&quot;) boolean error,
            @ModelAttribute(&quot;message&quot;) String message,
            ProfileEntity profileEntity){
        boolean checked = false;
        model.addAttribute(&quot;join&quot;, checked);
        model.addAttribute(&quot;error&quot;, error);
        model.addAttribute(&quot;message&quot;, message);
        model.addAttribute(&quot;profileEntity&quot;, profileEntity);
        return &quot;signUpForm&quot;;

    public String forgotPasswordPage(){
        return &quot;forgotPassword&quot;;

    public String ForgotPasswordResponse(){
        return &quot;forgotPassword&quot;;
public interface ProfileDoa extends JpaRepository&lt;ProfileEntity, Long&gt; {

    public ProfileEntity findByEmail(String email);

Any help on this would be helpful. Thanks.


得分: 0

使用@WebMvcTest,您可以编写针对您的Web层的测试。Spring Test将为您创建一个上下文,其中包含测试应用程序的这一部分所需的所有bean,例如使用@Controller@RestController@ControllerAdvice,过滤器等注释的类。



  1. 模拟ProfileDoa
  2. 使用ProfileDoa的真实bean。这将需要数据库和更多的设置。


public class MainControllerTest {

    private MockMvc mockMvc;

    private ProfileDoa profileDoa;

    private boolean loggedOut = true;
    private boolean loggedIn = false;

    public void loadsIndexPage() throws Exception {
        RequestBuilder request = MockMvcRequestBuilders.get("/");
        MvcResult result = mockMvc.perform(request)
            .andExpect(model().attribute("loggedOut", loggedOut))
            .andExpect(model().attribute("loggedIn", loggedIn))
            .andExpect(model().attribute("profileEntity", "Not logged In"))
        Assertions.assertEquals("index", result);


ProfileEntity databaseResult = new ProfileEntity();


public class MainControllerTest {

  // 不需要模拟,因为使用了_真正的_ bean



With @WebMvcTest you can write tests for your web layer. Spring Test will create a context for you with all beans that are required to test this slice of your application: e.g. classes annotated with @Controller, @RestController, @ControllerAdvice, filter, etc.

All other beans are not created for you as they are not in the scope of the web layer. In your case, that's any other bean your MainController injects.

You have basically now two options:

  1. Mock the ProfileDoa
  2. Use a real bean of ProfileDoa. This would require a database and more setup on your side.

For option one you can adjust your test like the following:

public class MainControllerTest {

    private MockMvc mockMvc;

    private ProfileDoa profileDoa;

    private boolean loggedOut = true;
    private boolean loggedIn = false;

    @DisplayName(&quot;Navigating to Website Correctly Displays Index page&quot;)
    public void loadsIndexPage() throws Exception {
        RequestBuilder request = MockMvcRequestBuilders.get(&quot;/&quot;);
        MvcResult result = mockMvc.perform(request)
            .andExpect(model().attribute(&quot;loggedOut&quot;, loggedOut))
            .andExpect(model().attribute(&quot;loggedIn&quot;, loggedIn))
            .andExpect(model().attribute(&quot;profileEntity&quot;, &quot;Not logged In&quot;))
        Assertions.assertEquals(&quot;index&quot;, result);

As I don't see any interaction with profileDoa in your MainController there is also no need to prepare any mocked method response. If you do however call e.g. profileDao.findByEmail(&quot;;) somewhere, you can use Mockito to prepare the result:

ProfileEntity databaseResult = new ProfileEntitiy();

For option two, you can use a combination of @SpringBootTest and @AutoconfigureMockMvc to load the whole Spring context (all beans) and make use of MockMvc:

public class MainControllerTest {

  // no mocking required as _real_ beans are used

Here you might want to use e.g. Testcontainers to start a database for your test.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年7月22日 06:17:29
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