基于属性的测试用于 Java 中的自定义有序列表

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Property based testing for a custom ordered list in Java




所有以 "foo" 开头的字符串应该排在前面。

所有以 "bar" 开头的字符串应该排在最后。

不以 "foo" 或 "bar" 开头的字符串也可以出现在列表中。



List<String> strings = Arrays.asList("foo", "bar", "bar1", "jar");
assertListStartWith(strings, "foo");
assertListEndsWith(strings, "bar", "bar1");
assertThat(strings, hasItem("jar"));

Given the following ordering requirement:

All strings starting with "foo" should be first.

All string starting with "bar" should be last.

Strings that do not start with "foo" or "bar" can also be present in the list.

How can one use Property-Based Testing to test an implementation of the above requirements without getting a headache?

Is there some thing more elegant then the following:

List&lt;String&gt; strings = Arrays.asList(&quot;foo&quot;, &quot;bar&quot;, &quot;bar1&quot;, &quot;jar&quot;);
assertListStartWith(strings, &quot;foo&quot;);
assertListEndsWith(strings, &quot;bar&quot;, &quot;bar1&quot;);
assertThat(strings, hasItem( &quot;jar&quot;));


得分: 3


List<String> sortFooBar(List<String> list)

我至少可以看到 sortFooBar(list) 应该满足以下五个属性:

  1. 保留所有项目,并且仅保留这些项目在列表中。
  2. 第一个 "foo" 前没有任何其他项目。
  3. 第一个和最后一个 "foo" 之间没有其他项目。
  4. 最后一个 "bar" 后没有任何其他项目。
  5. 第一个和最后一个 "bar" 之间没有其他项目。

在一个真正的函数式编程语言中,这些属性很容易在 Java 中需要一些代码来表达。所以下面是我对这个问题的解决方案,使用 jqwik 作为属性驱动测试框架,以及 AssertJ 进行断言:

import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.*;
import org.assertj.core.api.*;
import net.jqwik.api.*;

class MySorterProperties {
    void allItemsAreKept(@ForAll List<@From("withFooBars") String> list) {
        List<String> sorted = MySorter.sortFooBar(list);
    void noItemBeforeFoo(@ForAll List<@From("withFooBars") String> list) {
        List<String> sorted = MySorter.sortFooBar(list);
        int firstFoo = findFirst(sorted, item -> item.startsWith("foo"));
        if (firstFoo < 0) return;
    void noItemBetweenFoos(@ForAll List<@From("withFooBars") String> list) {
        List<String> sorted = MySorter.sortFooBar(list);
        int firstFoo = findFirst(sorted, item -> item.startsWith("foo"));
        int lastFoo = findLast(sorted, item -> item.startsWith("foo"));
        if (firstFoo < 0 && lastFoo < 0) return;
        List<String> allFoos = sorted.subList(
            Math.max(firstFoo, 0),
            lastFoo >= 0 ? lastFoo + 1 : sorted.size()
        Assertions.assertThat(allFoos).allMatch(item -> item.startsWith("foo"));
    void noItemAfterBar(@ForAll List<@From("withFooBars") String> list) {
        List<String> sorted = MySorter.sortFooBar(list);
        int lastBar = findLast(sorted, item -> item.startsWith("bar"));
        if (lastBar < 0) return;
        Assertions.assertThat(sorted.stream().skip(lastBar + 1)).isEmpty();
    void noItemBetweenBars(@ForAll List<@From("withFooBars") String> list) {
        List<String> sorted = MySorter.sortFooBar(list);
        int firstBar = findFirst(sorted, item -> item.startsWith("bar"));
        int lastBar = findLast(sorted, item -> item.startsWith("bar"));
        if (firstBar < 0 && lastBar < 0) return;
        List<String> allBars = sorted.subList(
            Math.max(firstBar, 0),
            lastBar >= 0 ? lastBar + 1 : sorted.size()
        Assertions.assertThat(allBars).allMatch(item -> item.startsWith("bar"));
    Arbitrary<String> withFooBars() {
        Arbitrary<String> postFix = Arbitraries.strings().alpha().ofMaxLength(10);
        return Arbitraries.oneOf(
            postFix, postFix.map(post -> "foo" + post), postFix.map(post -> "bar" + post)
    int findFirst(List<String> list, Predicate<String> condition) {
        for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
            String item = list.get(i);
            if (condition.test(item)) {
                return i;
        return -1;
    int findLast(List<String> list, Predicate<String> condition) {
        for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            String item = list.get(i);
            if (condition.test(item)) {
                return i;
        return -1;


class MySorter {
    static List<String> sortFooBar(List<String> in) {
        ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
        int countFoos = 0;
        for (String item : in) {
            if (item.startsWith("foo")) {
                result.add(0, item);
            } else if (item.startsWith("bar")) {
                result.add(result.size(), item);
            } else {
                result.add(countFoos, item);
        return result;



I assume that you have some sorter function with signature

List&lt;String&gt; sortFooBar(List&lt;String&gt; list)

I see at least five properties that sortFooBar(list) should fulfill:

  1. Keep all items - and only those - in the list
  2. No item before first "foo"
  3. No other items between first and last "foo"
  4. No item after last "bar"
  5. No other item between first and last "bar"

In a real functional language those properties are all rather easy to formulate in Java it requires a bit of code. So here's my take on the problem using jqwik as PBT framework and AssertJ for assertions:

import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.*;
import org.assertj.core.api.*;
import net.jqwik.api.*;

class MySorterProperties {
    void allItemsAreKept(@ForAll List&lt;@From(&quot;withFooBars&quot;) String&gt; list) {
    	List&lt;String&gt; sorted = MySorter.sortFooBar(list);
    void noItemBeforeFoo(@ForAll List&lt;@From(&quot;withFooBars&quot;) String&gt; list) {
    	List&lt;String&gt; sorted = MySorter.sortFooBar(list);
    	int firstFoo = findFirst(sorted, item -&gt; item.startsWith(&quot;foo&quot;));
    	if (firstFoo &lt; 0) return;
    void noItemBetweenFoos(@ForAll List&lt;@From(&quot;withFooBars&quot;) String&gt; list) {
    	List&lt;String&gt; sorted = MySorter.sortFooBar(list);
    	int firstFoo = findFirst(sorted, item -&gt; item.startsWith(&quot;foo&quot;));
    	int lastFoo = findLast(sorted, item -&gt; item.startsWith(&quot;foo&quot;));
    	if (firstFoo &lt; 0 &amp;&amp; lastFoo &lt; 0) return;
    	List&lt;String&gt; allFoos = sorted.subList(
    		Math.max(firstFoo, 0),
    		lastFoo &gt;= 0 ? lastFoo + 1 : sorted.size()
    	Assertions.assertThat(allFoos).allMatch(item -&gt; item.startsWith(&quot;foo&quot;));
    void noItemAfterBar(@ForAll List&lt;@From(&quot;withFooBars&quot;) String&gt; list) {
    	List&lt;String&gt; sorted = MySorter.sortFooBar(list);
    	int lastBar = findLast(sorted, item -&gt; item.startsWith(&quot;bar&quot;));
    	if (lastBar &lt; 0) return;
    	Assertions.assertThat(sorted.stream().skip(lastBar + 1)).isEmpty();
    void noItemBetweenBars(@ForAll List&lt;@From(&quot;withFooBars&quot;) String&gt; list) {
    	List&lt;String&gt; sorted = MySorter.sortFooBar(list);
    	int firstBar = findFirst(sorted, item -&gt; item.startsWith(&quot;bar&quot;));
    	int lastBar = findLast(sorted, item -&gt; item.startsWith(&quot;bar&quot;));
    	if (firstBar &lt; 0 &amp;&amp; lastBar &lt; 0) return;
    	List&lt;String&gt; allFoos = sorted.subList(
    		Math.max(firstBar, 0),
    		lastBar &gt;= 0 ? lastBar + 1 : sorted.size()
    	Assertions.assertThat(allFoos).allMatch(item -&gt; item.startsWith(&quot;bar&quot;));
    Arbitrary&lt;String&gt; withFooBars() {
    	Arbitrary&lt;String&gt; postFix = Arbitraries.strings().alpha().ofMaxLength(10);
    	return Arbitraries.oneOf(
    		postFix, postFix.map(post -&gt; &quot;foo&quot; + post), postFix.map(post -&gt; &quot;bar&quot; + post)
    int findFirst(List&lt;String&gt; list, Predicate&lt;String&gt; condition) {
    	for (int i = 0; i &lt; list.size(); i++) {
    		String item = list.get(i);
    		if (condition.test(item)) {
    			return i;
    	return -1;
    int findLast(List&lt;String&gt; list, Predicate&lt;String&gt; condition) {
    	for (int i = list.size() - 1; i &gt;= 0; i--) {
    		String item = list.get(i);
    		if (condition.test(item)) {
    			return i;
    	return -1;

And this is a naive implementation that is consistent with the spec:

class MySorter {
static List&lt;String&gt; sortFooBar(List&lt;String&gt; in) {
ArrayList&lt;String&gt; result = new ArrayList&lt;&gt;();
int countFoos = 0;
for (String item : in) {
if (item.startsWith(&quot;foo&quot;)) {
result.add(0, item);
} else if (item.startsWith(&quot;bar&quot;)) {
result.add(result.size(), item);
} else {
result.add(countFoos, item);
return result;

In this example the code for the properties exceeds the amount of code for the implementation. This might be good or bad depending on how tricky the desired behaviour is.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年6月29日 13:30:44
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/62631791.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
