
huangapple go评论98阅读模式

RecyclerView scrollToPosition() puts the item on BOTTOM. How do I get it to TOP?


我有一个显示垂直字符串列表的 RecyclerView

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3
  5. 4
  6. ...

我正在使用函数 recyclerView.scrollToPosition(position); 跳转到某一行。然而,我想要跳转到的行实际上出现在视图的底部!

例如,如果我执行 recyclerView.scrollToPosition(17);,结果如下:

  1. 13
  2. 14
  3. 15
  4. 16
  5. 17 <--- 17 在底部(最后可见行)


  1. 17 <-- 17 在顶部(第一个可见行)
  2. 18
  3. 19
  4. 20
  5. 21



I have a RecyclerView that displays a vertical list of strings:

  1. Row0
  2. Row1
  3. Row2
  4. Row3
  5. Row4
  6. ...

I'm using the function recyclerView.scrollToPosition(position); to jump to a row. However, the row I want to jump to, ends up on the BOTTOM of the view!

For example if I do recyclerView.scrollToPosition(17); I get:

  1. Row13
  2. Row14
  3. Row15
  4. Row16
  5. Row17 <--- 17 is at bottom (last visible row)

What I want is:

  1. Row17 <-- 17 to be on top (first visible row)
  2. Row18
  3. Row19
  4. Row20
  5. Row21

How can I achieve this?


得分: 5


  1. LinearLayoutManager layoutManager = (LinearLayoutManager) recyclerView.getLayoutManager();
  2. if (layoutManager != null) {
  3. layoutManager.scrollToPositionWithOffset(position, 20);
  4. }


> 我该如何计算偏移量?我RecyclerView中的每一行高度都不同。而且我不知道如何测量它。


  1. layoutManager.scrollToPosition(position));
  2. int firstItemPosition = ((LinearLayoutManager) recyclerview.getLayoutManager())
  3. .findFirstCompletelyVisibleItemPosition();
  4. int lastItemPosition = ((LinearLayoutManager) recyclerview.getLayoutManager())
  5. .findLastCompletelyVisibleItemPosition();
  6. layoutManager.scrollToPositionWithOffset(position,
  7. Math.abs(lastItemPosition - firstItemPosition));

The default behavior of the .scrollToPosition() is to stop scrolling once the row you scroll to shows up on the screen. You can use scrollToPositionWithOffset() with a fixed offset, so that it sums up to the scroll value.

  1. LinearLayoutManager layoutManager = (LinearLayoutManager) recyclerView.getLayoutManager();
  2. if (layoutManager != null) {
  3. layoutManager.scrollToPositionWithOffset(position, 20);
  4. }


> how can I compute the offset value? Each row in my RecyclerView has a different height. Also I don't see how to measure it.

Now you can compute the difference between the first and last visible items on the screen and that will work only when the last visible item on the screen is current your item that you want to push to first.

  1. layoutManager.scrollToPosition(position));
  2. int firstItemPosition = ((LinearLayoutManager) recyclerview.getLayoutManager())
  3. .findFirstCompletelyVisibleItemPosition();
  4. int lastItemPosition = ((LinearLayoutManager) recyclerview.getLayoutManager())
  5. .findLastCompletelyVisibleItemPosition();
  6. layoutManager.scrollToPositionWithOffset(position,
  7. Math.abs(lastItemPosition - firstItemPosition));

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年6月29日 06:09:08
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