有人能解释一下什么是 SVN 二分算法吗?从理论上和通过代码片段。

huangapple go评论69阅读模式

Could someone explain what an SVN bisect algorithm is? Theoretically and through code snippet


我想了解什么是 SVN bisect / git-bisect 算法..我已经尝试在网上搜索资源,但无法获得清晰的问题陈述和解决方案。


I want to understand what an SVN bisect / git-bisect algorithm is..I have tried to search online resources but unable to get a good problem statement and solution.


得分: 1



  1. 存在特定的应用行为(为了简单起见,我们称之为“缺陷”),您希望找到其原因。
  2. 代码分析和调试需要太多的工作。
  3. 构建任何版本并针对其运行测试比代码分析和调试容易得多。
  4. 您知道过去的某个代码修订版没有此缺陷。





假设您告诉二分查找在R100中存在缺陷。然后,二分查找选择范围R0 - R100的中间版本。这将是修订版本R50。二分查找检出它。您构建并测试,并将结果告诉二分查找。



总共需要log(200) = 8个步骤。如果您要检查每个版本,您将构建并测试高达200个修订版本,这将花费更长时间。


git bisect start


git bisect bad


git bisect good R0


git bisect bad


git bisect good



Briefly, the idea of bisect is a binary search.

The idea of bisect is based on several assumptions:

  1. There is a particular application behaviour (for simplicity, let's call it "defect") and you want to find its reason.
  2. Code analysis and debugging needs too much efforts.
  3. Building any version and running tests against it is much easier than code analysis and debugging.
  4. You know some code revision in the past without this defect.

A straight forward approach is to build the previous revision and test if it has this defect. If has, then test one revision earlier. You continue until you find the revision that introduced this bug. You know all the changes in this commit. That's why it is easier to find what change exactly caused the defect. Also debugging can be much easier, because you can focus on (usually) a few changes.

But if the revision known to have no defect is 200 revisions in the past before the recent revision, you may need to repeat "build and test" procedure 200 times (if you have no luck).

Let's name the revision without defect R0, revision with defect R200.

Bisect allows to make it faster. You "tell" bisect what revision has defect and what revision has no defect. Then bisect calculate the number of commits between these revisions. In our case these are 200 commits. Bisect takes a revision that is 100 revisions before the revision with defect and checks it out. Means, it checks out revision R100. You build it and test. Then you "tell" bisect if this revision contains defect or not. If there is defect, then it means it was introduced between versions R0 and R100. If there is no defect, it means that defect was introduced later, after revision R100, between R100 and R200.

Suppose you told bisect there is defect in R100. Then bisect takes the middle of the range R0 - R100. This will be revision R50. Bisect checks it out. You build it and test and tell the result to bisect.

Suppose R50 has no defect. Means, it was introduced between revisions R50 and R 100. Bisect takes again the middle, revision R75. You build it and test.

Suppose R75 has defect. Means it was introduced between R50 and R75. Bisect checks out R63. Ans so on.

In total you need log(200) = 8 steps. If you would check every version, you would build and test up to 200 revisions, which would take much longer.

In case of Git, you first start bisect procedure with command

git bisect start

Then you check out revision with defect and run command

git bisect bad

Then you tell bisect what revision was without defect:

git bisect good R0

By this command Git bisect will find the middle, R100, and check it out. You build and test it and, if it contains defect, run command

git bisect bad

Otherwise command

git bisect good

And thus continue until you the revision found that introduced the defect.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年5月30日 13:13:59
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/62098128.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
