如何执行基本的Spring Boot应用安全配置。

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How to perform a basic Spring Boot application security




public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

	UserDetailsService userDetailsService ;

	protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {

	protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
			.antMatchers("/", "/users/**", "/aeds/**", "/events/**", "/reports/**", "/static/**").permitAll()
			.defaultSuccessUrl("/dashboard", true)

	public PasswordEncoder getPasswordEncoder() {
		return NoOpPasswordEncoder.getInstance();


  • GET端点:请注意,/users/**包含一些包含用户信息GET端点,我可以限制谁可以访问它们吗?

  • POST端点:我还发现一些通过使用JSON Web Token来保护POST的方法,这是最佳实践吗?





I'm looking forward to deploying my Spring Application on a production environment and i'd like to include some basic and solid security measures.

First things first, i extended WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter into my SecurityConfiguration.java

public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

	UserDetailsService userDetailsService ;
	protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub

	protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
    public PasswordEncoder getPasswordEncoder() {
        return NoOpPasswordEncoder.getInstance();


On a production environment CSRF should be enabled, although i don't handle any csrf tokens for now

  • GET Endpoints: Note that /users/** contains some GET endpoints containing User Information, can i apply limitations to who visits them?

  • POST Endpoints: I've also found some ways to secure POST by using
    a JSON Web Token , is it a best practice?

Spring also provides OAuth2.0 , RSA, LDAP, dependencies to enhance security.

Which one should i use? Does these prevent DDOS attacks as well as brute force attacks?

Do i have to make modifications in the application's deployment environment?


得分: 9

Spring Security提供了各种默认的安全攻击实现,以确保应用程序的安全性。


  1. 正如您所说,您已禁用了'CSRF令牌',这在您认为应用程序应该高度安全时是不好的。通常,大多数人在演示代码中禁用它,因为他们无法使用GET方法调用/logout URL,因为它要求您通过POST提交带有_csrf令牌的表单。很高兴您已在生产中照顾到了这一点。

  2. **会话固定攻击:**这是一种攻击类型,可以通过提供同一网站的URL并将JSESSIONID附加到URL中来窃取当前会话。Spring Security框架已默认处理此问题,并在用户登录后迁移会话。相应的配置如下:

  3. **保护会话Cookie:**恶意脚本可以从浏览器端读取您的Cookie信息,因此您需要确保您的Cookie是安全的,并且可以通过服务器端代码访问它们,方法是将它们设置为HttpOnly。为此,您可以在应用程序的application.properties中使用以下配置:

  4. **在Https上运行您的应用程序:**确保在生产中使用Https,而且在这种情况下,您可以通过在application.properties中添加以下配置来强制仅通过Https协议传输Cookie:



  5. **应用内容安全策略 (CSP):**用户内容安全策略,以避免任何XSS攻击。Spring Security默认提供了各种安全头。但它不会添加内容安全策略头,您可以在您的安全配置文件中添加它们,如下所示:

    public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
        protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
            http.headers().contentSecurityPolicy("script-src 'self' https://myclientscriptlocation.example.com; object-src https://myclientsideplugins.example.com; report-uri /cspreport-endpoint/");
  6. **密码哈希:**您的安全配置中未使用密码哈希。在将密码存储到数据库中时,您必须保持密码哈希化。

  7. **保护您的application.properties文件:**安全性不仅应该防御外部攻击,还应该防御内部攻击。例如,加密和解密数据库密码或其他配置密码。参考这里了解如何保护您的application.properties

GET端点:请注意,/users/** 包含一些GET端点,包含用户信息,我可以对访问它们的人应用限制吗?



POST端点:我也发现了一些通过使用JSON Web Token来保护POST的方法,这是最佳实践吗?

JWT主要用于RESTful Web服务。如果您的应用程序暴露REST端点并需要经过身份验证的访问,那么JWT是最佳选择。







.defaultSuccessUrl("/dashboard", true)

Spring Security provides various default security attack implementation to make sure the application is secured.

Since you asked to include some basic and solid security measures. Below are a few of my thoughts which can improve a bit.

  1. As you told, You have disabled 'CSRF token' which is not good when you think your application should be highly secured. Usually, most of the people disable(in demo code) because they won't be able to call /logout URL with the GET method as it requires you to submit it via POST with _csrf token. Good that you have taken care of in production.

  2. Session Fixation Attack: This is the type of attack where one can steal your current session by offering their URL of the same website and append JSESSIONID into URL, with the URL rewrite approach. Spring Security Framework has taken care of this by default and it migrates the session once the user logs in. The corresponding configuration would be -

  3. Securing session cookie: Malicious script can read your cookie information from the browser end so you need to make sure that your cookie is secured and are accessible by server-side code by making them HttpOnly. For that, you can use the below config in your application.properties -

  4. Running your app on Https: Make sure that you use https in production and also in that case you can force your cookies to travel over https protocol only by adding below config in your application.properties.


    and to force https connection add below lines in configure() method (this won't be enough though because you have to get your public/private key setup also using keytool)

  5. Applying CSP: User Content security policy to avoid any XSS attacks. Spring security by default provides various security headers. But it does not add Content security policy headers you can add them in your security config file like below

     public class WebSecurityConfig extends
     WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
     protected void configure(HttpSecurity http)
     throws Exception {
    'self' https://myclientscriptlocation.example.com; object-src
     https://myclientsideplugins.example.com; report-uri /cspreport-endpoint/");


  6. Password hashing: Which you are not using your security config. You have to keep password hashed while storing them into the database.

  7. Securing your application.properties' Security should be applied not only from outsiders, but it should also be protected from insiders as well. Like encryption and decryption of database passwords or any other config passwords. Follow here on how to secure your application properties.

> GET Endpoints: Note that /users/** contains some GET endpoints
> containing User Information, can I apply limitations to who visits
> them?

Yes, you can apply. But that depends on your requirement what you want here. One example that I can think of is, IP Address filtering. Like if you want only those users can access which are in the US or if you know the IP range of user etc.


> POST Endpoints: I've also found some ways to secure POST by using a
> JSON Web Token , is it a best practice?

JWT mostly used in RESTful web services. If your application is exposing rest endpoints and requires authenticated access then JWT is the best option.

> Spring also provides OAuth2.0, RSA, LDAP, dependencies to enhance
> security.

These are different ways of authentication and authorization. Some of them has multiple flows to do authentication and authorization but The same security factors would be applied to these when they are accessed by outside the users.

It totally depends on your project requirement whether you need them or not. For example, if you are developing an application for internal organization use where user/employee has everything set up at the organization level and you want everyone to access this application then LDAP integration is better.

OAuth2.0 is better when you have multiple microservices + you want any social login implementation like Login with Google or Login with Facebook then you can follow OAuth2.0 integration

> Does these prevent DDOS attacks as well as brute force attacks?

No. This should be taken care of by tuning various security parameters like limiting the session time, checking security headers, handling memory leaks, applying timeout for POST requests so that no one could post a huge request payload, etc. You have to do a bit of leg work to mitigate such security attacks.

PS: Remove permitAll() from security configuration.


  • 本文由 发表于 2020年5月30日 02:14:17
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/62092295.html



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