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difficulty adding to non static arraylist





public class Item {
    // ... (你的Item类的定义)

public class Basket {
    private ArrayList<Item> shoppingBasket;
    public Basket() {
        shoppingBasket = new ArrayList<>();
    public void addToBasket(int bar, String name, String type, String brand, String colour, String con, int quantity, float cost, String addi) {
        Item items = new Item(bar, name, type, brand, colour, con, quantity, cost, addi);



public class Basket {
    private ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> shoppingBasket;
    public Basket() {
        shoppingBasket = new ArrayList<>();
    public void addToBasket(int bar, String name, String type, String brand, String colour, String con, int quantity, float cost, String addi) {
        ArrayList<String> prod = new ArrayList<>();
        // ... (添加其他属性)


selectionModel.addListSelectionListener(new ListSelectionListener() {
    public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
        // ... (获取各个属性的值)
        Basket item = new Basket();
        item.addToBasket(bar, name, type, brand, colour, con, quantity, cost, addi);

提前感谢您的帮助 难以将元素添加到非静态ArrayList。


I am trying to add to an arraylist of arraylists. I have an arraylist called prod and 2d arraylist called shoppingBasket.

The main issue I have is that I want it to add several items to the basket (ie several prod lists to the list shoppingBasket) but instead of doing that it replaces the first item of the basket with the next (so there is only every one item in the basket).
I am fairly new to java and am not sure how to correct this.

I have also tried making another class 'item' then create objects from here then add to the arraylist as ArrayList<item>

public class Item {
	private int bar;
	private String name;
	private String type;
	private String brand;
	private String colour;
	private String con;
	private int quantity;
	private float cost;
	private String addi;
	public Item (int bar, String name, String type, String brand, String colour, String con, int quantity,float cost, String addi) {
		this.bar = bar;
		this.name = name;
		this.type = type;
		this.brand = brand;
		this.colour = colour;
		this.con = con;
		this.quantity = quantity;
		this.cost = cost;
		this.addi = addi;

  public class Basket {
	//arraylist for the shopping basket
	private ArrayList&lt;Item&gt; shoppingBasket;
	public Basket() {
		shoppingBasket = new ArrayList&lt;&gt;();
	//function adding items to the basket
	public void addToBasket(int bar, String name, String type, String brand, String colour, String con, int quantity, float cost, String addi) {
		 Item items = new Item (bar, name, type, brand, colour, con, quantity, cost, addi);

When I tried this method anad printed the arraylist to test, i would just show something like [Item@23455] and would still replace the item originally there instead of adding, plus i don't really understand how to do this properly so if anyone could explain that method to me (if it is easier to use than what i have already done) it would be greatly appreciated. Although I also would prefer if I didn't have to change my code too much.

The code in question:
Function in one class that adds an item to the basket.

public class Basket {
	//arraylist for the shopping basket
	private ArrayList&lt;ArrayList&lt;String&gt;&gt; shoppingBasket;
	public Basket() {
		shoppingBasket = new ArrayList&lt;&gt;();
	//function adding items to the basket
	public void addToBasket(int bar, String name, String type, String brand, String colour, String con, int quantity, float cost, String addi) {
		  ArrayList&lt;String&gt; prod = new ArrayList&lt;&gt;();
		  //adding one item to the basket shop.add(bar); shop.add(name);


n.b. the items are being added from a table using a listener in another table (each cell is a different variable):

selectionModel.addListSelectionListener(new ListSelectionListener() {
			public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
				int row = tableViewAll.getSelectedRow();
				viewAllModel=(DefaultTableModel) tableViewAll.getModel();
				int bar=Integer.parseInt(viewAllModel.getValueAt(row,0).toString());
				String name = viewAllModel.getValueAt(row,1).toString();
				String type = viewAllModel.getValueAt(row,2).toString();
				String brand = viewAllModel.getValueAt(row,3).toString();
				String colour= viewAllModel.getValueAt(row,4).toString();
				String con = viewAllModel.getValueAt(row,5).toString();
				int quantity=1;
				float cost=Float.parseFloat(viewAllModel.getValueAt(row,7).toString());
				String addi= viewAllModel.getValueAt(row,8).toString();
				Basket item = new Basket();
				item.addToBasket(bar, name, type, brand, colour, con, quantity, cost, addi);	

Thanks in advance 难以将元素添加到非静态ArrayList。


得分: 1


  1. Item不应该知道在Basket中有多少个它。在添加时应将其数量传递给篮子。因此,从Item中删除属性quantity
  2. 你需要一个Map而不是List,因为当篮子中的现有项目再次添加时,只应增加其数量。
class Basket {
    private Map<String, Integer> basket = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

    public void addToBasket(Item item, int quantity) {
        if (item != null) {
            String key = item.getName();
            basket.put(key, basket.getOrDefault(key, 0) + quantity);

    public void showBasket() {
        for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : basket.entrySet()) {
            System.out.println("Item = " + entry.getKey() + ", Quantity = " + entry.getValue());
  1. 每当调用valueChanged时,Basket都会被重置。将以下代码移到valueChanged之外,并将其放在类中而不是方法中。
Basket basket = new Basket();


Basket basket = new Basket();
selectionModel.addListSelectionListener(new ListSelectionListener() {
    public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
        int row = tableViewAll.getSelectedRow();
        viewAllModel = (DefaultTableModel) tableViewAll.getModel();
        int bar = Integer.parseInt(viewAllModel.getValueAt(row, 0).toString());
        String name = viewAllModel.getValueAt(row, 1).toString();
        String type = viewAllModel.getValueAt(row, 2).toString();
        String brand = viewAllModel.getValueAt(row, 3).toString();
        String colour = viewAllModel.getValueAt(row, 4).toString();
        String con = viewAllModel.getValueAt(row, 5).toString();
        float cost = Float.parseFloat(viewAllModel.getValueAt(row, 7).toString());
        String addi = viewAllModel.getValueAt(row, 8).toString();
        basket.addToBasket(new Item(bar, name, type, brand, colour, con, cost, addi), 1);    



Problems with your design/code & solution:

  1. An Item shouldn't know how many numbers of it is present in the Basket. Its number should be passed to the basket while adding it. So, remove the attribute, quantity from Item.
  2. You need a Map instead of a List because when an existing item in the basket is added again, only its quantity should increase.
class Basket {
	private Map&lt;String, Integer&gt; basket = new HashMap&lt;String, Integer&gt;();

	public void addToBasket(Item item, int quantity) {
		if (item != null) {
			String key = item.getName();
			basket.put(key, basket.getOrDefault(key, 0) + quantity);

	public void showBasket() {
		for (Entry&lt;String, Integer&gt; entry : basket.entrySet()) {
			System.out.println(&quot;Item = &quot; + entry.getKey() + &quot;, Quantity = &quot; + entry.getValue());
  1. The Basket is getting reset whenever valueChanged is invoked. Move the following code outside valueChanged and put it in the class instead of the method.
Basket item = new Basket();

It should be written like

Basket basket = new Basket();
selectionModel.addListSelectionListener(new ListSelectionListener() {
    public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {

        int row = tableViewAll.getSelectedRow();

        viewAllModel=(DefaultTableModel) tableViewAll.getModel();

        int bar=Integer.parseInt(viewAllModel.getValueAt(row,0).toString());
        String name = viewAllModel.getValueAt(row,1).toString();
        String type = viewAllModel.getValueAt(row,2).toString();
        String brand = viewAllModel.getValueAt(row,3).toString();
        String colour= viewAllModel.getValueAt(row,4).toString();
        String con = viewAllModel.getValueAt(row,5).toString();
        float cost=Float.parseFloat(viewAllModel.getValueAt(row,7).toString());
        String addi= viewAllModel.getValueAt(row,8).toString();
        basket.addToBasket(new Item(bar, name, type, brand, colour, con, cost, addi), 1);    

Once you will extend your UI to have an input field (textfield / dropdown) for quantity, you will get the quantity from the input field and pass the same to addToBasket instead of 1.


得分: 0

你在每次监听器中都在创建一个新的“Basket”:Basket item = new Basket();



You are creating a new Basket every time in your listener : Basket item = new Basket();
When you create a new instance everytime and you add an item there will be only one item in the "new" basket.

You need to create one instance (probably in your model) and use that instance to add the items.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年5月5日 01:58:03
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/61598640.html



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