使用Spring Data Rest和MongoDB更新特定字段

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Update Specific Fields with Spring Data Rest and MongoDB


我正在使用Spring Data MongoDB和Spring Data Rest来创建一个REST API,允许在我的MongoDB数据库上进行GET、POST、PUT和DELETE操作,除了更新操作(PUT)之外,一切都运行正常。只有当我在请求主体中发送完整对象时,它才起作用。


public class User {
    private String id;
    private String email;
    private String lastName;
    private String firstName;
    private String password;






I'm using Spring Data MongoDB and Spring Data Rest to create a REST API which allows GET, POST, PUT and DELETE operations on my MongoDB database and it's all working fine except for the update operations (PUT). It only works if I send the full object in the request body.

For example I have the following entity:

public class User {
    private String id;
    private String email;
    private String lastName;
    private String firstName;
    private String password;


To update the lastName field, I have to send all of the user object, including the password ! which is obviously very wrong.
If I only send the field to update, all the others are set to null in my database. I even tried to add a @NotNull constraints on those fields and now the update won't even happens unless I send all of the user object's fields.

I tried searching for a solution here but I only found the following post but with no solution: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38973231/how-to-update-particular-field-in-mongo-db-by-using-mongorepository-interface

Is there a way to implement this ?


得分: 2

Spring Data Rest 使用 Spring Data 存储库来通过 REST 调用自动检索和操作持久数据(请查看 https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/rest/docs/current/reference/html/#reference)。

在使用 Spring Data MongoDB 时,您有 MongoOperations 接口,该接口用作 Rest 端点的存储库。
然而,MongoOperations 目前不支持特定字段的更新!

附注:如果他们像 Spring Data JPA 中的 @DynamicUpdate 一样添加了这个功能,那将是很棒的。



  1. 我们将创建一个控制器,覆盖所有的 PUT 操作,以便我们可以实现自己的更新方法。
  2. 在更新方法内部,我们将使用具有更新特定字段能力的 MongoTemplate。


让我们首先将 org.reflections API 添加到项目依赖中,它允许我们获取所有带有特定注释(在我们的情况下是 @Document)的类:


然后创建一个名为 UpdateUtility 的新类,并添加以下方法,同时用您自己的包含实体的包替换 MODEL_PACKAGE 属性:

public class UpdateUtility {
    private static final String MODEL_PACKAGE = "com.mycompany.myproject.models";
    private static boolean initialized = false;
    private static HashMap<String, Class> classContext = new HashMap<>();

    private static void init() {
        if (!initialized) {
            Reflections reflections = new Reflections(MODEL_PACKAGE);
            Set<Class<?>> classes = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(Document.class); // 获取在指定包中用 @Document 注释的所有类

            for (Class<?> model : classes) {
                classContext.put(model.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(), model);
            initialized = true;

    public static Class getClassFromType(String type) throws Exception {
        if (classContext.containsKey(type)) {
            return classContext.get(type);
        } else {
            throw new Exception("Type " + type + " does not exist!");

例如:UpdateUtility.getClassFromType() 将返回 User.class


public class UpdateController {
    private MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;

    public Object update(@RequestBody HashMap<String, Object> fields,
                                 @PathVariable(name = "type") String type,
                                 @PathVariable(name = "id") String id) {
        try {
            Class classType = UpdatorUtility.getClassFromType(type); // 从请求中的类型获取域类
            Query query = new Query(Criteria.where("id").is(id)); // 使用给定的 ID 更新文档
            Update update = new Update();

            // 遍历发送的字段并将其添加到更新对象中
            Iterator iterator = fields.entrySet().iterator();
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                HashMap.Entry entry = (HashMap.Entry) iterator.next();
                String key = (String) entry.getKey();
                Object value = entry.getValue();
                update.set(key, value);

            mongoTemplate.updateFirst(query, update, classType); // 执行更新
            return mongoTemplate.findById(id, classType); // 返回更新后的文档
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // 处理您的异常


PUT http://MY-DOMAIN/user/MY-USER-ID { lastName: "My new last name" }



Spring Data Rest uses Spring Data repositories to automatically retrieve and manipulate persistent data using Rest calls (check out https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/rest/docs/current/reference/html/#reference).

When using Spring Data MongoDB, you have the MongoOperations interface which is used as a repository for your Rest endpoints.
However MongoOperations currently does not supports specific fields updates !

PS: It will be awesome if they add this feature like @DynamicUpdate in Spring Data JPA

But this doesn't mean it can be done, here's the workaround I did when I had this issue.

Firstly let me explain what we're going to do:

  1. We will create a controller which will override all the PUT operations so that we can implement our own update method.
  2. Inside that update method, we will use MongoTemplate which do have the ability to update specific fields.

N.B. We don't want to re-do these steps for each model in our application, so we will retrieve which model to update dynamically. In order to do that we will create a utility class. [This is optional]

Let's start by adding the org.reflections api to our project dependency which allows us to get all the classes which have a specific annotation (@Document in our case):


Then create a new class, called UpdateUtility and add the following methods and also replace the MODEL_PACKAGE attribute with your own package containing your entities:

public class UpdateUtility {

    private static final String MODEL_PACKAGE = &quot;com.mycompany.myproject.models&quot;;
    private static boolean initialized =  false;
    private static HashMap&lt;String, Class&gt; classContext = new HashMap&lt;&gt;();

    private static void init() {
        if(!initialized) {
            Reflections reflections = new Reflections(MODEL_PACKAGE);
            Set&lt;Class&lt;?&gt;&gt; classes = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(Document.class); // Get all the classes annotated with @Document in the specified package

            for(Class&lt;?&gt; model : classes) {
                classContext.put(model.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(), model);
            initialized = true;

    public static Class getClassFromType(String type) throws Exception{
        if(classContext.containsKey(type)) {
            return classContext.get(type);
        else {
            throw new Exception(&quot;Type &quot; + type + &quot; does not exists !&quot;);

Using this utility class we can retreive the model class to update from it's type.
E.g: UpdateUtility.getClassFromType() will returns User.class

Now let's create our controller:

public class UpdateController {

    private MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;

    public Object update(@RequestBody HashMap&lt;String, Object&gt; fields,
                                  @PathVariable(name = &quot;type&quot;) String type,
                                  @PathVariable(name = &quot;id&quot;) String id) {
        try {
            Class classType = UpdatorUtility.getClassFromType(type); // Get the domain class from the type in the request
            Query query = new Query(Criteria.where(&quot;id&quot;).is(id)); // Update the document with the given ID
            Update update = new Update();

            // Iterate over the send fields and add them to the update object
            Iterator iterator = fields.entrySet().iterator();
            while(iterator.hasNext()) {
                HashMap.Entry entry = (HashMap.Entry) iterator.next();
                String key = (String) entry.getKey();
                Object value = entry.getValue();
                update.set(key, value);

            mongoTemplate.updateFirst(query, update, classType); // Do the update
            return mongoTemplate.findById(id, classType); // Return the updated document
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Handle your exception

Now we're able to update the specified fields without changing the calls.
So in your case, the call would be:

PUT http://MY-DOMAIN/user/MY-USER-ID { lastName: &quot;My new last name&quot; }

PS: You can improve it by adding the possibility to update specific field in a nested objects...

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年5月4日 20:51:42
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/61592630.html



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