Can you get IndexOutOfBoundException when the array list you are trying to iterate over is too large? Or is there something wrong with my loops?

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Can you get IndexOutOfBoundException when the array list you are trying to iterate over is too large? Or is there something wrong with my loops?




	public String filterOrder() throws SQLException{	
		ArrayList<OrderDetails> od = this.getOrderDetails("orderdetails");
		ArrayList<orders> ord = this.getOrders();
		Map<Integer, Double> map = new HashMap<Integer, Double>();
		StringBuffer filter = new StringBuffer();
		for(int i=0; i<=ord.size(); i++) {
			double tmp = 0;
			for(int j=0; j<=od.size(); j++) {
				if(ord.get(i).getOrderNumber() == od.get(j).getOrderNumber()) {
					tmp = tmp + (od.get(j).getPriceEach() * od.get(j).getQuantityOrdered());
				map.put(ord.get(i).getOrderNumber(), tmp);
		for(Entry<Integer, Double> entry: map.entrySet()) {
			if(entry.getValue() > 5000) {
				filter.append(entry.getKey() + "的总价值为:$ " + Math.round(entry.getValue() * 100) / 100.0 + "\n");
		return filter.toString();

关于数组列表(od和ord)的背景:我使用的这两个ArrayList(od和ord)包含来自两个SQL表的对象,每个对象存储在它们各自的表中对应的一行/元组。表"orderdetails"包含5990行,因此ArrayList "od" 包含5590个元素。表"orders"包含650行,因此ArrayList "ord"包含650个元素。当我提前终止循环(在数组列表的最后一个条目之前结束迭代),我得到了一些预期的结果。只是当我遍历整个数组列表时,我会收到异常。


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 2996, Size: 2996
	at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.ArrayList.get(Unknown Source)
	at com1028_coursework_sl01586.BaseQuery.filterOrder(
	at com1028_coursework_sl01586.QueryTest.main(



I am trying to iterate over an arraylist with a least a couple thousands of entries in it. But I was given an IndexOutOfBoundEcxception instead. I&#39;ve checked my iterative loops and can&#39;t really see anything wrong with it (I&#39;m sure that I&#39;m not trying to reach anything outside of the arraylist).  Is there something wrong with my nested for loop or is it that the arraylist I&#39;m trying to traverse over is just too big?

public String filterOrder() throws SQLException{	
	ArrayList&lt;OrderDetails&gt;od= this.getOrderDetails(&quot;orderdetails&quot;);
	Map&lt;Integer,Double&gt;map=new HashMap&lt;Integer,Double&gt;();
	StringBuffer filter=new StringBuffer();
	for(int i=0;i&lt;=ord.size();i++) {
		double tmp=0;
		for(int j=0; j&lt;=od.size();j++) {
			if(ord.get(i).getOrderNumber()==od.get(j).getOrderNumber()) {
			map.put(ord.get(i).getOrderNumber(), tmp);
		for(Entry&lt;Integer, Double&gt; entry: map.entrySet()) {
			if(entry.getValue()&gt;5000) {
				filter.append(entry.getKey()+&quot; has a total value of : $ &quot;+Math.round(entry.getValue()*100)/100.0+&quot;\n&quot;);
		return filter.toString();



 context: The two arraylists I used (od and ord) contains objects from two SQL tables, and each objects stored within each of them corresponds to one row/tuple from their respective table. The table &quot;orderdetails&quot; contains 5990 rows, so the arraylist &quot;od&quot; contains 5590 elements. The table &quot;orders&quot; contains 650 rows, so the arraylist &quot;ord&quot; contains 650 elements. When I terminate the loops prematurely(setting the iteration to end way before the last entry of the arraylist), some of the result I expected did come out. It&#39;s just that when I iterate over the entire arraylist I get the exception. 

The exception message I got from my console goes as follow:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 2996, Size: 2996
at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(Unknown Source)
at java.util.ArrayList.get(Unknown Source)
at com1028_coursework_sl01586.BaseQuery.filterOrder(
at com1028_coursework_sl01586.QueryTest.main(

What could be the problem? My loops or the arraylist being too big?


# 答案1
**得分**: 2



size() gives you one greater than the maximum allowed index. You should use &lt; not &lt;= in your conditions. Think about a list with one item in it: the size is 1 but there is only an item at index 0, and nothing at index 1.


  • 本文由 发表于 2020年5月3日 17:59:40
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