如何从外部目录的 JAR 文件创建一个 Bean

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How to create a bean from a jar in external directory








I have a basic spring application that simply loads a bean and thats it. I know that within the project I can use the annotation @Component within a class to mark it as a bean and the spring application will find it and act accordingly.

However, I am currently trying to place the component in a jar i.e. plugin.jar in the external directory /Users/me/plugin.jar. I am at a lost for how to get spring to search within that jar for an annotated class instead of the local package. Is this even possible?

I want to be able to load the bean from the jar without the jar being included in the class-path but rather by searching the directory for the jar and dynamically creating the bean based on whatever Jar is in there.

I have used Java reflection and a URLClassLoader for dynamically loading classes from the jar but cannot figure out how to do the same thing in Spring. Any help or direction on how to get started is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Additional Info:
The spring application is meant to be designed so that while it is running, it scans a designated directory for any jars, if it finds a jar it creates a bean from one of classes inside. I cannot find out how to get the spring application to search scan a specified directory for jars to use as components. Everything I find simply references classes within the project.


得分: 1

你可以创建一个配置(Configuration),在其中从外部 jar 包初始化所需的 bean。

public class AppConfig {

    public MyBean myBean() {
        return new YourExternalClassName();


You can create a Configuration where you initiate the required bean from external jar.

    public class AppConfig {
    	public MyBean myBean() {
    		return new YourExternalClassName();


得分: 0


public class Config { }

你也可以在外部 JAR 中定义一个元注解:

public @interface EnableExternalFoo { }


public class Config { }

Use the @ComponentScan annotation on a configuration class, and specify your external component's package:

public class Config { }

You can also define a meta annotion in your external jar:

public @interface EnableExternalFoo { }

And apply this to a configuration class:

public class Config { }


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如果您的 plugin.jar 是一个带有 @Component 注解的 Spring 项目,您只需扫描该包:

@ComponentScan(basePackages = {"com.exp"}, basePackageClasses = DependencyBasePackageClass.class)

package com.exp;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class ExpBean {

如果该 bean 只是 external.jar 中的一个类,您可以创建一个工厂或将其作为单例,并将其用作 Bean。


If your plugin.jar is a Spring project with @Component, you can just scan the package:

@ComponentScan(basePackages = {"com.exp"}, basePackageClasses = DependencyBasePackageClass.class)

package com.exp;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class ExpBean {

If the bean is just a class in the external.jar, you can create Factory or Singleton it and use it as a Bean.


得分: 0


由于您使用的是Spring Boot,这意味着您使用Maven或Gradle作为构建工具。

  • 将该JAR定义为Maven/Gradle构件
  • 将其推送到您的存储库(如果使用,可以是本地和中央存储库)
  • 在应用程序的pom.xml/build.gradle的依赖项中声明该JAR


public class ExternalBeanConfig {

    public Foo foo() {
        return new Foo();


> However, I am currently trying to place the component in a jar i.e.
> plugin.jar in the external directory /Users/me/plugin.jar. I am at a
> lost for how to get spring to search within that jar for an annotated
> class instead of the local package. Is this even possible?

You could add the JAR in the classpath of the application at runtime. But the problem is that at compile time you also need to have the jar as a compilation dependency.
Since you use Spring Boot, it means that you use Maven or Gradle as build tool.
In that case, you don't have to use local directories to specify your external jars otherwise your builds will be reproducible only on your machine and in a very specific state of your machine (the jar has to be in the specified directory). You don't want to defeat the build tool advantages.
A more robust way would be to apply the maven/gradle way :

  • define that jar as a maven/gradle artifact
  • push it to your repo (local and central if you use that)
  • declare the jar in the dependencies of the pom.xml/build.gradle of your application

Then in your application you can declare a bean of the Foo class defining in the JAR such as :

public class ExternalBeanConfig {

        public Foo foo() {
            return new Foo();


  • 本文由 发表于 2020年5月2日 14:20:25
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/61555307.html



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