
huangapple go评论68阅读模式

Flyweight Pattern in Java


我在链接中看到了享元模式(FlyWeight Pattern)的描述。在提供的示例中,我相信只会创建2个玩家对象的实现。难道不会在每次创建玩家对象时覆盖武器变量吗?


I came across FlyWeight Pattern described in the link. In the example provided , I believe only 2 implementations of player objects will be created. Wouldn't the weapons variable be overridden each time a player object is created?


得分: 1

在Geeks for Geeks的作者提供的示例类图中:









Java代码可以在Geeks For Geeks上找到。


In the example class diagram given by the Geeks for Geeks author


If I understand this correctly, the game creates one instance of Terrorist, one instance of CounterTerrorist, and n instances of Player created by the PlayerFactory.

The code reflects the diagram. Terrorist and CounterTerrorist implement the Player interface.

Each Player instance created by the PlayerFactory uses the information from the Terrorist or CounterTerrorist instance, depending on which side the player is on. Since there's a Player instance for each player (Usually 10 in CounterStrike, 5 on each side), there's no confusion as to which player is which.

The CounterStrike class manages the Map created by the PlayerFactory.

This simple real-world example minimizes the duplication that would occur if there were just n Player instances. Each Player instance would have to hold the information for both a terrorist and a counter-terrorist.

By creating one instance of Terrorist, one instance of CounterTerrorist, and sharing those instances with the Player instances, the total amount of storage for the game fields is reduced.

The game code is probably easier to debug and manage as well.

The Java code can be found on Geeks For Geeks.


得分: 1


// ...(略去开头的说明)

public class CounterStrike
    public enum PlayerType{


        private final String task;

        PlayerType(String task){
            this.task = task;

        String getTask(){ return task; }

    public enum Weapon {

        AK47("AK-47"), MAVERICK("Maverick"), GUT_KNIFE("Gut Knife"), DESERT_EAGLE("Desert Eagle");

        private final String name;

        Weapon(String name) {  this.name = name; }

        String getName(){ return name; }

        public String toString() { return name; }

    public static void main(String args[])
        List<Player> players = new ArrayList<>();

        System.out.println("-------  玩家构造  ----------------");
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            Player p = PlayerFactory.getPlayer(getRandPlayerType(), getRandWeapon()) ;
            System.out.println("创建了:" + p);

        System.out.println("-------  打印所有玩家 ----------------");
        for(Player p : players) {  System.out.println(p);  }

    public static PlayerType getRandPlayerType()
        int randInt =  new Random().nextInt(PlayerType.values().length);
        return PlayerType.values()[randInt];

    public static Weapon getRandWeapon()
        int randInt =  new Random().nextInt(Weapon.values().length);
        return Weapon.values()[randInt];

class PlayerFactory
    private static HashMap<Weapon, Player> terrorists =  new HashMap<>();
    private static HashMap<Weapon, Player> cTerrorists =  new HashMap<>();

    static Player getPlayer(PlayerType type, Weapon weapon) {

        return type == PlayerType.TERRORIST ? getTerrorist(weapon) : getCounterTerrorist(weapon);

    private static Player getTerrorist(Weapon weapon)
        Player p = null;

        if (terrorists.containsKey(weapon)) {
            p = terrorists.get(weapon);
        } else{
            p = new Player(PlayerType.TERRORIST, weapon);
        terrorists.put(weapon, p);
        return p;

    private static Player getCounterTerrorist(Weapon weapon)
        Player p = null;

        if (cTerrorists.containsKey(weapon)) {
            p = cTerrorists.get(weapon);
        } else{
            p = new Player(PlayerType.COUNTER_TERRORIST, weapon);
        cTerrorists.put(weapon, p);
        return p;

class Player
    private final Weapon weapon;
    private final PlayerType type;

    Player(PlayerType type, Weapon weapon) {
        this.type = type;
        this.weapon = weapon;

    Weapon getWeapon() { return weapon; }

    PlayerType getType() {return type; }

    String getTask() {  return type.getTask(); }

    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(type == PlayerType.TERRORIST ? "Terrorist" : "Counter Terrorist" );
        sb.append(" 携带武器:").append(weapon).append(". 任务:").append(type.getTask());
        return sb.toString();



The code as posted on Geeks For Geeks constructs only two mutable objects. <br/>
As can be expected, each time PlayerFactory returns a player, it overrides the weapon of one of the two objects. <br/>
This can be demonstrated easily:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
public class CounterStrike
private static String[] playerType = {&quot;Terrorist&quot;, &quot;CounterTerrorist&quot;};
private static String[] weapons = {&quot;AK-47&quot;, &quot;Maverick&quot;, &quot;Gut Knife&quot;, &quot;Desert Eagle&quot;};
public static void main(String args[])
List&lt;Player&gt; players = new ArrayList&lt;&gt;();
System.out.println(&quot;-------  Construction of Players  ----------------&quot;);
for (int i = 0; i &lt; 10; i++)
Player p = PlayerFactory.getPlayer(getRandPlayerType());
System.out.println(&quot;-------  Printout all players ----------------&quot;);
for(Player p : players) {
public static String getRandPlayerType()
// Will return 0 or 1
int randInt =  new Random().nextInt(playerType.length);
return playerType[randInt];
public static String getRandWeapon()
// Will return an integer between 0 inclusive and 5 exclusive
int randInt = new Random().nextInt(weapons.length);
return weapons[randInt];
interface Player
void assignWeapon(String weapon);
void mission();
class Terrorist implements Player
private final String TASK;
private String weapon;
public Terrorist()
TASK = &quot;PLANT A BOMB&quot;;
public void assignWeapon(String weapon)
this.weapon = weapon;
public void mission()
System.out.println(&quot;Terrorist with weapon &quot; + weapon + &quot;|&quot; + &quot; Task is &quot; + TASK);
class CounterTerrorist implements Player
private final String TASK;
private String weapon;
public CounterTerrorist()
TASK = &quot;DIFFUSE BOMB&quot;;
public void assignWeapon(String weapon)
this.weapon = weapon;
public void mission()
System.out.println(&quot;Counter Terrorist with weapon &quot;+ weapon + &quot;|&quot; + &quot; Task is &quot; + TASK);
class PlayerFactory
private static HashMap &lt;String, Player&gt; hm =  new HashMap&lt;&gt;();
public static Player getPlayer(String type)
Player p = null;
if (hm.containsKey(type)) {
p = hm.get(type);
} else
case &quot;Terrorist&quot;:
p = new Terrorist();
case &quot;CounterTerrorist&quot;:
p = new CounterTerrorist();
default :
System.out.println(&quot;Unreachable code!&quot;);
hm.put(type, p);
return p;

The output shows that all Terrorist have the last applied weapon (Maverick) and all CT an AK-47:

Edit: I did not explore this design pattern, but I must say I am not impressed by the code posted in Geeks For Geeks.<br/>
From what I see in other examples the extrinsic attributes need to be managed by the factory. <br/>
In this case I guess the factory should have a map for terrorist and a map for CT where the key is the weapon:

public class CounterStrike
//better use enums
private static String[] playerType = {&quot;Terrorist&quot;, &quot;CounterTerrorist&quot;};
private static String[] weapons = {&quot;AK-47&quot;, &quot;Maverick&quot;, &quot;Gut Knife&quot;, &quot;Desert Eagle&quot;};
public static void main(String args[])
List&lt;Player&gt; players = new ArrayList&lt;&gt;();
System.out.println(&quot;-------  Construction of Players  ----------------&quot;);
for (int i = 0; i &lt; 10; i++)
String type = getRandPlayerType();
Player p = type.equals(playerType[0]) ?  PlayerFactory.getTerrorist(getRandWeapon()) :
PlayerFactory.getCoubterTerrorist(getRandWeapon()) ;
System.out.println(&quot;-------  Printout all players ----------------&quot;);
for(Player p : players) {
public static String getRandPlayerType()
// Will return 0 or 1
int randInt =  new Random().nextInt(playerType.length);
return playerType[randInt];
public static String getRandWeapon()
// Will return an integer between 0 inclusive and 5 exclusive
int randInt = new Random().nextInt(weapons.length);
return weapons[randInt];
class PlayerFactory
private static HashMap &lt;String, Player&gt; terrorists =  new HashMap&lt;&gt;();
private static HashMap &lt;String, Player&gt; cTerrorists =  new HashMap&lt;&gt;();
public static Player getTerrorist(String weapon)
Player p = null;
if (terrorists.containsKey(weapon)) {
p = terrorists.get(weapon);
} else{
p = new Terrorist(weapon);
terrorists.put(weapon, p);
return p;
public static Player getCoubterTerrorist(String weapon)
Player p = null;
if (cTerrorists.containsKey(weapon)) {
p = cTerrorists.get(weapon);
} else{
p = new CounterTerrorist(weapon);
cTerrorists.put(weapon, p);
return p;
interface Player
void mission();
class Terrorist implements Player
private final String TASK;
private String weapon;
public Terrorist(String weapon)
this.weapon = weapon;
TASK = &quot;PLANT A BOMB&quot;;
public void mission()
System.out.println(&quot;Terrorist with weapon &quot; + weapon + &quot;|&quot; + &quot; Task is &quot; + TASK);
class CounterTerrorist implements Player
private final String TASK;
private String weapon;
public CounterTerrorist(String weapon)
this.weapon = weapon;
TASK = &quot;DIFFUSE BOMB&quot;;
public void mission()
System.out.println(&quot;Counter Terrorist with weapon &quot;+ weapon + &quot;|&quot; + &quot; Task is &quot; + TASK);

We can improve the implementation by using enums, and making the player type an intrinsic attribute, rather than a class:

public class CounterStrike
public enum PlayerType{
private final String task;
PlayerType(String task){
this.task = task;
String getTask(){ return task; 	}
public enum Weapon {
AK47(&quot;AK-47&quot;), MAVERICK(&quot;Maverick&quot;), GUT_KNIFE(&quot;Gut Knife&quot;), DESERT_EAGLE(&quot;Desert Eagle&quot;);
private final String name;
Weapon(String name) { 	this.name = name; 	}
String getName(){ return name; 	}
public String toString() { return name; }
public static void main(String args[])
List&lt;Player&gt; players = new ArrayList&lt;&gt;();
System.out.println(&quot;-------  Construction of Players  ----------------&quot;);
for (int i = 0; i &lt; 10; i++)
Player p = PlayerFactory.getPlayer(getRandPlayerType(), getRandWeapon()) ;
System.out.println(&quot;Created: &quot;+ p);
System.out.println(&quot;-------  Printout all players ----------------&quot;);
for(Player p : players) { 	System.out.println(p); 	}
public static PlayerType getRandPlayerType()
int randInt =  new Random().nextInt(PlayerType.values().length);
return PlayerType.values()[randInt];
public static Weapon getRandWeapon()
int randInt =  new Random().nextInt(Weapon.values().length);
return Weapon.values()[randInt];
class PlayerFactory
private static HashMap &lt;Weapon, Player&gt; terrorists =  new HashMap&lt;&gt;();
private static HashMap &lt;Weapon, Player&gt; cTerrorists =  new HashMap&lt;&gt;();
static Player getPlayer(PlayerType type, Weapon weapon) {
return type == PlayerType.TERRORIST ? getTerrorist(weapon) : getCounterTerrorist(weapon);
private static Player getTerrorist(Weapon weapon)
Player p = null;
if (terrorists.containsKey(weapon)) {
p = terrorists.get(weapon);
} else{
p = new Player(PlayerType.TERRORIST, weapon);
terrorists.put(weapon, p);
return p;
private static Player getCounterTerrorist(Weapon weapon)
Player p = null;
if (cTerrorists.containsKey(weapon)) {
p = cTerrorists.get(weapon);
} else{
p = new Player(PlayerType.COUNTER_TERRORIST, weapon);
cTerrorists.put(weapon, p);
return p;
class Player
private final Weapon weapon;
private final PlayerType type;
Player(PlayerType type, Weapon weapon) {
this.type = type;
this.weapon = weapon;
Weapon getWeapon() { return weapon; }
PlayerType getType() {return type; }
String getTask() { 	return type.getTask(); }
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(type == PlayerType.TERRORIST ? &quot;Terrorist&quot; : &quot;Counter Terrorist&quot; );
sb.append(&quot; armed with &quot;).append(weapon).append(&quot;. Task: &quot;).append(type.getTask());
return sb.toString();

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年5月2日 12:34:20
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/61554507.html



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