
huangapple go评论63阅读模式

Return enum array for a list of given strings contained in the enum using streams


public enum SomeEnum {

  STRING1("some value"),
  STRING2("some other value"),
  STRING3("some third value");
  ...more strings...

  private String name;

  SomeEnum(String name) {
    this.name = name;

  public String toString() {
    return name;

// ...

List<String> someStringList = ...; // Your list of strings

List<SomeEnum> enumList = someStringList.stream()
    .map(s -> Stream.of(SomeEnum.values())
                   .filter(w -> w.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(s))

Please note that the provided code is a translation of the original Java code you provided. Make sure to replace the placeholders with actual code as needed.


I have an Enum of Strings like this:

public enum SomeEnum {

  STRING1(&quot;some value&quot;),
  STRING2(&quot;some other value&quot;);
  STRING3(&quot;some third value&quot;);
  ...more strings...

  private String name;

  SomeEnum(String name) {
    this.name = name;

  public String toString() {
    return name;

And I have a List<String> someStringList containing some Strings.

I want to iterate over someStringList and find the corresponding enums for it.

For example: The List contains the Strings "some value" and "some third value", then I would like to use the Java Stream-API to return me a List<SomeEnum> containing SomeEnum.STRING1 and SomeEnum.STRING3

Somehow I can't get this to work. I tried something like this:

    List&lt;SomeEnum&gt; enumList = Stream.of(someStringList).forEach( s -&gt; Stream.of(SomeEnum.values()).filter(w -&gt; w.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(s)).collect(Collectors.toList()));

but this doesn't compile because it doesn't return anything. Any ideas?


得分: 1


Map<String, SomeEnum> map =
    Arrays.stream(SomeEnum.values()).collect(toMap(SomeEnum::toString, s -> s));



List<SomeEnum> enumList = someStringList.stream().map(map::get).collect(toList());



Build a map from the string to the corresponding SomeEnum value:

Map&lt;String, SomeEnum&gt; map = 
    Arrays.stream(SomeEnum.values()).collect(toMap(SomeEnum::toString, s -&gt; s));

(This can be done once and stored)

Then you can look up in this:

List&lt;SomeEnum&gt; enumList = someStringList.stream().map(map::get).collect(toList());

(You may or may not want to handle the case where a string isn't found in the map: for example, you could throw an exception, or drop such elements).


得分: 1

在你的 SomeEnum 中,你可以构建一个从字符串名称到枚举的 Map<String, SomeEnum>,并在类加载时初始化它。然后在你的 SomeEnum 中声明一个名为 fromString 的公共静态方法,该方法根据给定的字符串返回枚举常量(如果存在)。

private static final Map<String, SomeEnum> stringToEnum = Arrays.stream(values())
    .collect(Collectors.toMap(SomeEnum::toString, e -> e));

public static SomeEnum fromString(String name) {
    return stringToEnum.get(name);


List<SomeEnum> enumList = someStringList.stream()

In your SomeEnum you can build a Map&lt;String, SomeEnum&gt; from string name to enum and initialize it during class loading time. Then declare a public static method in your SomeEnum named fromString which returns an enum constant for a given string if one exists.

private static final Map&lt;String, SomeEnum&gt; stringToEnum = Arrays.stream(values())
	.collect(Collectors.toMap(SomeEnum::toString, e -&gt; e));

public static SomeEnum fromString(String name) {
	return stringToEnum.get(name);

Then use it in your client code. Here's how it looks.

List&lt;SomeEnum&gt; enumList = someStringList.stream()

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年4月9日 21:16:30
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/61122061.html



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