美国境内哪些短时区标识在Java ZoneId中无法识别?

huangapple go评论94阅读模式

What short timezone ids in the US are not recognized by Java ZoneId?




我猜情况是我需要问:“根据哪个标准来定义合法的短时区标识?” 例如,我刚刚发现我们有一些记录的时区标识是“AKST”,对应阿拉斯加标准时间。Java的ZoneId类不识别它。



I have some code that reads a short timezone id from a record and passes it through this:

  1. ZoneId.of(ZoneId.SHORT_IDS.get(place.getTz()))

I don't have control over what timezone ids are used, but I was under the impression that it would always be a legal short timezone id.

I guess the situation is that I needed to ask "a legal short timezone id according to WHICH STANDARD?" For instance, I just discovered that we have records with a timezone id of "AKST", which corresponds to Alaska standard time. The Java ZoneId class doesn't recognize this.

My workaround will be to manually construct the ZoneId for the timezone ids in the US that I know I will need to support, but which I know ZoneId does not support. My list is now one entry long. Are there any other "standard" (whatever that means) short timezone ids that ZoneId does not support?


得分: 1

The only "short IDs" that are supported are the ones listed in the Java docs:

  1. EST - -05:00
  2. HST - -10:00
  3. MST - -07:00
  4. ACT - Australia/Darwin
  5. AET - Australia/Sydney
  6. AGT - America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires
  7. ART - Africa/Cairo
  8. AST - America/Anchorage
  9. BET - America/Sao_Paulo
  10. BST - Asia/Dhaka
  11. CAT - Africa/Harare
  12. CNT - America/St_Johns
  13. CST - America/Chicago
  14. CTT - Asia/Shanghai
  15. EAT - Africa/Addis_Ababa
  16. ECT - Europe/Paris
  17. IET - America/Indiana/Indianapolis
  18. IST - Asia/Kolkata
  19. JST - Asia/Tokyo
  20. MIT - Pacific/Apia
  21. NET - Asia/Yerevan
  22. NST - Pacific/Auckland
  23. PLT - Asia/Karachi
  24. PNT - America/Phoenix
  25. PRT - America/Puerto_Rico
  26. PST - America/Los_Angeles
  27. SST - Pacific/Guadalcanal
  28. VST - Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh

"AKST" may be an English time zone abbreviation used by some, but it is not a "Short ID" supported by the Java Time API.

Keep in mind that the mere idea of a "Short ID" is for backwards compatibility with older Java applications where these were already in use. Generally speaking, it's not a great idea to use a few letters to identify a time zone. There are just too many ambiguities. For example, though "CST" stands for "Central Standard Time" and is mapped to America/Chicago on this list, it also stands for "Cuba Standard Time" (America/Havana) and "China Standard Time" (Asia/Shanghai) - neither of which are mapped here.


The only "short IDs" that are supported are the ones listed in the Java docs:

  1. EST - -05:00
  2. HST - -10:00
  3. MST - -07:00
  4. ACT - Australia/Darwin
  5. AET - Australia/Sydney
  6. AGT - America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires
  7. ART - Africa/Cairo
  8. AST - America/Anchorage
  9. BET - America/Sao_Paulo
  10. BST - Asia/Dhaka
  11. CAT - Africa/Harare
  12. CNT - America/St_Johns
  13. CST - America/Chicago
  14. CTT - Asia/Shanghai
  15. EAT - Africa/Addis_Ababa
  16. ECT - Europe/Paris
  17. IET - America/Indiana/Indianapolis
  18. IST - Asia/Kolkata
  19. JST - Asia/Tokyo
  20. MIT - Pacific/Apia
  21. NET - Asia/Yerevan
  22. NST - Pacific/Auckland
  23. PLT - Asia/Karachi
  24. PNT - America/Phoenix
  25. PRT - America/Puerto_Rico
  26. PST - America/Los_Angeles
  27. SST - Pacific/Guadalcanal
  28. VST - Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh

"AKST" may be an English time zone abbreviation used by some, but it is not a "Short ID" supported by the Java Time API.

Keep in mind that the mere idea of a "Short ID" is for backwards compatibility with older Java applications where these were already in use. Generally speaking, it's not a great idea to use a few letters to identify a time zone. There are just too many ambiguities. For example, though "CST" stands for "Central Standard Time" and is mapped to America/Chicago on this list, it also stands for "Cuba Standard Time" (America/Havana) and "China Standard Time" (Asia/Shanghai) - neither of which are mapped here.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年4月9日 07:38:21
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/61111712.html



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